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Dec. 7th, 2008


What's your favorite Christmas memory?


Filtered against baddies

This is ridiculous.

I need someone who can track a scent. Anyone. Can someone please help me? It's the last day, and I'm pretty sure we can find Hermione if someone can track her and the smell of people who wrote the note.

Dec. 5th, 2008


Filtered against baddies.


[ooc: he was so angry that he just didn't finish. expect many of his responses to be that way!]

Dec. 6th, 2008


Some people aren’t very good at games, and there are instances when I wonder if they’re even trying at all. Do they even care that every hour brings them one step closer to losing? I mean, don’t they know that if they fail, someone is going to suffer for it, somebody who can’t even play the game properly because she finds it too difficult to move?

I have a feeling we're going to have to put the kitty down. She's not doing so well.

Dec. 4th, 2008


Filtered against baddies.

I get it, all right? I've been a foul git in the past. I've been rude and obnoxious and all sorts of rubbish to other people and that's just the beginning of it. So if the world wants to punish me for the way that I've behaved, then fine, do it. But not like this. Not by kidnapping my bloody girlfriend and taking her away.

Punish me. Leave Hermione alone.

I can't...thing's were just starting to go right for us, yeah?

I want her back. And I know that going about here and whining about it all isn't doing anyone any good, but I've been searching the city like mad and I'm tired. I'm bloody well exhausted. I can't eat or sleep or even breathe half the time. And Merlin knows I've screamed my throat hoarse and I've punched in so many walls that I can't even feel my hands anymore.

I don't want anyone's sympathy. I just want answers. If you've heard anything about a girl with curly brown hair and eyes having been nabbed off the streets, tell me. I don't care if it's just been talk or whispers or whatever the bloody hell you want to call it. Tell me.

Dec. 2nd, 2008


Filtered against baddies.

I hate having to just wait for something rotten to happen to me.

Dec. 3rd, 2008


When we find you, I'm going to make you wish you were never born, created, turned, made, or whatever the bloody hell it is that made you, you filthy, disgusting, childish, pathetic excuses for creatures.

[Filtered to Family/Friends/Allies]
...there was a parcel found outside. It's Hermione's wand. I don't know what to do...they're hurting her.

Four days. That's all we have.

Dec. 1st, 2008


Fred, check the kitchen. Don't say I've never done anything for you.

Have you heard anything about Hermione yet? I haven't been able to find anything.


Bollo just want whoever took Hermione to know when I find him I'm gonna rip is head off, k?

And if someone else find im I'm gonna come and do it anyway.

Nov. 29th, 2008




I was watching this movie today on TV and all of a sudden there were these people snogging and taking off their clothes and such. I saw bits and pieces of a bloke that I'd usually prefer to avoid looking at, but the bird was all right. Least until they started shagging in all these awkward angles and yeah.

Reminded me a bit of the magazines that Fred and George kept under their beds. Except this was by far more disturbing. And a tad bit entertaining at the same time.

Nov. 27th, 2008


Filtered Against Bad Guys

I miss Crookshanks.

Nov. 25th, 2008


filtered against baddies.

if anything else life-threatening or severely painful is gonna happen, can we just get it all over with at once? don't string me along here, keep it coming.


Filtered against Bollo/Naboo


A gorilla...that knows how to use a computer...and is a DJ among other things.

I thought I knew a lot...But that I didn't.

Nov. 24th, 2008


Guess what I found today! )

Nov. 23rd, 2008


Have you ever watched The Simpsons? That Homer fellow is amusing.

Nov. 20th, 2008


Filtered against baddies

...has anyone else noticed the drop in population around the Weir?

Lily, James, Sirius. Even Professor Snape. I think they're gone.



Nov. 18th, 2008


I really am curious about this movie people have made based on the books I've yet to read about friends and I. Curious, but terrified to see it at the same time. It's not every day you see a movie being made about your time at Hogwarts.

I may go at some point. If anyone wants to join me in seeing exactly how accurate it is, that would be great. Or even those from the future where I assume this has been released, tell me what it's like

Nov. 15th, 2008


So much for my saying I've excepted the fact I'm a werewolf...ugh.

Here we go again.

[ooc: Cause it's the full moon :D]

Nov. 13th, 2008


Filtered to Ron and Rose

I was thinking we could do something together? All three of us. 

It's the least we can do, Rose. And after all, I saw you mentioned that Ron taught you chess? If he taught you, you must be pretty good. Perhaps you could help me understand the joy in it, or you and Ron can laugh at my complete inability to play.

What do you think, Ron?

Nov. 12th, 2008


Filtered against baddies

I really can’t get my head around this place sometimes, I know I shouldn’t think about it too much but the dates are all messed up. I mean, if I was on my own timeline right now I wouldn’t even be born. My mum would still be pregnant with me and Hugo not even thought about yet.

Yes, this is really unimportant with all that's going on right now, I know that. Sorry, just clearing my thoughts of all the nonesense.

Nov. 9th, 2008


This hurts.

Nov. 8th, 2008


So there's quite a few beaches here. I guess they wouldn't be so bad, but I absolutely hate water. I mean, I'll take showers, and drink water, but I hate being in it. Funny, because I don't mind boating. Weird, huh?


I hope the sleeping arrangements weren't bad. And, listen, I'm sorry if it wasn't all that much. This is all I can afford for now.


I don't think I'm ever going to get over these images...The internet is a scary place

People think I should have a relationship with Snape...Lucius Malfoy...Lupin...Harry's Dad...Voldemort!!

I feel sick.

And there seems to be almost an online war between people who want Harry and I together, and those who want Ron and I together.

Nov. 6th, 2008


filtered away from hermione.


Nov. 5th, 2008


Filtered to Ron

If one of us don't say this soon we never will.

I'm sorry...

I lo...


Two days and counting. Still unsmote.


As promised to Fred, Pumpkin Pastries are made, following Mum's recipe of course. I haven't forgotten anything Fred, promise. I'm leaving them in kitchen, anyone can help themselves, though if you want some, you should get there before Fred arrives.

[Lily (older)]
Think we should ask to see Heather now?

[Magical People of the Good Variety]
If anyone hasn't figured out to cast a Patronus, or how to cast something like one, I'd be glad to help you, just let me know.


Does anybody need me to do their homework? Sort out their taxes? Anything that requires the use of more than one brain cell?

I feel so empty without my homework.

Nov. 4th, 2008


Filtered against baddies

...I wish I hadn't turned on that blasted television.

It never shows anything good )

I bloody well hate this city.

Nov. 2nd, 2008


Well hello, Los Angeles.

[ooc: yes, buffy is now evil. feel free to freak. xD]

Oct. 31st, 2008


And I bet you can't guess who he is either.

You all are ungrateful little children.

I'll be expecting a sixteen foot essay from the each of you by tomorrow morning on the pros and cons of using pixie wings in a sleeping drought that's been brewing for three days under a full moon.

Oct. 28th, 2008




Filtered to Ron Weasley

Fred? He's evil.


I want my mom. I want Zack. I want my blanket and I want to be in my own bed. I want to be able to hand in my homework without worrying about failing my class, and I want to freak Mr. Moseby out.

I hate it here. I haven't been this unhappy since.. since I don't know when.

Oct. 23rd, 2008


This is kriffing ridiculous.

Just so its noted. I made the decision that I did not want my blood used in the rite. I did. All by myself. I was not coerced into it, not forced to decide it.

I made the decision.

So please stop with the insults. Its pathetic.


I mastered that innocent look at age six )

I'm in the mood to bake. Merlin, I'm turning into my mother. But it at least it will keep me away from the internet.

You know what I'm thinking, Lily? That we can't let you fall behind in your studies, and we should set up classes for you. And wipe that glare off you face, I can see it from here.


I'm finding a way out of this place. Even if it bloody well kills me.

Oct. 21st, 2008


There's a thing outside my window! A still moving dead thing. It smeared blood on the glass Oh God Make it go aw

It's got a knife. Can it get in? I think it's trying to get in. I wish I had something heavier than a guitar in here that I can actually pick up

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