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Oct. 12th, 2008


[Filtered to May Parker]

I have what you wanted. I’m sending my driver over with it. He’ll be across the street from the Hyperion in ten minutes. Take the box from him and don’t ignore the directions that are inside.

(ooc: Would look something like this.)

[Filtered to Peter and MJ]

I did not just send you’re kid a weird small blue machine gun, so if you see her hauling something around that resembles that, you can relax and know that it isn’t what it looks like. And don’t either of you touch it unless you read the directions. Ten times. I mean it.

Oct. 9th, 2008


Filtered against baddies

I absolutely hate not being able to use my powers, they're back now. Wall climbing, I have missed you. I'm so sick of my bed, I'm never sleeping in again...or at least not for a week.

[Mary Jane]
How are you holding up?

Oct. 6th, 2008


Does anyone know where Cathy is? I tried calling her and she won't answer. Please don't tell me she

Oct. 4th, 2008


Filtered to May.

How are you feeling?


This has to stop.

Oct. 1st, 2008


Filtered to Eddie Brock and Peter Parker

Lost a good friend,

Didn't exactly end well either, It got awkward and I ran and now I don't know what I'm supposed to want to do...or...say or anything. Could find the guy that did it but what'll that do

You two are probobly the closest things i have to friends in this place so...

Just a hug right about now would be good.

Sep. 29th, 2008


What a great time to show up. I still can’t decide if I’d rather be hanging around here or six feet under. I guess I should be thanking somebody for at least making sure that this place came with a water filtration system.

And Felicia? Thanks for not letting me bleed to death in the middle of the road last night. It’s appreciated.

Sep. 23rd, 2008


Tell me about your dream wedding.

One little detail or everything from start to finish. I don't care, I'm just curious since I'm planning my own. I guess I've got marriage fever.

Sep. 15th, 2008


I'm not... I can't even... I really wish I wasn't shaking right now, because it's making it way too hard to type.


Sep. 9th, 2008


I just got a photography job.

[Filtered to all the heroic types]
How do you know when it's time to just...stop?

Sep. 3rd, 2008


filtered against baddies.

Is this new bad guy being taken care of? Please say yes.

Sep. 2nd, 2008


filtered against baddies.

I'm pregnant.


Filtered to Peter and Mary Jane

...sooo? What did you find out?

Sep. 1st, 2008


Ugh, gross. If I heard one more person talk about how hot Spider-Man is, I might just be sick. offense.

Aug. 31st, 2008


I really could use some advice from Aunt May right about now.
How am I supposed to
I don't know if I'm ready to
But I wanted to marry her, didn't I? Isn't that usually the next step

It's been an interesting week.

Aug. 30th, 2008


This place grows more and more disturbing by the minute, I've actually found myself doing honest and good work and helping the needy.  That can't be healthy.

Filter to Gwen

Gwen, Coffee some day this week? I'm worried, its been a while since I've spoken to you

Filter to Parker

Spider, You still mad at me, come on I'm even playing reasonably nice with your girl. Must be growing as a person.

Filter to MJ

Watson, I have to say I'm looking forward to kicking your ass far too much, so training??

Aug. 25th, 2008


There has to be some kind of bug going around, because I'm not feeling so great, either...

Aug. 24th, 2008


Filtered to friends and Eddie

We need to do something about Gwen.

Aug. 22nd, 2008


What to do, what to do.. No, really. What's a lonely symbiote to do?

Webbing is fun, but only for so long.. I'm hungry, I think I'll eat out on the town tonight.

[ooc: pretend there's been people stuck to buildings and poles with red webbing around the city throughout the day]

Aug. 21st, 2008


What's the deal with that big castle?

Aug. 16th, 2008


I canceled all my credit cards, ordered another ATM card, went to get a new license made... I guess the bonus grocery card won't do me any good now, but I didn't have many points on it, anyway. If my purse ever gets stolen again, I'm going to have a fit.

Aug. 13th, 2008


filtered against baddies.

I'll be in the hospital overnight, so if anyone needs me...that's where I'll be.

Cathy, I owe you one.

Aug. 7th, 2008


filtered to peter.

What's going on?


Filtered to Peter Parker

I think we've got a problem.

[ooc: backdated to just after The email]

Jul. 31st, 2008


I feel so helpless here anymore.

Jul. 30th, 2008


filtered to Peter Parker

I know about the orbs, and about some of Wolframs security computers. I also sort of have this ability to phase through solid objects. I'm thinking if we worked together we'll have an easier time getting inside. Something tells me we'll need every trick we can pull if he really is "evil" as everyone is saying.

Jul. 29th, 2008


Went on patrol. Just got back. I'll be in my room if I'm needed.

[Filtered to Ivy]
I don't appreciate you kidnapping me.


So now we have pyromaniacs too, Wonderful, 

Is that part of the epic good vs evil struggle?

{Filtered to Peter}

See this is what I meant. you have psychopaths burning buildings and yet you get crabby with me for stealing some necklaces.

Blatant hypocracy,  Go fight the real villans Spider

Jul. 25th, 2008


filtered against baddies.

I hate it when someone knows every button to press to make you angry, and they do it as much as they can.

Jul. 24th, 2008


Well this is strange, even by my standards.

Is there a reason I'm in LA. Randomly. Without planning a trip or indeed remembering the journey.

And well that was kind of abrupt and rude so my name is Felicia Hardy of the New York Hardys and...I guess I'm new in town

Jul. 22nd, 2008



So. Will someone please explain to me why my backyard suddenly turned into a really big city? Or why this city has such a weird name? 'Los Angeles'. I've never head of anything like it, and I'm smart enough and have seen enough places to recognize weird things when I see them. This is pretty close to the top of that list.

So, where am I? And more importantly, how do I get home?!

Jul. 16th, 2008


Does anyone know where I might be able to find a police scanner? I've been trying to find one but there seems to be a shortage of them around here.

Jul. 17th, 2008


[Filtered against bad guys]

Merlin, people actually eat werewolf meat!?

I think I'm going to be ill, that is just...yup going to be ill.

Jul. 13th, 2008


I don't like it here at all. The whole place just gives me a really bad feeling.

Jul. 11th, 2008


Filtered to Hyperion Residents.

My girlfriend just got here.

Is it okay for me to bring her back to the hotel?

Jul. 12th, 2008


Peter? Are you here? Last I heard, this is where you've been...spotted.

Jul. 11th, 2008


Hey Spider, we left you a present near The Civic Center. If you try real hard (Or not hard at all) we bet you could swing over there and spot it. We know how much you dislike all the pesky gang activity, so for your viewing pleasure, we made an artistic expression on the side of City Hall. Oops, just gave the location away. Too bad. There goes half your fun. Anyway, we think most of them in the webs are as stiff as they come, but it’s still a pleasurable sight.

See, that’s what you get when you complain. Dead human gang members.

They were breaking the law anyway. Drugs kill.

Remember that kids. Say no to cocaine. It’s not legal anymore. Sniff markers instead. You can purchase those at Wal-Mart. For a low low price. And on the plus side, they’re having a sale on corn.

... If any of you want corn.

Jul. 10th, 2008


Filtered against baddies.

I've noticed that there's been an extreme rise in gang activity within the city over the past few weeks. Some are vampire and demon based, but there are a lotta regular people out there trying to make a name for themselves and their pals through drug deals and stuff that's just as dirty and extremely illegal.

The police have been on it, of course, but they can't get to everyone at once.

So I'm gonna take some of them on. If anyone has any information on any gang activity, I'd really appreciate it if you came to me and let me know all about it.

Jul. 9th, 2008


filtered to hyperion residents.

Alright, so this demon, this Sam character. What are we doing about him, or rather, when are we taking care of him, because I'm thisclose to heading out and kicking his ass back to hell myself.


Is this really.. It's 2008? ...Oh God, Oh God...

Does anyone have some Advil?

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