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Jun. 8th, 2008


Filtered to the JL

I've got a video feed into the Luthor Mansion.

Thought you guys would want to know.

Jun. 6th, 2008


Oliver? AC? Bart?

This isn't funny.

Jun. 5th, 2008


Someone wanna tell me when Metropolis decided to look darker than the freaking city of Gotham?

Or maybe want to tell me why I was walking into the Daily Planet and now I'm in a coffee shop in what looks like Dante's Inferno?

I want answers and I want them now.

May. 19th, 2008


Filtered to Justice League

Clark, Bart, Oliver, Maxine...Kara and I will be training tomorrow at noon in a clearing by Lake Hollywood Resevoir. You should come. It's closed to the public, since it's government land, so be careful entering.

Apr. 7th, 2008


I can't...

Something is wrong..

Apr. 2nd, 2008


Um, to clarify things, since I keep getting asked...

No, I'm not related to the truck-spawning Fords and cannot score you a deal on a brand spankin' new F-250.

Nor am I related to Harrison Ford. Don't know any dishy "Indy IV" spoilers, sorry.

That is all.


What the Hell?!! I was just going to wash my hands in the bathroom, and this.. thing. Snake, I think. It just came up and bit my arm.

I.. uhh.. what was I saying again? Umm.. okay. I'm feeling a bit light, so.. maybe I shouldn't stand. Ohh Hell..

Mar. 30th, 2008


I'd sing that raindrops song, but I feel that's a tad bit inappropriate, given the mood of this place. Though, if I see Steve Carell and Morgan Freeman float by on a huge freakin' boat? I'm totally checking myself into a psycho ward to get my sanity tested. this is getting seriously retarded


Okay! I am just more than a little ticked off right now. Who had the nerve to break into my mansion and try to burn it down?! I want names. You should never cross a Luthor. And you're about to learn why.

Whoever is responsible... I want my wife back. Now! Also, you should know that my attorneys will be in contact. I hope you're ready for jail time and the loss of everything you own. See, the police tend to frown pretty heavy on arson, breaking and entering, vandalism, kidnapping and mass murder..

Mar. 29th, 2008


Has anyone seen or spoken to Chloe lately?

Mar. 28th, 2008


So, what's with the rain?

I thought L.A. was supposed to be full of sun and warmth.

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