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Aug. 1st, 2008


[Filtered to Niki Sanders]

I know we're not from the same timeline and all but - would you like to meet some time? For coffee or something?

Jul. 17th, 2008


[Filtered to future!Peter and future!Hiro]

Who is Sylar?


So it's been a while since I was last in LA, but I don't seem to remember weird guys with fangs and an attitude problem before. Now my name is Niki Sanders, does someone wanna tell me what the hell is going on around here?

Jul. 15th, 2008


[Hyperion Residents]

Okay, this is mostly for selfish reasons, but - does anyone want to have marial arts movie fest some time?

Jul. 14th, 2008



Jul. 13th, 2008


[Filtered to the Hyperion]

Effective immediately, everyone involved in Angel Investigations will be required to learn at least basic self defense. There will be twice-weekly training sessions in the gym in Krav Maga, taught by myself. This is a very basic, extremely effective method of self defense.

You're only excused from the lessons with clearance from me.

Further training will be optional, and made available as soon as I get some instructors. If anyone wants to offer their services for this, let me know.

filtered to future!Hiro )

filtered to Jack Landors )

filtered to Davy Jones )

filtered to Nathan Petrelli and Charlie Andrews )

Jul. 9th, 2008


Is it normal for there to be so many thieves running through this city? Are you aware of this?

Jul. 8th, 2008


This is Mohinder Suresh.

Does anyone know anything about...randomly appearing in Los Angeles? And, if so, why? From what I can tell about this city, I don't think that should even be too odd of a question. Unfortunately.

Thank you in advance.

Actually, while I'm at it, does anyone know anything about the whereabouts of a girl named Molly Walker?

Jul. 6th, 2008


{filtered to everyone at the Hyperion}

Okay, since it has now become quite obvious that not everyone here knows how to fight vampires and demons - or more importantly stop them and preferably kill them dead - we're going to do a little bit of training. Demonology 101, folks. Required by all, with the exception of a handful. (You know who you are.)

So here's how we're doing this. Since there are an insane number of Angel Investigation members now, we can't do it all at once. Therefore we're breaking up into smaller groups. They're going to be led by Willow, mostly, and anyone she sees fit to ask her to help out or whatever. The show-and-tell or whatever you want to call it is going to be held in the basement area of the hotel, starting tomorrow afternoon.

Now, all you need to do is reply to this so we can get a definite head-count, then we'll let you know what time to be there.


Jun. 19th, 2008


Filtered to Gabriel Gray

So this is going to be kind of awkward, seeing as we don't know one another, but I kind of have a problem and I've been told by more than one person you're the guy to go to.

This might sound really trivial, with the whole truth serum in the water thing going on, but if I explain maybe not?

Thing is my ipod is broken. I guess I smashed it somehow when I got here. And I need my ipod. My cousin called me a muscle mimic, meaning anything I see, I can do. Whether it be Jackie Chan moves, or cutting a tomato into a flower.

Anyways, the long and short of it is. My ipod had all the skills I'd ever need to know on it, and well...looking at this place I might need to know them a lot sooner than I though.

So do you think you can fix it? Its a video ipod, and those don't exist in 2005. So if you can't...

Oh, and I'm Monica. I'm also staying at the Hyperion, I'm just...waiting until this truth stuff dies down before properly introducing myself.

Jun. 17th, 2008


Filtered to both the Hiros and Peter Evans

This...insanity, isn't normal for around here is it?

And I guess, well, is there anything I can do to help? My power or whatever you want to call it, might not be the most helpful in this situation, but - if you need me.

Jun. 16th, 2008


I betrayed Takezo Kensei.

Jun. 18th, 2008


I like fighting. I like fighting, and I like violence, and I like war. War is necessary for the French to stop the British from being the rulers of the entire world, and I like that I do get to be a part of it. I hate living on Earth, because for the very few months that I was in space, I felt like I was at home but I swear that Arthur Mumby is the most annoying little English eleven year old I have ever met in my life and he needs to learn not to poke about in other people's business. He isn't a hero, he's eleven.

I'm not actually ill. At all. This is just a facade so no one will discover that I am working for the government.

Jun. 16th, 2008


I think I'm being punished for what happened to Niki. I think God is trying to teach me a lesson for not listening to the advice she gave Micah.

I just wanted to be the hero he saw me as. I think I love that kid more than my own brother.

I hate the fact I have to support my entire family back home. I was the first person in my family to get into college. I was going to study politics and become the voice of those who our messed up government refuses to listen to because they think they're so much better. But then my mom died, and we lost everything.

And sometimes I hate her for dying. How could she die and leave me with all of this!?

Jun. 14th, 2008


What year is this?

Jun. 11th, 2008


How did I end up here? What is going on?! Where am I?! One second I was with my cousin, and then - I was here.

Is this some sort of joke? A trick? Dr. Suresh? Bob? This isn't some test is it? If it is it is NOT a good one! Am I dreaming?

Niki? Micah? Are you here?! Are you two alright?! Oh God, please tell me you're okay! Please, please, please tell me you're okay!!

Niki you can't be dead! You got out some other way. God, God, please don't let her be dead! It's all my fault if she is! I should have waited for the police! I shouldn't have tried to be the hero Micah saw in me!

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