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Oct. 27th, 2008


Here's a word of warning. Anybody comes after my girlfriend, anybody touches her, threatens her or just looks at her the wrong way, I'm going to kick your ass. I won't say it again.

[Lois Lane]
You told him where she was, didn't you, Lois? You told him and he came and he could have killed her. If I hadn't been there Lana might not be here right now and that would have been on you. Sleeping with him wasn't enough, was it? You had to sell out your friend too, to complete the whole messed up package that you created.

I thought you were just as good as she is. But it turns out that you're not anything like the Lois I know. She would have never done anything to hurt a friend. She would have taken a beating first. She would have taken more than that.

Oct. 23rd, 2008


[Filtered against baddies and Chris]

It should have been me.

It should have been me, that died on that battlefield, in front of the Daily Planet. He should be the one that's still breathing, living, day to day, doing what he always did. He... he was the greatest man I ever knew, so sweet, so kind, so wonderful... there was no one else like him in the entire world. And even though there's other versions of him lurking around, it's not the same. They're not him. They never could be. And I... I didn't even deserve him. I still don't. Maybe I never did.

And I can honestly say I've never hated myself more than I do right now.

I wish I wasn't here.

I wish I didn't exist.

[ooc: emo!tiems. Filtered against baddies cause baddies would probably mock, and filtered against Chris cause well... he don't need to hear his mommy talk like this. ETA: Anya, plz 2 be not fulfilling her wish. lol]

Oct. 21st, 2008


Filtered against baddies.

What in the frilly heck is going on?!


Does anyone know where Clark’s at? I’m worried about him. He never stays away this long, and he hasn’t even called.

[Filtered to Lois Lane]
Are you okay? Can I come stay with you? Clark’s not at the hotel anymore and I don’t want to stay here without him.


Filtered to Isis Residents

From this point on, Isis is on lockdown. No one is to go outside without direct permission from me, and unless you can tack Ranger onto the end of your name, I doubt I'll give it. This means no more pictures, Henry. I just have a bad feeling this is going to get worse and I don't want any of you hurt. I'll be staying at Isis too, until all this is over which will hopefully be soon. Be safe.

Things aren't looking so good. Do you want to come stay with me at Isis for a while? I don't think you should be alone.

[Rangers at Isis]
Rangers, do you think you could take shifts watching the entrance?

Oct. 20th, 2008


No more love. See? What did I tell you?

Oct. 19th, 2008


filtered against villains

I'd like to go to the costume party, but I don't have the slightest clue what to wear.

Oct. 18th, 2008


I think I'll dress up as a female version of The Flash for Halloween.


Damn you.

Damn you all.

[ooc: The above statement is directed at all the Clark look-alikes, but she's not making it abundantly obvious. lol]

Oct. 17th, 2008


filtered against bad guys

It's starting to get colder and Halloween is coming soon, so I thought I'd take this opportunity to continue what started with clean water, to reach out to the entire city in addition to those staying at Isis. I'm throwing a costume party on October 28. Admission will be four warm items of clothing, preferably for children but also for adults. Isis residents will receive two free passes for themselves and one other person. I'm working on finding a venue as I type this.

I'm also looking to hire some live entertainment. I know there are a few musicians at Isis, but if there are any others out there I would love for you to contact me.

I hope to see you then!

[Bart Allen]

I'm having trouble picking a costume. Maybe you could help me.

Choice 1
Choice 2
Choice 3
Choice 4

Okay, I'll admit the last one isn't really a choice, but I'd like your opinion, mostly because I'd love like you to be my escort.


Love, love, love, love, love.

You humans speak of love. Constantly. You smile and flaunt and scream for it.

But in the end? It only breaks you. It destroys you.

Sep. 29th, 2008


For once, I can actually say that I'm glad I'm allergic to tap water. I don't mess with the stuff. Bottled water all the way.

And on a completely different note...

God, they just keep coming. Will it ever stop? Every time I come across another one, I just... feel so alone... hate this place even more.

[ooc: Strike is hackable by those she knows/might be friends with.]

Sep. 28th, 2008



Looks like your pretty little rock didn't work the way you thought it would.

Sep. 27th, 2008


I'm finally starting to feel better. I think I must have had the flu or something.

[Lois Lane]
...I kissed Bart...

Sep. 6th, 2008


This place should be more exciting to have as many powered people as it does.

Where are all the plots to destroy/take over the world?

Sep. 4th, 2008


I've often wondered how different my life would be if I were human someone else.

Aug. 26th, 2008


Wow. I am so glad I landed here. This is so exciting.

Pity that sarcasm can't show up in texted words.


So I need to shop. And don't know my way around here, or where any good clothing stores are.


Aug. 22nd, 2008


Knock knock!


Dear World,

Bite me.
Or, better yet, let me bite you.

- Spike

Aug. 21st, 2008


Filtered from Zod

He treats me as if I were once his dog instead of his child. He thinks I should be obedient and do whatever he commands me to do, because if I do what he says he will reward me with a treat, throw me a bone like I’m a puppy. He thinks he can do whatever he wants here. He thinks that nobody will be able to stop him, but he was stopped before. I think he’s insane.

I think he’ll find me. I know he wants it bad enough. I don’t want my mother to be there when he gets what he wants. I know he’d hurt her if he could. I don’t know what to do.

I don’t want to go to him. But then, maybe he'd stop if I did.

Aug. 19th, 2008


Do I have a sign on my back that attracts perverts? If I do would someone please rip it off and burn it right now? I swear to God if he ever tries anything I’m taking a knife and cutting his parts off. I don’t care how scary and important he thinks he is, he’s getting them torn off. And it’s gonna hurt like hell.

The end.

Aug. 6th, 2008


I've been here a while and I still haven't met that other Clark. Where are you hiding?

And no, Bart. I didn't fall into a sewer. Idiot.

Aug. 4th, 2008


Advice, please, anyone?

I've been living in a hotel the past few days. It's not cutting it. I need somewhere else to stay. Anyone have any ideas of any kind?

I would really appreciate it, thanks.

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