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Aug. 21st, 2009


Filtered to Castiel

Hi. Okay, so I'm almost positive we haven't actually met before. Maybe we have?

Whatever the case I need to talk to you about something. Actually, someone. It's important.

Aug. 20th, 2009


Well, well, well...just when I was getting used to being non-fiction again.

Never thought I'd say this (and I bet none of you thought you'd hear this) but it's good to be home. And by home I do mean here.

Lavender Brown, is back! Someone fill me in on what I missed?

May. 16th, 2009


Against Baddies

[ooc: Backdated to the 13 aka full moon]

Ugh, here we go again.

May. 14th, 2009


Never realize how much it meant being able to go wherever you wanted whenever you wanted until you can't get past the city limits. For all the tight spots I've been in, slightly insulting too.

Anyone looking for a part timer?


Still working for you. Just need something else to occupy the free time.


Filtered from baddies.

You know I've been thinking maybe it is time to try that dating thing again. they cant all end badly can they? The only problem is I don't even know where to start. Where to go and meet people. Not so much a fan of the bar scene anymore. Just.. Sort of feels like something is missing lately.

I passed the final field test! Thanks Sam for the help with the studying. I start at the L.A.P.D on Monday as detective. Ontop of that I finished top 5 at the academy. Detective Landors... It's got a nice ring to it. I could get used to hearing that.

Dude? Buffy said something pretty interesting on patrol the other night.

May. 10th, 2009


[As Venom]

Discovery of the day: Vampires taste bad. Don’t put them in your mouth. You’ll just end up spitting them right back out again.

May. 8th, 2009


AI + Allies

As most of you know I’m opening a multi-magical magic shop soon. Still needs a name. I’ve already hired Anya, but I’d like a few more people on staff. I’d also like to hire two people who know a thing or two about security and fighting.

And that’s it really. Uh...apply within.

[ooc: I’d prefer it if the people she hires are from different fandoms, just to do more with the multi-magicalness. Which means no HP or BtVS. Characters from there can help occasionally but they won’t be paid.]

May. 6th, 2009


Sometimes this place scares me. Well...some of the people. And their reactions.

May. 4th, 2009


I am now convinced whoever comes up with paint names is on drugs.

Apr. 28th, 2009


filtered against baddies.

Am I the only one here with a pain in the ass boss? I got an earful today because I looked too friendly. How do you look TOO friendly, exactly? I mean, he gives me hell for looking too UNfriendly half the time, and then I come in today and actually try to do the alternate thing and I'm suddenly a sex predator? Yes, that's right, I was dubbed as a sex predator in front of everyone at work. Guy is such a dick.

I think I'm gonna drink it off. Anyone got any interesting drink recommendations?

Apr. 24th, 2009


Hyperion/Angel Investigations.

I guess now is as good a time as any to post about this. I've been thinking on this for a while now and make a long story short, I've deiced to leave. It's nothing personal, or anything against any of you. This is something I need to do.

But I'm not going to be sitting around all day watching those awful things called soap operas (how do you muggles do that?!) - I've also decided to open up a magic shop. We need one here, that's more than obvious. I'd try to get as many different magic supplies from different worlds as possible. And did I mention discounts for AI members? I have a location, now all I need to do is get all the merchandise prepared and come up with a name.

I've really loved being a part of AI. I don't think I would have survived if I hadn't been a part, and if you ever need a witch/werewolf for any reason, I am your girl. Need supplies for something really dangerous/save the world, I'll hopefully be your girl then too.

Right...I guess that sums everything up. I'm not much good at goodbyes or anything. But then it's not like I'm leaving-leaving so we shouldn't really need an epic sort of goodbye. Nice going Lavender.

[Filtered to Anya]

Hey. So I know we don't know each other except in passing and what not, but - I've been told you're from here, and you know all about the magic of this world. And since I want my store to be multi-magical, I was you want a job?

Apr. 3rd, 2009


filtered to Hyperion + friends;

There is such a thing as oversleeping, but other than that, I feel just fine and I'm sorry if I worried any of you. My stint as Sleeping Beauty is up, thanks to Peter.

Where's the birthday cake?

[ooc: feel free to assume she personally contacted anyone close to her (in person or over the phone) as well as made this post!]

Mar. 31st, 2009


[Filtered to Hyperion, magic users, allies]

So. Now that we're not bursting into song and possible flames any more, and now that we have the really very pretty sword, what are we going to do about those darn vampires running around? Because I think we might as well keep on this winning streak and get rid of them too.

Ideas? Comments?

Mar. 30th, 2009


Can we ban karaoke now?

[Filtered to Peter, and Sarah Petrelli]

Can I talk to you guys sometime? Whenever you're free?

It's...kind of important.

[Filtered to Clark Kent (comics)]

Thanks again, about before. I didn't...hurt you to bad right?

And are you sure you want me around?

Mar. 25th, 2009


Well, all right, no stars tonight
The moon must hide, can't bear to see my face
So many moons have past, so many suns gone down
Too much blood under the bridge
Too many worlds turned upside down

[ooc: From the slightly awful English version of Tanz der Vampire. Song "Endless Appitete"]

Mar. 13th, 2009


filtered against baddies/unfriendly types;

A lot of people are getting sent back all of a sudden.

Makes you wonder who's next. What you leave behind, what you take with you when you go. If you remember this place or not. Just gets you to think, doesn't it?

Mar. 11th, 2009



I'm going to spend a few nights of the Weir, maybe more. My groups gone down in numbers pretty bad recently. So I thought I'd go be with them for a bit. Help out if I can.

So if you need me for whatever reason I'm there. And yes, when I go wolf, I'll be safe, and so will they.


First Ginny, now Molly and Ron.

I really hope they're just gone and not taken.

Filtered to Tonks and Remus

Looks like it's just us now.

Mar. 8th, 2009


filtered against baddies;

We should have gotten him.

I'm making holy water. Who needs some?

Mar. 6th, 2009


Backdated to the morning of the 6th

Filtered to angels and Winchesters & co )

Filtered to good guys )

Claires )

OOC: Anyone wanting in who hasn't said anything before should respond to this post. Jessi will have John reply to each of them ICly and he'll place them in the groups that were OOCly made up based on their abilities. Thanks!

Mar. 4th, 2009


against baddies.

It's official. After watching several "werewolf" movies, I have lost my faith in Hollywood, anything religions (because if there is a God, he/she/it could not possibly let movies like this exist!), humanity, actually pretty much everything.

Anyone want to go storm Hollywood with me? Show those bastards what a REAL werewolf is?

Feb. 28th, 2009


Everyone is forgetting...

Everyone is returning to what they were before the pits. long do I even have? How do I know?

Its torture. Its cruel.

I don't want to become her


Great. Another world, another bunch of hairless apes who think I'm the main course.

Man, what is it with you people?

Feb. 27th, 2009


Seriously, people. The "oh your name is Lavender, so you must wear that colour all the time," stopped being cute when I was five.

Honestly, would it kill some of you to be more original?

Feb. 24th, 2009


I have come across several dead bodies this past week or so.  I have no shame in admitting that I did all I could to resurrect them, but it seems that particular power of mine is useless here.

[Filtered to Lisa]

For some reason the barrier you had around you is now gone.  That's bad news for you Lisa.

Feb. 21st, 2009


[Filtered Away from Baddies, Villians and Unsavory Sorts]

Captain's Log 5.01

ALIEN ACTIVITY: I'm thinking some of these headings need to be changed given just where we all landed. But, for the sake of continuity, they'll stay as they are for the time being. Should take to calling this place Torchwood 5. Still don't know where 4 went to either.

ALIEN TECHNOLOGY: I wish we could have figured out what was going on with those miracle pits before they up and disappeared. Seems that those who took a dip are slowly being returned to their original state from what I gather. As I always say: the quick-fix is never the answer.

RIFT ACTIVITY: Not sure if the lot of us arriving here is a result of the Rift or not. When in doubt, blame the Rift. Won't lie, though, I'm happy it dropped off Ianto and Gwen. All we need now is Tosh and the whole team is together once more.

SECURITY: With John around, am afraid that extra measures will need to be taken to keep the Hub secure. But, if that's what it takes, then that's what it takes. Don't really want him wandering around LA all on his lonesome. Even if he was the good wife.

OTHER SECURITY ISSUES: Require more information on this Dahlia woman. Though, all things considered, I'm glad she found me and not some hapless human. At least I could withstand whatever she was doing. Not sure if she succeeded or failed. Will have to look into this demon she was attempting to summon as I'm not sure if she succeeded or not. One too many points I passed out/was killed for my liking to know what was going on.

STAFF: Need to have a very, very long discussion with Suzie about 'when someone calls for help on the comms it means get your arse over there and get them out of trouble'. Think there may be a few issues being harboured. Hard to say, though, with her. Suzie -- when you see this, my office. Now.

OTHER STAFF ISSUES: None to report. Aside from the fact that I'm glad there are as many of us here as I have. Not quite thrilled that the Master is here, but he seems different. Will also have to keep an eye on that as well.

By the way, Ianto? Patrol at 20.00. I think you need a bit of work on your form where stake burying is concerned.



Alright, team. We have a... client? He needs to clear his home of some of those dracu-vamps. Currently we've got the blood to do it. Two, maybe three, come with me, and we'll clear the place out for him. Got it?

Hiro, with me. Kennedy. And Leah. Lets's go see how this'll work.

Faith, get a team on backup in case we need you.

Fred, See what you can make of this.

Feb. 19th, 2009


Against baddies.

FYI, a wand makes an excellent stake. Especially if you use a spell at the exact moment you stake a vampire.

The results are very flashy.

Feb. 15th, 2009


[ooc: Pretend this was posted on V-day?]

Know who I miss? Lockheart.

Now there was a man who really knew how to throw a Valentines Day party.


filtered against baddies;

Uh, Bobby? You know anything about plumbing? The sink upstairs is messed up and I am completely and entirely at a loss as far as household repairs are concerned.

Kinda makes me feel useless, in a way. I'm supposed to be a guy and I don't know anything about plumbing? Weird.

Oh yeah, and by the way everyone, I'm a freak again.


I guess there are worse places to be trapped on Holidays. Like Christmas in quarantine. Actually?...I almost miss that.

If I'm going to be stuck here a while, I think I'm going to need a better weapon. Just a gun doesn't cut it.

Feb. 14th, 2009


against baddies.

Know what would be nice? A warning when one of your friends is gonna leave. Like, some sort of message somewhere, so you can say goodbye, and not be left with this sick feeling of regret over the things you should have said.

Fuck, fuck, fuck.


I found my Valentine. Don't worry though, I'll share. I couldn't keep a stud like this all to myself.

Feb. 11th, 2009


Hyperion + Bella and Edward Cullen

The full moon is in a few days, and I've been thinking. Lupin went to the pits. And I hate being a werewolf. Lupin is cured. And not that long ago I almost made what would have become the biggest mistake of my life in order to get a cure. Actually, I don't think I would have had much of a life, if I did do....what it was I could have done to get a cure.

But you know what? As stupid as it may sound becoming a werewolf may have been the best thing to ever happen to me. It's helped me to become who I am. It's made me stronger, and one hell of a better person.

So I'm not going to do it. I'll deal.

I may be a werewolf, but I won't allow myself to become a monster. And if I do...Peter knows what to do.

I control the beast, it does NOT control me.

Yeah, thought some of you might like to know.

Go back to your business.

Feb. 10th, 2009


[Filtered from Baddies]


This is what it feels like to not be a werewolf.

Feb. 1st, 2009


Hello, talking box! Bring me more women!

Jan. 28th, 2009


filtered; his family, lavender, king

ooc: sometime after this

We're all going to Disneyland tomorrow, the park is ours from 8pm on. They'll stay open as late as we want/need. Bella I was going to take your suggestion but there was still the pesky issue of the employees.
Lavender, invite a few friends if you'd like; King the same.


filtered; lavender
How are you holding up?

flitered; bella
I must admit, now that this pit thing is looking more and more to be exactly what they are claimed to be I am tempted.


Never again.

Rumours of my demise have been greatly exaggerated. If Monday night's demonstration proved nothing and assuaged no doubts, then I suppose your stubbornness and pessimism have won out. Congratulations. For the rest of you... the Lazarus Pits remain open and you all remain welcome.

Jan. 26th, 2009


custom filter.

[ooc: Filter includes Sarah Petrelli and the Weir]

Did you guys see the news? I feel like...oh MERLIN. I HATE THIS.

There has to be a way, to check if this is real. A spell of some form. I think I read about them once back at Hogwarts, but I don't...

There has to be SOMETHING to prove if this is real or not!

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January 2010




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