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Oct. 30th, 2008


Filtered to friends.

We're relocating.

Dean, I got us an apartment. It's got three bedrooms, a kitchen, and a bathroom. And a living room, too, I guess. It's not really much, but considering that there's only the two of us I don't think that it really matters. We just need to furnish it, which I'm currently looking into. Anyway, I thought that it was high time that we got to settling down because, in case you haven't noticed, we've been here a good while.

So pack your stuff. We're checking out.

[Address]. That's for everyone else. So you know how to find us.


Who wants to go trick-or-treating tomorrow?!


Everybody, look! )

Oct. 28th, 2008


Filtered to Ron Weasley

Fred? He's evil.


Son of a bitch, that's IT.

Who took my baby car out of storage and RUINED her?

Oct. 27th, 2008




Oct. 28th, 2008


Anyone else seeing the news...

I'd go rescue him but I'm just about to head out...also his fangirls seem to not approve of me. Go figure huh?

Oct. 27th, 2008


...and we're back to just me. I think she's gone.

No matter how long I'm here for, it just doesn't seem...right. It's like I can't do anything to help anymore. Not like I use to. It's so strange.


Come flying with me?


Filtered to anyone on TEAM WINCHESTER for the prank wars.

All right, ladies and gents. I think it's about time we started plotting. Any ideas?

I've been loaded up with some goodies from the Weasleys, by the way. Lots of small stuff. They'll be good for minor distractions if we need them.


Here's a word of warning. Anybody comes after my girlfriend, anybody touches her, threatens her or just looks at her the wrong way, I'm going to kick your ass. I won't say it again.

[Lois Lane]
You told him where she was, didn't you, Lois? You told him and he came and he could have killed her. If I hadn't been there Lana might not be here right now and that would have been on you. Sleeping with him wasn't enough, was it? You had to sell out your friend too, to complete the whole messed up package that you created.

I thought you were just as good as she is. But it turns out that you're not anything like the Lois I know. She would have never done anything to hurt a friend. She would have taken a beating first. She would have taken more than that.


I've just been watching Grease, and now all the songs are stuck in my head. Wonderful. Musicals are far too addicting.

I saw Z is awake! Glad to see it. I hope things are almost worked out for you guys

Alex, I'm making you my official shopping buddy. I don't care if I have to steal you from Nick when needed. I had fun, thanks! I needed that.

I think I'm going to get a pet.


filtered against baddies

My free passes for tomorrow night's costume party? They go to Kimberly Hart, Casey Rhodes, Mack Hartford and Tori Hanson. Considering, of course, that you guys are going. If you don't have costumes, I'm sure we could come up with something.

Yes, I ended up with four passes. Don't ask.

Who else is going?


Filtered to Dean & Kira.


If so, I say we get them back. Heather, Ruby, and Jessica.

We work better as a team, Dean. Hell, I'll even give you your stupid tapes back. What do you say?


If anyone wants to see a video of Sam and Dean running around naked while a big crowd watches as they try to collect their clothes again...well. It'll have to be a private showing. Youtube has terms of service, after all.

Oct. 26th, 2008


filtered to Mitchie

So are we decided on our Hex Girls set?


It's A Mystery isn't exactly a Halloweenish song, but Lana seems to like it. You down? If you wanna switch up the order just say the word.

Which of us is doing our solo first?


The movie Supergirl is the most embarrassing thing I've ever seen. Ever. If I was actually like that, I'd never show my face in public.

And the person playing me looks exactly like my aunt.

And neither of us would act that way. I want a remake.

On top of that, I would never so careless and lose an Omegahedron. I sort of feel insulted.


Halloween. The stupidest, most ridiculous holiday in the history of holidays. Followed closely by Christmas, which I'm not even gonna get into.

I can't stand all of this holiday talk. All the costumes in the stores. All of it. It's stupid and ridiculous and I'm GLAD that I live in a hotel because if anyone turned up at my doorstep asking for candy in stupid little costumes then I'd probably do something that would get me arrested.


Seriously, Sam, WHAT THE HELL!?! Stop making your gay music play on my cell phone, stop ordering gay midget strippers in my name and stop writing things on my forehead in sharpie. Most of all, stop messing with the beer. You're NEVER going to win this one, and making me kick some midget's ass, or hearing me curse loudly enough to wake the neighbors when my lips pucker because of the beer isn't going to save you. On the bright side, when I was walking out to the truck today everyone was checking out my ass. Several people even whistled and gave me a thumbs up. Yup...I've still got it. Bet that never happens to you, college boy.

Oct. 25th, 2008




Filtered against anyone under 16

Nobody can love a poser. They pretend to be something they're not, and how can you love someone that doesn't even exist?

Be real. Change who you are if you want, it's your choice, but make damn sure it's the inside you're working on and you're not just putting up a front. At least then you'll have some idea of who really gives a damn.

Of course, if you're a bitch/dick, you can't expect people to be nice to you even if they do care, now can you?

Oct. 24th, 2008


Oh hell.

[info]werockon You know that shopping thing that never actually happened due to all the insanity that this place brings. ...wanna actually do that now?

Hey...I know you guys have a lot going on. Did you still want to do that set together? If you don't, I can totally understand. ...I hope Z gets better, she was really nice to me, and Max. I'm sorry she's hurt.

So many songs, so many choices, and I'm no closer to choosing.

Oct. 23rd, 2008


Filtered against Charlie

If I had my zord, I'd squish her.

I feel like this place is changing me. Almost like I'm becoming more sadistic or something. I don't like it. I never felt this angry when it all started.

What ever happened to Power Rangers that volunteered at youth centers? Not that I'm saying everything goes down hill in the future. But this makes me so....ugh. Maybe I'm just too Old School.


[ooc: For now I'm sticking Jessica Moore in the friends and not the family, since they don't know each other that well yet. Later she'll be moved into the family category.]
In case you're wondering, I'm alive and not too beat up. Hope you guys can say the same.

[ooc: Family is Sam, Dean, Jo and Heather.]
One of my teammates can't, though. Z, Jack's sister, is in the hospital. Charlie took advantage of the fog and got Jack to shoot her. She should be fine eventually, but Jack is really torn up about it, afraid she's not gonna make it. If you see the bitch, cut her. Don't go trying to find Charlie, this is Ranger business. We'll take care of it.


Well that was fun, let's not do it again.

filtered, kira )

filtered, heather )

filtered, sam )

Oct. 22nd, 2008


If anything happens to me
I just want you to
It'd be a way to go though, wouldn't it? No chance of me going darkside if I go out fighting the good fi

Hey Dean. Remember Tom & Jerry? How we used to watch it all the time when we were kids?

Funny cartoon. Haven't seen it in years.

Oct. 21st, 2008


Filtered to Isis Residents

From this point on, Isis is on lockdown. No one is to go outside without direct permission from me, and unless you can tack Ranger onto the end of your name, I doubt I'll give it. This means no more pictures, Henry. I just have a bad feeling this is going to get worse and I don't want any of you hurt. I'll be staying at Isis too, until all this is over which will hopefully be soon. Be safe.

Things aren't looking so good. Do you want to come stay with me at Isis for a while? I don't think you should be alone.

[Rangers at Isis]
Rangers, do you think you could take shifts watching the entrance?


I died, I remember that much. How could I forget that But then things get hazy, this is..I died. There was fire and..yeah, so excuse me for being confused right now and more than a little disturbed.

Sam? Anyone? I just need someone to tell me I'm not crazy.

Oct. 20th, 2008


[Filtered to Winchesters/their girlfriends and family]

Any complains about the angel, just tell me all right? I would know. I'm willing to talk to him. I know the Host members could be stuck-up and a pain about their assignments. There are saving graces.

[Filtered to Family]

Hi. I think we should meet or at least talk more often. Damien already knows.

Oct. 19th, 2008


okay...that was a bad idea. I'm never going to look myself up on the internet again..


I think I thought of a song we could do together, Halloween themed too. Have you ever seen Scooby-Doo and the Witch's Ghost?

What do you think of Ruby?


I just finished watching all the recorded information Kat has. There's so much. I feel old.

I'm going to head out for a bit, spend some time at the gym. I'll probably be back late, just thought I'd let you know.

Now that things have calmed down just a little, I suddenly remembered why I always liked LA. Shopping. I'm in heaven. Where's Aisha when you need her?

Oct. 18th, 2008


This doesn't look like Angel Grove but that doesn't make sense. Um... What's going on?


Filtered to Sam and Dean Winchester

Didn't know you guys had an angelic stalker.


I think I'll dress up as a female version of The Flash for Halloween.


filtered against baddies

So I'm playing a small set before The Jonas Brothers, possibly after Mitchie Torres (you're playing, aren't you?). This makes for a very happy me. Thing is, I have this extra pass and I can't decide who my +1 should be. I think I need a big hat to draw names from.

Oh, and Lana asked for there to be a Halloween-related song in the set. Any requests?

[ooc: Originally I didn't plan on Kira playing, since Lana is one of my characters too and I didn't want to be a hog. Yami wanted it, though, to help Jack remember who he is. So though she'll be on stage for a bit, The Jonas Brothers are still the main event ^_^]


I don't know why I'm here but I have an idea so I'm just gonna say my hellos and wait for the inevitible name calling and gun pointing.

My name is Ruby.

Yes Dean, that Ruby... the one you've just called a bitch probobly while shooting that gun I fixed for you at the wall, how far off am I. Come on humor me?

Sam, I thought for a while about something cryptic, so your brother didn't automaticly try to kill me but I decided to try honesty mostly cause theres an angel in the same city who'd love to send me back to the pit   I was going with lyrics from Ruby Tuesday or something, rembember I tried to get you listening to some Stones last....but wrong Winchester to play 'Crypic with the Classics' on am I right?

{Filtered to Sam}

We should talk. Alone would be good.


Dean Winchester.

We need to talk.

Oct. 16th, 2008


I had a dream about me being a dancer in the music video for "Thriller."

I'm never drinking caffeine before bed again.

Oct. 15th, 2008


Hey, Scarface. I saw your mum last night. Didn't know she worked the corners.

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