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Jul. 31st, 2009


Filtered to John Winchester

I know if I say sorry to you you'll laugh in my face or say screw the Powers and go get the Colt, and you'd have every right to. So instead I'm just going to explain why. Because I think you'll understand more clearly than anyone.

And honestly, thats why I really don't want to do this. But I have to.

You know why Azazel chose Sam.

Jul. 20th, 2009


Filtered against baddies

Clark? I'm sorta feeling like you don't like me anymore and no longer want to be my friend. I mean... you promised Virgil and I pie a while ago and so far we haven't seen what you said you'd make for us and I don't know... I'm feeling neglected here.

Virgil? You feel the same way, don't you?

Jun. 24th, 2009


custom filter

[Filtered to John and Dean Winchester, Claire Bennet (future) and Faith Lehane]

Sam's been...
Ruby's been...
There's blood...
So, remember what Azazel did to Sam? Well...

I need you to meet me. Urgently. [ADDRESS], tomorrow, before sunset. And no matter what else, do not tell Sam or Ruby where you're going.

[ooc: if Castiel seems avoiding and not answering any questions they have, it's because I'll probably be in bed! Damn GMT!]

Jun. 4th, 2009


custom filter;

[ooc: A modified family/close friends filter, includes: John, Dean, Bobby, Mary, Claire, Castiel]

I'm assuming everyone's seen this by now. We all know what leaves sulfur traces. It's time to do something about it.

Have you been to the site yet, to see if the sulfur traces are her?

additional filter outside the main;

I know you saw the talk about the sulfur. Were you out with Ruby last night?

Jun. 2nd, 2009


[Filter: Dean and John Winchester, Jack Landors, Anya, Sarah, ABC/SBC Claire's, Fred, Nathan]

Dean and John -

A lot of us at AI have become wary of Ruby and so we were hoping that you guys could help draw up some of those devily traps in some key places. I've been told you two are the guys for the job, if you're up for it. Obviously, we can't ask Sam. The less he knows about this, the better.

As for the places, we were thinking The Hyperion and Jack's. I don't want to have an extreme surplus of prisons she can accidentally walk into and then get riled up about. But we want the precautions. If she asks, they can be for 'other demons of her type'. I'm not above lying to her on that. I've been given the impression you two aren't her greatest fans, either.

So, byobucket of paint? Snacks provided?

P.S. The people I've placed on this filter are people who are AI management or already know about this plan.

May. 31st, 2009


People are strange.

[Filtered to Dean, John and Mary Winchester and f!Claire Bennet]

Before you ask, no I don't know what they're doing. They're careful to stay very hidden from me. I wish I knew.

[Filtered to Ben]

Want to go to the batting cages again some time?

May. 28th, 2009


Does anyone have any protests about me hunting vampires tonight or am I going to have to fight my friends because they suddenly feel the urge to protect them too?


[Filtered to John Winchester]

Werewolves. Opinions, comments. Knowledge of any around. All would be appreciated.

Also, putting Ruby in a box and mailing her to China. I'm looking for reasons why it's a bad plan, got any?

May. 2nd, 2009


Way to make my day, guys.

I didn' have no idea how much this all means to me. Thank you.

That includes you. The truck is gonna be real useful now.

I appreciate it. Meant a lot that you did that stuff.

Apr. 23rd, 2009


[Filtered against the bad guys]

Kinda what Sam said, but from me as well. Really, thank you. Actually thought we might actually be done for for a minute there Never doubted you for a second.


filtered against baddies.

Thank you to everyone who helped find Faith and myself. I didn't think that we were gonna make it out of there for a while, in fact I was pretty much set on us dying and the fact that you all came along when you did means a lot. There's really no decent way for me to express how appreciative I am about it all. Can't say enough, can't do enough. Still, I wanted you to know that it means a lot to me. Thanks again.

I'm pretty worn through. I'll probably rest up a while. If anyone needs me, I'll be around.

Winchesters & Co. )

Ruby. )

Faith. )

Apr. 8th, 2009


Filtered to those in the Winchester house
Sarah Petrelli had a pretty good idea that I'm considering. It would let us link our house to Claire's through two mirrors, and we could link it so that any of us could travel freely between the mirrors. I think it would make it safer for all of us to keep in contact, and that it would make all of us a little safer.

Any objections if we give it a try?

Damn it, I hate asking favors when...

I need a favor, and I'll pay with fries.

Apr. 6th, 2009


[Filtered from baddies]

Has anyone seen Heather around?

Mar. 26th, 2009


filtered to family/friends;

[ooc: backdated to just before noon. Comments open to switching to songs mid-conversation if anyone wants!]

I saw a really great hutch/side board thingy (a buffet, I think they call it?) for my dining room today while shopping. It was super cheap and it matched the table like it was made for it, so I couldn't resist buying it.

Seems lame to buy stuff for my house and not be staying there, so I think it's probably time to go home now. Don't want to wear out my welcome. ;)

Please don't freak out, De

Mar. 19th, 2009


filtered against baddies;

Poll under cut. )

My last entry was about factual information. I thought I would try a different angle this time. This is all in theory, mind you, so if you want to actually debate it? Comment.

Got a job. Selling computers. It'll be good for money for a while. With Alastair gone, I figured I'd have the extra time. Might as well put it to good use. Gotta start saving for parent...stuff. I want my kid to have a college fund.

Mar. 18th, 2009


Backdated to the 16th

Alastair's dead.

Mar. 6th, 2009


Backdated to the morning of the 6th

Filtered to angels and Winchesters & co )

Filtered to good guys )

Claires )

OOC: Anyone wanting in who hasn't said anything before should respond to this post. Jessi will have John reply to each of them ICly and he'll place them in the groups that were OOCly made up based on their abilities. Thanks!

Mar. 4th, 2009


Filtered from Baddies

Do me a favor? If any of you see triplets with hockey sticks or a demon made out of shit, call a friendly neighborhood angel.

Oh, and by the way, we're probably all fucked.

[Filtered to the Winchester Family/friends, from Ben]
My anal-retentive attention to detail reminds me that you were the only ones who knew about Her mortal form. Just saying.


Custom Filter*;

[*Filter includes: Hyperion Hotel, Winchester Household, Justice League, Filtered against Angels that might fall in those categories]

They're going to kill me for this. Oh wait. What else is new?

I know many of you are not exactly fond of God, not Elaine, the other one, but there is news that should be considered alarming.

She's missing. Gone. None of Her Angels can find Her. The last time this happened, it nearly ended very badly, based on what I'm hearing. It's quite possible that someone has managed to capture and confine God. Again.

And for those of you who think it might no be a bad thing, stop that mind track right now.

Mar. 2nd, 2009


filtered to family/friends;

I'm sorry for worrying you all over the past few days. I'm packing up here and heading home because this drinking shit is ridiculous.

Any leads on Alastair? I'm up for whatever you guys need me to do to help with him. I've been out of the loop on what you know, so an update would really be appreciated.

Feb. 25th, 2009


filtered to Dean, John, Mary, Sam;

You all should be much more careful about who you let in your home. I would hate to see the lovely lady of the house end up dead in her bed because of Ruby's plans.

Feb. 24th, 2009


filtered to friends/family;

Cas found Ruby. No need to keep looking. I'll be back to talk updates later, I'm going to check in with her.

Feb. 23rd, 2009


filtered to friends/family;

Has anyone seen Ruby?

Feb. 20th, 2009


filtered to family/friends.

I'm not gonna be around the house for a little while. Please keep an eye on Heather for me, I'm worried that she might do something to hurt herself.

Thank you.

[ooc: Backdated to last night.]

Feb. 19th, 2009


[Filtered to friends]





(added for Claire!)

Glitter Words
[ - *Glitter Words*]

Feb. 18th, 2009


filtered; from bad guy types

I can't sleep anymore, it's too quiet and weird in the apartment alone, you think I'd be used to being alone, I only did it for over a year and a half every single day by myself but I guess I just got spoiled by having all these people around and now.... fucking LA

I couldn't sleep last night and I ended up watching a marathon of The Hills on MTV. At first I was ashamed, but then it pulled me in with it's never ending drama and sex tape shenanigans. I'm pretty sure it's pure evil.

Feb. 15th, 2009


filtered to winchesters & co;

Went out. I'm not alone. Leave the front door open; I'll check for messages here later if you need me.

Feb. 14th, 2009


filtered to Alastair;

Tell me what you want to leave them all alone.


filtered to Winchester & co;

[ooc: around the time of this]

Where's Sam?

Feb. 12th, 2009


filtered against baddies;

I kind of needed a distraction because hanging around the house and watching over everyone in case that demon tries to come after anyone is boring, so I was just sort of flipping through channels on TV. And I came across this show that, as I'm Googling it, came out in 2005. About some chick. Who "finds excitement and romance at a horse ranch."

Gee, Ruby. I didn't know that you had a thing for horses.

Feb. 11th, 2009


Filtered to Sam Dean and John

Alastair wants for me to get creative to stop him going after your family.

So I got creative.

Any of you really shed a tear if we gave him Uriel?

Feb. 10th, 2009


[Filtered to Winchesters & Co]
I want you all in the house. Now.

I'm coming home. Make sure every line, spell -- anything you can think of, just make sure the damn house is secure.

Dad, I know you get pissed when I try and take order? But please don't argue with me right now.

[Filtered to Friends]
Get some rock salt.

[Filtered to Ruby]
Can we talk?

[ooc: Yes. Sam is spooked. >>]

Feb. 8th, 2009


Filtered to the Hyperion and the Winchesters

Any of you heard from Faith?  We were both patrolling different zones but we were supposed to meet and get food after but she never showed. That was an hour ago.

Its not like her, I think we all know that and given the psycho vamps and that demon are in town? I think the expression is better safe than sorry. Anyone heard from her, anyone at all.

Feb. 5th, 2009


Filtered to Allies, and against children (especially Ben)

It's Alastair. He's the one that took my Mom and Claire Bennet. For those of you who don't know, he's one of the most sadistic bastards hell ever produced.

We're kind of screwed.

(OOC: Posted late afternoon of the 5th. Dean sent texts to John and Ruby just after he heard from Alastair that he was the kidnapper)


filtered to Dean & Ruby;

[ooc: set hours after the return of Mary & Claire. There were texts before this message to them, to check the boards so they could talk, I just wasn't going to spam. XD]

Mary's asleep, finally, but I don't know for how long, so I'm not leaving the room.

I think it's time we talk about what we're all thinking.


Filtered to any involved in the Mary/Claire Search - Definitely filtered from Ben.

Its a demon. One like me...or...well y'know. From home.

Remember those murders in the news lately...some psycho messing up people so badly it took DNA to identify. Not so much new and scary in LA. But it stuck with me for some reason and now I know why. ...It was familiar.

I went with Nathan Petrelli to City Morgue and we confirmed it. This is a demon straight out of the Pit, I know cause I recognise some of the more obvious tactics. Cause way back when, I used them and had them used on me. There's a couple of tell tale signs

If thats not enough. there was Sulphur at the scene.

Now we just gotta work out who. Cause beyond the obvious theres nothing to point a finger.

I'm sorry. I wish I was wrong about this but I'm not. I'm certain. Just wish I knew more, cause right now... best we can hope for is...they're playing with them, using them to get to the rest of us.

Feb. 4th, 2009


filtered to Castiel;

Where is my wife.

[ooc: For Castiel's purpose, as well as other angels/telepaths/Jedi/etc, Mary and Claire are only barely detectable, as the hex bags are gone, but Alastair has a powerhouse of blocking magic and protections up. The most they'll pick up, if they're relatively powerful or in-tune to either Mary or Claire, is that they are still in the city. For a reference, see Peter's comment here]


[Fred Burkle]
See if you can find anything out about these new assholes 'guests' to Los Angeles, okay? Abilities, weaknesses, anything you can find.

Keep me updated on what's going on with your groups and patrols. If those bastards sho--

WHERE THE HELL IS CLAIRE? I swear to Elaine, if anyone's hur

Does anyone know where Claire is? I heard felt sensed her. Fear, pain-- she was cut off. Dean, talk to me.

Something happened to Claire. The older one. Does anyone know where she was today?

EDIT TO ADD: [Anti-baddies]

Looking for Claire Bennet and Mary Winchester. ANYONE with information, don't hold back.

Feb. 1st, 2009


[Filtered to Allies]

We're fighting blind right now and these guys are playing us. We have no idea what we're really dealing with. and that's what makes this dangerous.

I suggest an encounter, one on our terms. We meet them, see what they can do and then we get out. This won't be a fight to the death, it'll be purely recon.

Sam, John, Batman, you've have mentioned you'd be part of a team like this, you still in?

Anyone else? Before you all rush, I want to say I want to keep this hunting party tight. And not show off all our weapons just yet. I just want this team big enough to keep everyone alive, no more.

Jan. 31st, 2009


[Filtered to the Hyperion plus allies and friends]

So, insane vampires. In LA. wanting to kill us

Don't know about you guys but I pretty much want them dead. Anyone else in?

I'm thinking finding out what those tricks of theirs are might be a plan. Anyone ever come across the name Saga Vasuki? I know Sam's looking into it, but this is a all the help we can get sort of thing. Especially as I actually like being alive.

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January 2010




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