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Jan. 5th, 2009


Jo? Since I'm not having a nudist wedding (nice job trying though, guys, really) we're going out to look at dresses tomorrow. You promised, and I'm totally holding you to that. Faith, Mary, Claire, Alessa, if you aren't doing anything, I'd love if you would come, too. Isn't it more exciting that way? A whole group of squealing girls looking at wedding dresses? Not that, you know, we'd ever do that or anything.

Ben, when we get back, how about you and me have a Guitar Hero megathon? I can get us a whole bunch of junk food for rock star stamina, what do you say?

And last but not least, Sam, I think this weekend we should go out and pick the menu. That includes sampling and tasting, and considering that, I think Dean and Ben should come. So all of you can let me know what you think.

...This doesn't make me Bridezilla yet, right? I was watching that earlier and it pretty much freaked the crap out of me.

I think this is enough to keep us all occupied and distracted for a while.

Jan. 4th, 2009


filtered against children and harry mason;

Poll #2954 A Guy Thing or a Sam Thing?
Open to: All, results viewable to: All

There was a recent discussion in which I, Sam Winchester, stated that I would not mind seeing Heather naked during our wedding. Now while it might be awkward for her to be without clothing in front of other people, the fact that she mentioned nudity in any manner of course sparked an agreeable reaction out of me all the same. In any males case, where their partner or someone that they're attracted to talks about themselves in the nude, is it really all that unlikely that they would respond in an agreeable manner or is it just because I'm weird? Because Heather seems to think that it's just me, in which case I believe that it's a perfectly normal reaction for any male in general. What do you think?

View Answers

All men would love to see their woman in the nude after being tempted.
4 (44.4%)

No, Sam, no one wants to see a woman naked after she talks about herself in such a way.
1 (11.1%)

Sam wins. The end.
4 (44.4%)

Heather is wrong.
1 (11.1%)

Heather is very wrong.
2 (22.2%)


filtered; dean

Sam thinks you'll get drunk with him and let me take you both dress shopping, with you two being the shoppers. Just play along, he'll be drunk and by the time he realizes you're not actually totally going through with it I imagine I can get him in at least three different ones. Though you might have to man it up and at least wear a wig so you two look prettier.


I don't have anything to say right now, but I figured that it would be a good idea to finally make a post that doesn't involve something terrible or life-threatening. So. Here it is.

Obviously I need to go do something.

Jan. 3rd, 2009


You have GOT to be kidding me.

Fucking unbelievable. Fucking angels.


filtered; ben


Jan. 2nd, 2009


Dreams are something else, aren't they?

Dec. 31st, 2008


So what's your New Year's resolution?


This is for you, Sam.

Read more... )

Dec. 30th, 2008


I always wanted to see the ball drop in New York on New Year's Eve. Don't know why I didn't. I grew up kind of close to the city, so it doesn't make much sense. How come we never went, Dad? But it doesn't matter so long as I'm here, right?

Sam, still up for having that party? I mean, get-together?

Dec. 23rd, 2008


I don't want to think about God. I don't want to think about plagues of frogs and flies and smiting and all that. Just let me listen to this over and over until New Year's. )


Some little old lady hit me with her cane at the mall. How is that even fair? It's not like you can fight back, she's just a little old lady with a cane so you pretty much just have to take it. Christmas makes people crazy.

Dec. 22nd, 2008


Sappy? Corny? Embarrassingly girlish? I DON'T CARE.

Dec. 21st, 2008


filtered against baddies.

Had a dream about Kira last night that didn't really make any sense. Been happening a lot lately. Yeah I miss her but these dreams are so realistic. They always turn into nightmares Sometimes I think when I wake up that she'll be there. I've been meaning to go back to the beach, but for some reason I just haven't been able to go there. Not yet..

I know this is lame, over the internet. I'm...sorry I froze on you when we met. I...I'm still trying to deal with someone I lost recently.

[Peter Petrelli]
How you feelin?

a survey of a hundred truths. )

Dec. 19th, 2008


Filtered from god and the angels.

So...okay people not so big on my virgin saccrifice plan.

Does anyone have any objection to a lot of lambs getting ganked in the near future? Just in case it comes to that? No one real big into animal rights or whatever?

Not that it will...But y'know.


Dec. 17th, 2008


Dear life,
Right now I really, really, really hate you and would love if you would please stop sucking, thanks.

ooc: failed!emo post is failed!emo post

Dec. 16th, 2008


Filtered against baddies.


[OOC: Heather doesn't really know what's going on, but people are cranky, SHE'S cranky, and she wants more of teh happy, people! Starting with this! xD]

Dec. 15th, 2008


filtered, Dean )

Dec. 14th, 2008


filtered, castiel )

Dec. 13th, 2008



I know I was leaning toward it before, but that was a year ago and we were DESPERATE and TRAPPED, this isn't even close to
You're all over
I hate people.


Look at all the little mud monkeys.

Dec. 8th, 2008


Uh. Is today Adults Acts Like Kids Day? I don't have to be an adult, do I?


Guitar Hero... I so don't get it.

Dec. 4th, 2008


I'm engaged. I'm engaged. I'm engaged. I'm engaged. I'm engaged. I'm engaged. I'm engaged. I'm engaged. I'm engaged. I'm engaged. I'm engaged. I'm engaged. I'm engaged.


Dec. 3rd, 2008


It's after midnight, so.

Happy birthday to me, I guess.

Dec. 1st, 2008


I'm so much cooler than a ninja.


Nov. 29th, 2008


Filtered against baddies.

i was hoping yesterday would've turned out to just be a dream.
except for
sam told me when this is over we're looking for a ring.
or is it more like a free ride to hell in some of your opinions?
just shut up, heather.
i'm not talking about it.

forgot what i was gonna say.

this cast itches.


[Filtered to the Winchesters, Jo, Heather, Bobby]

I'm done.

I tried to help him but I'm done.

Put a leash on your brother Dean, if you want to keep him.

[Filtered to Castiel]

...Thank you. Again.

I really hope he's wrong and you don't end up paying for this

But tell me, why the hell should I give a damn about humanity. I tried Castiel. I really tried.

[Filtered to Azazel]

Well played.

ETA: I forgot to add Bobby, and Ruby would cause they totally bonded over the colt lol :D

Nov. 28th, 2008


filtered, ruby )

added a few minutes later
filtered, dean & john )

Nov. 27th, 2008


Filtered from Bad Guys

Is it strange to believe completely in the existance of something without having faith in it?

Nov. 14th, 2008


filtered, friend and family type people )

filtered, Bobby )

filtered, Dean )

filtered, Cox )

Nov. 12th, 2008


Sam )

John )


Mind keeping the mistakes I make between us next time? A bitch-out session from a demon isn't my idea of a good time right now.

Can we talk? About...anything.

You okay?

I haven't talked to you in a while. How are you?

Looks like we're really in the same boat all over again.

Were you serious about board games?

Adjusting to this place any better yet?

It's been a while. What's up?

Heard you found out about me. What do you want?

[ooc: yeah, she's trying really hard to keep busy/distracted right now. D:]

Nov. 5th, 2008


Given recent developments, it seems to me that certain people should have accepted certain deals when they were offered.

Nov. 3rd, 2008


Filtered to Jo and Cox

You should offer some sort of pedestrian discount at the bar.

Nov. 2nd, 2008


I had a really fucked up weird dream. Almost as weird as that one I had around Christmas my senior year of high school.

I think I'm going to stay up tonight.

[Sam Winchester]

[Jack Landors]
Where ar
Why didn't you

[Dean Winchester]
Life sucks. I want a beer.

Nov. 1st, 2008


I'm confused. Which rarely happens to Angels. Anyone want to explain how the Samhain festival became this and while they're at it, just what happened here tonight?


OOC: Morning after Halloween.

Glad to be back to normal.


Worst holiday ever.

Oct. 30th, 2008


Filtered to friends.

We're relocating.

Dean, I got us an apartment. It's got three bedrooms, a kitchen, and a bathroom. And a living room, too, I guess. It's not really much, but considering that there's only the two of us I don't think that it really matters. We just need to furnish it, which I'm currently looking into. Anyway, I thought that it was high time that we got to settling down because, in case you haven't noticed, we've been here a good while.

So pack your stuff. We're checking out.

[Address]. That's for everyone else. So you know how to find us.

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