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Mar. 3rd, 2009


You know, if I was still batting for Team Evil, I could have a frikkin' field day with you people.


Filtered against villains

I've been in this city for several weeks, and I think I've gotten used to it. It's more or less the same as the Los Angeles in my world, with the exception of a lot more monsters and vampires running around, and the year is several years in the past.

I've been doing odd jobs around the city to earn money, but I'm growing kind of bored with them. There are vampires to kill, but they seem nearly unlimited, and it doesn't pay. Not unless you count the satisfaction of seeing those undead bastards' heads roll across the ground as payment.

I've heard of an appealing fight club, but I'm not able to take part. I think I might have an unfair advantage with the suit. And I'm not crazy enough to try without it. Once I might have been the greatest unarmed combatant on my world, but those days are long past, thanks to some genetic manipulation by my enemies.

So, what other jobs are there around here for a former President, with military experience?

I've filtered this post incidentally, against unsavory individuals.

Feb. 18th, 2009


[Filtered to friends but NOT Tenel Ka!]

So I may have asked Tenel Ka out on a date. What may surprise some of you though is despite us knowing each other for most of our lives and having a child together, we've never really gone on an actual date before.

So I may need some advice. How does one take a Jedi Queen out on a date in Los Angeles?


[Filtered against the bad guys]

It's strange, sometimes I forget how different this place is to home. But then others it's hard to escape the fact that this is all so, well, alien to me.

Kennedy, patrol later?

Feb. 9th, 2009



I'm getting Faith back. Tonight.

No, Sam. You're not coming. If I'm not alone, they'll kill her.

[Nathan, ABClaire, Sarah, Kennedy, and Fred]
Be ready, just after sunset. I'm going to meet them, and teleport Faith back as soon as I get close enough to touch her. I don't expect her to be in very good condition, so Claire, please have a syringe ready.

Fred, from what I heard, it seems like they managed to take her Slayer powers away. Can you see what we have to do to fix that?

Kennedy. You are not, I repeat, you are not to go after them. Or, for that matter, out patrolling on your own. I need you. You're the only Slayer I can count on right now.

Feb. 4th, 2009


[ooc: due to some confusion over the logs, this is a little backdated!]

On behalf of Tenel Ka, I would like to apologize for her recent behavior. Rest assured that the influence over her has been broken and the cause will be eliminated.

Alema Rar. Your days are numbered. I am coming for you.

Jan. 28th, 2009


[Filtered to the Hyperion except Tenel Ka]

I've found someone who thinks she can help Tenel Ka. I'm taking her there tonight. [ADDRESS]


[Filtered to Jacen]


I've found a location. Meet me at [address] around 6:00 PM, on Saturday the 28th. There will be a couple people present, but probably won't be in the room with us when we get to work. Their names are Selene and Logan.

Selene has also suggested an alternative for us to try, if I should run into any problems tracing the culprit behind Tenel Ka's altered mental state. I'll have her explain it to you when you get there.

- Jean

[ OOC: This was posted after her chat with Selene. ]


Filtered from the Slayers and Tenel Ka

I've heard there is a God around here.

Are you really sure this "God" is what it claims to be? The last "God" on my world turned out to be a parasite that was feeding on the souls of the people.

I have to admit, I am skeptical of this deity. Especially since His texts seem startlingly similar to the ones of the religion of that god. The names are different, but the themes are the same. It has me disturbed.


They won't let me leave. That's not exactly heroic now is it. Nor is a friend utterly betraying trust, but then I hear Faith was always good at that. I am more than a little suprised at Sarah of course.

Still I'll get out eventually. I'm sure he has a plan, he has to have a plan

[Filtered to Faith]

You are you know, a traitor...Do you treat all your friends this well? Or is that what you do, worm your way in to trust and then...

Oh but of couse it is isn't it. You do betrayal well.

[Filtered to Jacen]

I don't understand why I can't leave, why you and I can't just do what we should have done back home. I mean you ended up having to train up Tahiri...Tahiri of all people.

It should have been me shouldn't it. Once Ben walked away from the training, did you want it to be me?

[Filtered to Jack]

You need to get me free of here. You're resourceful I'm sure you can think of a way.

Jan. 26th, 2009


[Filtered to psychics]

Who here knows anything about mind control?

Jan. 24th, 2009


This city never ceases to bemuse me.

Jan. 21st, 2009


He is here again. No Dark Man.

You cannot remain hidden from him for long-- when here, he knows what I know.

And you know him so little.

Jan. 20th, 2009


[Filtered from Luke]

You have got to be kriffing kidding me.

Not now. Not here.

So, does anyone want to fill me in on just how much my beloved uncle is going to want to kill me? Rough figure will do.

Jan. 18th, 2009


Filter against Bad Guys

I have been reading a good deal of this, debate and declined from speaking, but bad feeling is being caused and that is good for no one.

So for what it is worth, this is one persons opinion from a lot of experiance, as a Jedi as a soilder and as a Queen. You cannot solve all problems without casulties. This is a fact. I have seen many wars and many political coups as well as more than one random crazy who will not ever change and who cannot ever be helped. To believe they can be helped tends to loose more lives.

 Of course, the last resort should be to kill, but it is not always possible to do otherwise, and to believe it is is in my opinion impossibly naieve.

I will not insult anyone that makes the choice not to take a life. But to insult others that will and that have for whatever reason is foolish and uncalled for. But the point I wished to make based on what I have seen here and at home is this. People will do anything, anything for those they love, people will defend them against all others to protect them, This is a basic truth of any sentient being with an ounce of goodness within them, Is this not a good thing? An admirable trait.

 For my part, I have taken lives. Many lives. So I speak from experiance.

I have taken life in war and in peace time, lives of a species called the Yuuzhan Vong, Beings that would have done anything to see the governments and people of worlds in my home Galaxy fall so that they could impose their will and their Gods on us, I watched as they took the Galactic Capital and tried to rebuild it in the image of their lost homeworld, I lost friends to them, for a time lost Jacen, I have taken the lives of Nobles who tried to take my throne from me, who tried to take the lives of myself and my daughter. But equally I have chosen to spare lives when it serves the greater good. Lives of men who engineered a nano attack against my ship. These men used my fathers DNA to target my family, many died, Allana and I escaped because... because we were warned in time... And yet, these men I spared to ensure peace, to finally end a war, their lives were in my hands and I assure you I wanted them dead.

So in truth, Arguing this is pointless and should cease because both sides are defending their own in their own way. And neither will back down, because again it is a matter of defending those they love.

Jan. 12th, 2009


If anyone needs me? I'll be in bed with my fiancee. For a week.

Jan. 11th, 2009


Ok, which of you bastards has the kid?

Filtered against baddies
Anyone see this kid?
image )

Filtered to Family and friends (if you think you might be on this list, you probably are ;)
Someone's taken Ben. I found his bike and some stuff he picked up at the corner store, and it was smashed and tramped on so I don't think he just vanished.

Jan. 9th, 2009


[Filtered against the bad guys]

I just wanted to clarify a couple of details. While there is one psychopath running around blowing things up, there is already another mentally unbalanced being from my galaxy here, Alema Ra.

There is no question, she has to be killed. She is dangerous and she is deadly and her death is the only acceptable solution.

She is a powerful Dark Jedi, with numerous powers. She regularly uses her Force powers, including those associated with the Dark Side such as the lightning, Force chokes, mind tricks, manipulation, among others. She is a skilled combatant, both as a Force user and as a Twi'lek, a species known for their flexibility and strength.

That said, despite her involvement on a threat on the life of my daughter, I claim no ownership over her death. If anyone else wants to, go for it. Just try to capture it on a holo so I can watch and be highly amused.

Jan. 8th, 2009


The DC Universe is taking over.


[Filtered to the JLA,, Hyperion, Isis, and Welcome Center]

[Sent as Oracle.
Attch: Huge ass file on the Joker. Like the wiki, but with more.]

This is ten years worth of information on the man who calls himself The Joker. About ten minutes ago there was an explosion that ranged from [address] to [address]. About two city blocks, gone. Injury reports are still coming in, but already I'm already hearing twenty and many more injured. The Joker isn't a demon, he's not a vampire, he's not anyone with any power aside from a near genius intellect in chemistry, weaponry, and blowing things to hell. That said, underestimate him at your peril. I'm well aware that he looks like a clown, but the man is a menace and he's like a cockroach. I can't count the number of times I've seen him 'die', only to reappear again. Jail cells won't hold him, aside from that, he's not easily caught and the one person who I know can isn't here.

I already warned Gabriel, but don't taunt him. Don't challenge him. Don't try and push him over an edge. He'll accept your challenge and you will have alerted him to your existence, which isn't something you really want to do, believe me. If you're out and you see him, don't approach him unless-- well, just don't. Not directly, at any rate, and if you do please, please, please make sure you have some sort of plan. He will not. I would tell the entire city of Los Angeles, but when you tell the general public something like that, that just tends to make them more curious. I'm just assuming that the few of you are sensible enough to at least consider this advice. The Joker and I have a history, and I know exactly what he's capable of this. This isn't just from nowhere.

Like I said, the Joker won't have a plan. He doesn't do plans. He does chaos. That's essentially all he wants. I can't tell you what he'll do next, but I can tell you that I'm currently watching all hospitals, hospices, business centers, homeless shelters... basically anywhere where there are innocent and helpless people. Residents of the Isis, and those of you who work at the Welcome Center? You could be targets. Again, I can't say anything for sure, but he likes chaos and he likes confused innocents. He might rob a bank and then burn the money. He'll take hostages and then kill them after his demands are met. Just because.

Just be careful. And if any of you can spare some superpowers for down town, I'm sure the EMTs and fire departments would appreciate it.


Hmm. Well. Well, well, well. Isn't this... quaint.

Let's liven up the place.

Jan. 4th, 2009


This place never ceases to amaze me. Gods, myths, fictions, beliefs both my mothers people and the Hapans to whom I was queen outgrew centuries ago. But here my story is fiction, my galaxy, and I know there are others in similar situations.

How have you found your place here? Dealing with this knowledge, that what you know for fact to be true people here may read about or view on a monitor. Does it bother you?

[Filtered to Jacen]

How are you settling in? Is there anything you need?

Jan. 2nd, 2009


Someone saw me on the street today, screamed, and then ran.

I'm a little offended. I was only buying Starbucks. That's not exactly scream worthy. Unless you've got something against coffee that isn't Fair Trade.

Another random question time. Was the first dare you can ever remember accepting in a game of Truth and Dare?

Jan. 1st, 2009


Filtered to Jacen Solo

It seemed pointless for us to hide away any longer Lord Caedus since you know well we are here.

We serve the Balance still, and we know what we have done for you. We saved you when your Hapan betrayed you we offered you safety salvation and... know what else we offered.

, So we ask what can we do for you now Until our true masters return at least

Dec. 31st, 2008


[Filtered to Tenel Ka]

Alema Ra.

Dec. 30th, 2008


Filtered to Jacen Solo.

Uh awkward hey.


a'den, aruetyc, dinii hut'uun utyc, shabuir osik'la kyorla!!!!!!!!!!

Whoever messed up that candy's gonna get a bullet in the brain. I'll even do it for free.

I was eleven, nice relitively innocent even, before someone turned the galaxy into his own personal playpen. Same guy that hapilly chatted to eleven year old me about my Mama, For clarifications sake the one he tortured and killed for kicks, and what'd he say about it....

'sometimes peoples Mama's push them into it'?????? sometimes people have no choice! No CHOICE!

You kriffing KIDDING ME  with this osik you Dar'jetti scum

I will have skira... Its not over. Not by a long way

Welcome back Colonel.

Filtered to Sam

I think I'm gonna be sick.

I was NICE to him,

Dec. 29th, 2008


Oh. My. God.


Dad, I swear, I don't go around showing my boobs to everyone and me and Sam never used bondage in our lives!

Dec. 28th, 2008



Dec. 29th, 2008


So it would seem that I have been dragged here against my will and now am stuck with you lot. So I suppose an introduction would be in order. My name is Darth Caedus Colonel Jacen Solo. I would ask for assistance but I truly doubt there's anyone here able to help me.

Nov. 7th, 2008


Filtered to Jacen

I recently met with Jaina, She asked my advice on...on a different matter to what was eventually discussed and well... I...don't know that you have spoken to her lately but Jacen I'm worried...she thinks...

Your sister has gotten it into her head that you are playing me somehow. Fooling me into trusting you. I of course believe none of it, you would never decieve me in that way, but it begs the question, where has she gotten this theory? Her memory is still sketchy and yet this

I do not believe it is a strech to say that things have been strained between us and the other Jedi. It could do with being addressed. That is after all where problems like this start. Mistrust and misinformation.

The things she said about you....

Oct. 29th, 2008


Okay, I want to get off the ride now. I'm feeling sick.

I found some stuff out for you.


Filtered to Jacen

You went to confront him didn't you... without me...

Why did you need to go alone? And more to the point, how unwilling to hear reason was he?

Oct. 22nd, 2008


Filtered to Jacen

Everything outside, its because of the ritual...

They say they didn't know but if I don't help it won't stop..others are helping I just...Well look at it Jacen, its not exactly making me confident.

And that Alessa, she was in my head, telling me if I didn't help it would fail. That I had to.

Help me keep her out? I need them to leave me alone...

Especially lately with...I don't want to get that angry again. I can't

Oct. 13th, 2008


Filtered to Jacen

How are you feeling? Is there anything you need?

I assume you've already spoken to Jaina since her return?

Oct. 1st, 2008


Filtered to Jacen Solo


I need to...

I understand now, how you could...

It was too easy just to...

I think I did something awful.

Sep. 29th, 2008


{Filtered to Heather}

Jacen's willing to listen as I said he would be, just...could you explain what it is, my part in it, what the blood is for and so on? I do want to help, we just have concerns....

{Filtered to Heather and Jacen}

Jacen, Heather, Heather. Jacen...

She's going to explain the basics at least and then I'm sure if we need to meet we can do so yes?

Sep. 28th, 2008


{Filtered to Jacen}

Amelia has grown close to the Malfoy boy, so I have asked him, and Draco, the boys father to meet us for a dinner.

She is seventeen and this sort of thing, boys and dating,  is to be expected. though neither you nor I have any experience of it.  The fact that she and the boy have agreed to this bodes well.

Also, would you speak to Heather Mason when you can, she wishes to explain to you about this ritual. They say they need me Jacen.

{Filtered to Draco Malfoy}

It seems my daughter and your son have grown closer. And as such I believe it would be appropriate at this point to meet, along with Amelia's father Jacen. and the children. Perhaps for a meal. Would you be agreeable?

Sep. 27th, 2008


{filtered to Tenel Ka}
Scorpius has agreed to your dinner idea. He'd like it if someone else would talk to his father, though. So I was thinking, since you're going to be inviting Jacen... maybe you could take care of Draco, too? He's less likely to think it's a joke if you ask him.

{filtered to Jacen Solo}
Do me a favor and keep an open mind the next time you speak to Tenel Ka. Please?

Also, how's Jaina doing?

Aug. 6th, 2008


{Private to Jacen Solo}

Force Lightning Jacen??

And  Allana, using the Force on her, throwing her...

Please have an explaination, Please have some reason why you would do such a thing to our daughter. Because I love you, and I know you aren't dark. I trust you Jacen but this I can't watch you destroy yourself again.

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