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Jan. 27th, 2009


Filtered to friends/Weir

I really need to learn to not talk back to someone who once tortured me.

Yeah, I'll be in my room.

Jan. 26th, 2009


The Weir + Lavender

All this healing stuff going around... Remus? Lavender? What're you thinking?

I don't know what to think.

Merlin, Remus, I do not want to get your hopes up. I don't
This can't be happening.


Filtered against baddies/Ron

Why does it take so long for men to realise the hints you've been giving them!

Jan. 21st, 2009


Private to Ron

You do know if you don't have your comments private, I can read them, don't you?


What is it about here that means I can't take a walk around the park at a reasonable hour without being accosted by men? I never had that problem at home.

Jan. 17th, 2009


The only good thing I have to say about this whole experience is that I nailed the bitch with a Bat Bogey Hex, and she was thoroughly disgusted.

I can't believe this.


So it's done. Glory is gone. Everything's back to normal.

Good job, guys.

I killed Ben to kill Glory, you know. He was begging for me not to and I just did it anyway.

And hey, I didn't even die this time.

Jan. 12th, 2009


Filtered Against Baddies

Is anyone doing anything to stop this Glory person? I want Ginny back to normal, I'm willing to do what I can to help.

Jan. 7th, 2009


Ginny is rambling on and I want to smack her. Except I can't do that, because she's not in the right state of it and it'd be wrong. Are we going to bloody well fix her or not?

[ooc: This is what happens when Ron gets worried. He tries to be tough. DO NOT LET IT FOOL YOU.]

Jan. 6th, 2009


Filtered to the Weir

Harry's gone. He's not anywhere.

Jan. 2nd, 2009


Whichever one of you gits came at my sister? I'm going to bloody well murder you.

Who did it? Who attacked Ginny Potter?

Someone messed with her head! She's completely off her sodding bird! Looks like a memory charm of sorts to me. Anyone want to try and figure it?


Too many, theres too many, shes ruining so many lives

Hi...I'm Ben, I'm a Nurse at the Pacific Hospital.  I asked before about a woman called Lisa Cuddy...and another ones shown up at the hospital, same symptoms, same...same thing as before, same thing as Niki Sanders. They're the only two we don't have next of kin for yet. I hate having to do this every time

Do any of you know Ginny Potter?


It's actually snowing!

Filtered to the Weir

Someone want to go out in it with me?

Dec. 30th, 2008


I think I'll stay away from candy for a while now.

Dec. 28th, 2008


Fred. George. If this is you putting some potion in my pumpkin juice for a joke I seriously am not happy!

[ooc: I couldn't resist. She's now the tad more annoying 14 year old. And yes she shall be eating more candy and will slowly become the annoying 11 year old]

Dec. 25th, 2008


What does one do with a kitten you can't use for gambling?

Dec. 22nd, 2008


Filtered to Ron

I was told by your mother to go ahead and clean your room. I couldn't help it, you knew the mess would get to me eventually. And don't give me the 'oh but I know where everything is' excuse about why it's a mess, everything's far more easier to find now. And if you can't find something then it's easy enough to ask politely. And how long exactly has the majority of those things been lying on the floor!

And, well...I'm sorry if you're disappointed in what I get your for Christmas. It's hard when you can't leave the house.

Dec. 20th, 2008


I would... really like to know what's going on right about now.

Plagues? Really?

At this point, I'd prefer Voldemort. At least he was predictable

Dec. 18th, 2008


I reckon I shouldn't be amused by this rubbish. But I am.

The goblins are magical, Harry. )


Okay...Lots of frogs. This isn't normal. 

Filtered to Ron

You were right. It's quite amazing how often that's happening these days.


Know what sucks...

People with weird minds. Like first the preacher. Ew. He felt totally rank, it made me for a minute question one of my dresses as being too whorish. Me? I mean...Hello...

Incidently, SO unfair. You played me people and that is totally uncalled for

and this girl from a while ago...its like theres two of her. Ones a total bitch too...

I miss the days I could just brain suck a witch and move on.  Cause seriously, witches totally a pick me up...zesty or something.

Dec. 17th, 2008


Merlin, I feel like I could sleep for a week, or a month, you know maybe even a year. A year is good.


I hate being stuck in. There's only so many things you can do in your own room, and some of the house. And it's only so long I can fight the temptation to clean up Ron's room. 

There has to be something...

Filtered to Lupin and Tonks

If you two ever want some time yourself, I'd be happy to watch Cian. I feel pretty useless, just staying inside. It would be no trouble.


Filtered to the Weir

It really wasn't that bad finally getting outside. True I could not manage to go too far from where the protection stops, I still managed to get outside. And it was nice to get that moment of fresh air.

How are the plans for Christmas coming along? Anything I can do?

Dec. 14th, 2008


[ooc: Because of Hermione. xD]


Dec. 15th, 2008


Filtered against bad guys

Some things the people who read those books about my world write really are exceptionally...graphic.

(OOC: Oh yes, she read smut fanfic.)


You  know, this talk about sacraficing has made me slightly less willing to leave home now.

I can't believe I was nearly sucked in.

Dec. 14th, 2008


Filtered to Weir residents

Has anyone seen my father? You know.. Draco Malfoy? I think he's missing. I knocked on his door and there's no answer. I checked at different times in the day.. and nothing. I don't understand. My father.. would someone have taken him? Like the Dark Lord? Or maybe he went the same way as Al. Back home. To our real home, to our time in the future. I also wonder if he retains his memories from here. But if anyone sees him, in case I'm wrong, please let me know.


Filtered to Tenel Ka

Is there any way you can get in contact with your daughter.. either version? I knew of Allana. I spoke with her. She told me that while she is here, Amelia is somewhere else. I guess, like.. another plane of reality. I understood that when Allana would go, Amelia would return. Neither can occupy the same space. However, I've sent an owl to Allana, in hopes that I could speak with her once more. I also tried to use that muggle phone.. thing. There's no answer and the owl comes back with the note unopened. Usually, this would mean that Amelia is back. But my efforts are in vain as she is not reachable either.

Please, I need to know.. have you seen her? Spoken with her? I'm hoping I didn't do anything to push her away. I hope I'm not responsible for this. I'm probably not.. but that still doesn't shake this feeling. I could be overreacting. But I love her. I need to know that she is safe. If she is with you, then I'm worrying for nothing. Though, my father is missing as well. I'd suspect foul play, assume it's Voldemort.. but it feels different. Villains usually gloat about such things if that's the case. I just need to know that everything is alright. I need to know that our child, mine and hers, gets to live in peace, safety, and love.


Filtered from god and the angels

Who in LA's a virgin?.

Just for refrence.



Filtered to Ginnny

Ginny Potter your potions work miracles. I never realised you could make them so well.

Filtered to Ron

Are you...mad with me?


I won't lie... even if he's too little to understand what it all means, I can't wait for Christmas to come.

[Filtered to the Weir]
Any plans for a Christmas celebration of sorts?

Dec. 11th, 2008


Filtered To The Weir

I need to go shopping once these fires stop. Anyone want to come?


Filtered to Ginny

When do you think I'll be well enough to go out?

Dec. 10th, 2008


Filtered to friends

I need something to do whilst I...recover. Something to keep my mind off what happened.


Filtered To The Weir

Rose...Rose isn't in her room.

Merlin, what if James and Victoria have her!


Filtered to Ron


Dec. 9th, 2008


I can't sleep. I've been trying since I got back home and I just...

I can't stop thinking about what happened. What could have happened.


Filtered to friends

I thought I should let you know, I'm safe. I'm back home now. I'd rather it came from me than from anyone else.

It was thoughts of you which kept me...Well they kept me from giving up the fight. So thank you.

[OOC: If you think you're included in the 'friends' filter then you're probably right :)]

Nov. 30th, 2008



Who has them, and what do you do to get rid of them?

I keep seeing, what I'm supposed to do. I can't...I can't let that happen!

I'm getting to scared to sleep.

[ooc: I'm not sure if any of the angels out there would be able to recognize Christina as an Anti-Christ, and for the fact the Devil is her daddy. Of course, if they can feel free to comment about it to her. But don't make it public...yet ;)]


I need to get home. This place it's just...killing me.

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