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Jul. 30th, 2008



Sooo, who didn't go to storm into the castle tonight?

Jul. 29th, 2008


Filtered to Dawn.

Wanna go see a movie or something?


this is why someone should entertain me )

Jul. 24th, 2008


I took out a group of vampires last night that were actually hassling an old lady. Tell me that isn't pathetic.

Jul. 20th, 2008


I want a unicorn.

No I don’t. I lied. I want to go somewhere that isn’t my room, the lobby, the dining room, the kitchen, the gym, the showers, the office or the room where the weapons are kept. Will somebody who won’t get their ass kicked come with me? I’d go by myself but I don’t want to end up with pieces of my skull all over the road or worse, on some old lady’s flowers.

So who wants the honor of following me around? It is such an honor. And Clark? Don’t knock people over to get to me first. That’s not nice.

Jul. 16th, 2008


I think I need a drink... or twelve.

Private, Willow
I'm glad to hear you're okay. And thanks.

Jul. 8th, 2008


[Filtered to the Hyperion folk]

Hey guys, so I see Buffy's back, which is great.

So, yeah, I mean, thank you for the offer of the room and all (I mean, really, thank you) but you guys got the real Slayer with you now, so you don't need me crowding up the joint as well. I was thinking I'd hit some of the seedy.... wait, the seedier parts of town, see what Intell I can beat outta people about Darla. I'll let you know the second I find out anything.

You guys need me, just holler, I'll be there.


Oh bollocks. Does anyone else have someone pretending to be them? Because right now, I could really choke a bitch.

Jul. 7th, 2008


I have a feeling someone needs to fill me in on what I missed -- and fast.

Jul. 5th, 2008


Filtered to Hyperion folk.

Got any rooms left?


It really creeps me out that people here look so much alike sometimes.

I miss Buffy and having some brunette version running around doesn't help. No offense to her or anything, I'm sure she's lovely or whatever.


I wouldn't mind going out to a club, or something. No seeker work, just dancing. Loads of dancing.

Jul. 3rd, 2008


I hate you all. Just for the record.

Jul. 2nd, 2008


I almost got hit by a falling sign today. Then some dog almost ate my arm off and yesterday somebody threw a refrigerator out the window and it could have hit me and then I’d be dead and squashed on the sidewalk. The world’s not being nice to me. I think I pissed somebody off. I just don’t know who it is… I should figure it out. I'm staying in my room. Nobody throw things at me.

It’s probably that Damien freak. Maybe. Could be.

Jun. 19th, 2008


Jun. 17th, 2008


I'm a virgin. And I'd like to change it, but I don't know how. I mean I know how but I've spent the past two years or so surrounded by girls, minus Xander and my talking to boys skills, not that I really had any to begin with, have pretty much become nill.

Also, I'm not a real person and sometimes when I look in the mirror I can see what I really am. It's kind of pretty, but mostly it scares me.

Jun. 16th, 2008


Cordelia was right. I am the Zeppo.

This is ridiculous! I feel like we're all on Dr. Phil and it's like a nonstop marathon that just won't end!

I need a hug.

Jun. 15th, 2008



I know I act like I don't want to be at the Hyperion, but I really do. I feel left out.

And Oprah makes me cry.

Jun. 16th, 2008


I.... what am I supposed to do now

She.. she left me

This sucks.

Jun. 7th, 2008


filtered to hyperion people

So, Spike, not evil anymore. Please don't try to kill him, thanks.


Xander hungry.

Xander want pizza.

Xander want friends to come eat pizza.

May. 20th, 2008


I can't find a logical way out of this place and it's bugging the hell out of me.

But whatever. It looks like I'm being screwed into a job. Bobby, if you have anything to do with this I am not going to be all care and share the next time that we see each other.


I want to kill something.

May. 14th, 2008


Filtered to Hyperion Residents.

Hunter is looking into tracking Willow down for me. If there's a way to take her down long enough for us to get rid of all that dark magic in her, then I suggest we start working on finding it now. I know that like seventy-five percent of you don't even know Willow and maybe some of you don't really care about her the way that I do, but she's a good person and having her around will benefit us all in the long run. I'm tired of just standing around and doing nothing all the time. Sulking in my room in front of a blank TV set, wishing that I was a lot more capable of helping you all out with the heroics than I actually am. I'm tired of it. I might not have super powers and I might not be some stupid hero, but I refuse to sit down and wait it out any longer. I'm sorry. She's my best friend. I'm done with it. If anyone wants to get off of their asses and help me do something abou Willow, then feel free. If not? I suggest that you stay out of my way. Don't try and stop me from going after her. It's my choice. Not yours.

May. 5th, 2008


And here I stupidly though the sun coming back would make everything better.

I think I need a drink.... or several.

Or hell just a swift kick the head to put me out of my misery for a few hours.

Apr. 23rd, 2008


Filtered to Xander

I... God... Xander...

Spike, I think... this can't fucking be happening, why didn't I think to call her, I ALWAYS fucking call her when she goes

It's all my fault, I should have checked on her. I can't...


filtered to spike

you fucking asshole, I sear if you weren't already dead...

Did you take her? And no bullshit, Spike.


Filted to Hyperion Residents.

Has anyone seen Buffy? I don't think she ever came back from her patrol the other night.

Apr. 9th, 2008


This... sucks.

Private to Xander

Hey... So we should talk. About Willow and stuff.

Apr. 6th, 2008


Words can not express how much that sucked.

Mar. 29th, 2008



This is new. I know I wasn't in Los Angeles about thirty seconds ago.

Mar. 8th, 2008


All work and no play make Dawn go something, something...

Never thought I'd say this, but I actually miss Buffy. A lot.

Also, found a book that is stumping me. I think it's some form of arabic but I'm really not having any luck, so if anyone, and I'm pretty sure this is a long shot here, is really good with ancient forms of arabic I'd love you forever. Come on, someone here has to be as geeky, if not more, as me.

Mar. 6th, 2008


Filtered to Members of the Hyperion/AI

What does everyone say to a karaoke night to boost morale?

Feb. 29th, 2008


Am I the only one confused about Spike suddenly going all Angel? I saw him earlier and he didn't even try to bite me! And there was no talk of killing Buffy! None. This is very weird.

Feb. 28th, 2008


If there is a sorcerer, or a warlock or a demon that tore me from my rightful place, only to shove me into this hellhole, then rest assure, I will hunt you down and have the last laugh. This is not humorous by any means. This is not a game. I have a child with me, and she is frightened and weeping and that is not acceptable. This is absurd. This place is… a wreck.

And this thing that sits in front of me is very unusual indeed. A very odd woman at this establishment told me that I can speak with people over this screen, and she told me that perhaps somebody here can be of help. I do think I am using it right… It is not like anything that I have ever seen before.

But, if somebody can give me answers, I will tell you now that I am the slayer, and that I will not put up with this. Somebody must know what is happening.


Anyone want to tell me why the sun hasn't risen yet?

Feb. 27th, 2008


I am getting so tired of this never-ending slumber party! I want my sun back! Do you know how many vampires have attacked me in the past TWO days?! This is going beyond the usual Sunnydale horrorfest.

Home is looking so good right now.

Feb. 23rd, 2008


This is a very odd place. I never thought an afterlife would look quite so... dreary.


Or so like Los Angeles.

Feb. 22nd, 2008



Jan. 30th, 2008


Oh wow! There are sooooooo many machina here!

And they all go vroooom! It's so great!

But owwie, some mean guys tried to bite me. It kind of hurt. One of them did bite me but I got him loose and used a bomb core and he went explodey! Into dust no less!

And oh poopie! I'm here by myself! No Baralai, Gippal, Nooj, Paine, or Yunie! Heck, I'd even settle for Auron or Tidus or someone!

This is dissasterrific!

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