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Nov. 20th, 2008


I had it!

I mean, I fixed the device and suddenly I was back in the lab and Knox was standing there all happy because he thought we'd somehow managed to create a kind of handheld time machine and then I was here again and now it's November!

And then device kinda disappeared. I think maybe that might be the Powers That Be saying sit and stay.

Nov. 19th, 2008


I remember when I was a kid. I was a good kid, you know. Always ate my vegetables and went to church every Sunday.

I wanna see some kids. Make 'em go to church.


Filtered to Hyperion Residents and Affiliates - Including Buffy and Spike

Okay. So until I'm told by someone who has actually faced her that it isn't her, I think the psychotic blond that just posted to the message boards is actually Glory. And for those who don't know, Glory is a God.

No, I'm not kidding. She's an actual God.

So yes. As of right now, until I get word otherwise, no one is to approach her. At all. I don't care what she says, threatens, or anything else, do not go rushing off to fight her. You. Will. Die.

And now that the general warning is out of the way, Buffy, Spike, Xander, Giles, or anyone else who faced her that I'm forgetting about that might be here:

Now would be a great time for some Glory 101 lessons. Like, ASAP.



I feel it y'know, choking, fear numb, numb like the night when the darkness draws in, pretty and shiny like it ought to be, whats the fear? Colourful mist all around and so many with thoughts all up in their little mortal brains

Can't take the screaming or the bitching, like daggers in the night, cant abide it and won't, filthy and wrong and oh so broken till the blinding pain and the hurting JUST STOPS!

...Oh thats better...

Right now where was I.

My name is Glory. You should probobly write that down. Its a Holy Name, its revered. You'll learn that soon enough though so thats totally cool.

Oh...few things. One, Slayer bitch, I remember that little trick with the hammer. NOT fun, NOT nice and totally not falling for that again. Two. Slutty Slayer, I really don't wanna have to kick your ass too since its possible you could be even worse for my godly reputation than blondie there. And three, well...

Okay so my minions got a little overzealous.

And apparently found a box of shoes labeled to someone called Cathy which they brought to me hoping to please me. And I gotta say nice shoes...real nice. But evil and all as Team Slayer will tell you I am, I would never deprive a woman of her shoes. So Cathy, if you can see this, want em back?

I can send Jinxy along with the box and some chocolates to say sorry, minions huh?


filtered to all Angel Investigations Members, Associates, and Friends

I know everyone here doesn't necessarily celebrate Thanksgiving, and that some of you may not even have Thanksgiving where you're from. However, it's generally a holiday that's meant to bring family together, so people can be grateful for what they have, and in a place like this I think that's probably a good habit we should all get into considering how quickly we can lose what few things we do have and often without rhyme or reason.

That being said, there's going to be a Thanksgiving Feast at the Hyperion for anyone who wants to be there, on Thanksgiving Day. I know we may not all see eye to eye at times, and most of us aren't related and really don't have much in common despite wanting to help others. However, this is supposed to be a time to come together, so I'd like if we can do that.

So, if you don't already have plans for Thanksgiving and would like to join in the celebrations, just let me know so we can figure out who can cook/do/bring what for the event. And if you already have plans for the holiday, I hope you enjoy yourself.

Nov. 18th, 2008


filtered against the baddies

Wow, what do you know? Some lawyers aren't complete idiots and/or asses.

{The Hyperion}
Kathy is back and Nathan is the best person ever!

That being said, there's going to be cake and ice cream in the lobby after dinner for anyone who wants to come!

I owe you one. Seriously.

Nov. 17th, 2008


When it comes to taunting material, quoting Johnny Cash is pretty tame.

Evil pets just aren't that creative.

[Filtered to Cathy]

I was going to text this to you but it was taking too long and I still have a few things to clean up in the kitchen.

I found your cat. Remember how I said it hated me first? I was wrong. Turns out it just wanted me dead.

Your cat was a demon that I hired for a job best left unmentioned. He ended up screwing me over so I made his life a living hell. Apparently he was laying low as a nondescript cat and you can guess how the rest went.

I slept in the same bed as-[/filter]


I hardly know anyone here, asking this is rather awkward. I find myself in an impossible situation and am in need of a safe place to stay.


Nov. 16th, 2008


filtered to Angel Investigations

Okay, so since apparently there seems to be some sort of breakdown in communication here, I think it's time that everyone realizes something.

If you are a member of this team, if you are staying in this hotel, then you are expected to be a member of this team. This means no rushing off, half-cocked, to handle anything on your own. This also means listening to those who know what they're talking about and actually following their advice.

For those of you who have a problem working as a team and listening to those who have been doing this for a very long time and therefore know what they're doing in the first place?

The door is in the lobby. I'll help you carry your things out myself.

So, now that we're all on the same page about that, let's try this again.

NO ONE, I do not care WHO YOU ARE, is to go anywhere near Caleb. In fact, if anyone even so much as catches what might pass as a glimpse of the guy, you are to run away as fast as is humanly possible.

We're going to get him, guys. We are. But if you run off on your own on this, there's no guarantee that we're going to be able to save you. In fact, there's a good chance we won't.


I'm staying away from this, but

Anyone who's planning on going after Caleb? I don't care who you are or what you think you're capable of. Don't do it.


Filtered against the Power Rangers.

Power Rangers.

Stupidest people ever known to mankind.

They should just crawl back into their little TV sets where they came from. And then maybe they'll die.


filtered to Lindsey McDonald

So, rumor has it you're trying to not be the CEO of Evil, Inc. anymore. I'd ask what gives, but that implies we're close enough that you might tell me. So instead I'll just ask one simple question I really hope you can answer.

Who is in charge over there now?


Filtered against Buffy and baddies. are we going to take down Caleb? I know he's the one who made the wish and the reason Buffy's suffering. I for one think something should be done about the fact he's still around. I know I can't do it alone. But maybe together we can think of something to help her, even if it's just a little.

Nov. 15th, 2008


You know, I never thought LA of all places would be boring.

I need something to do. Maybe start working on things since I'm going back to school if I ever get out of here. Just...anything.


[Filtered to the 'Girl' friends]
[includes Tenel Ka, Heather, Cathy, Sarah, f!Claire, Cordelia, Kira and Buffy (as this is post wish reversal!]

So, I've just started... actually dating someone. I mean really dating him.

I know there's all this insane stuff going on, lot of badness around and this may not be the best time for this but...

This is kinda never happened before. I need advice!

[Filtered to the 'Guy' friends]
[includes Sam W, Peter Petrelli, Lindsey, Spike, Xander, Jack and Dean]

I've started seeing this guy. Which is new for me.

Can you remind me how not all men are evil? That maybe he could really be a good guy.

Nov. 14th, 2008


Do you know what's worse than a demon or a vampire that runs around killing people?

A person who does it. It's sick.

People who murder other people don't deserve to live.

Nov. 8th, 2008


Filtered to the Hyperion.

I probably overreacted. I shouldn't have run away without telling anyone before hand. I just needed some space for awhile to get my head in order. It was selfish of me not to say anything about it before hand, but I didn't want any of you to try and stop me.

I'm fine. I promise. I'm still me. I hope.


filtered to the Hyperion

I may be away this weekend. There's something I need to do.

I'll have my phone, if there's an emergency.

{filtered to Cordelia and Peter}
I'm going to take Aang away from the city for a little training. I think these Dementor things are starting to affect him.

Call me if you need me.

{filtered to Aang}
I think we need to spend some time training. Azula is here, and it's only a matter of time before she attacks again.

Besides, it'll do Appa some good to get out of the city for a little while.

Nov. 7th, 2008


filtered to Gabriel Gray

So... what's up? Kill any Champions lately?

We need to talk.

Nov. 4th, 2008


I never did get to thank you, Anyanka.


Filtered against baddies

...I wish I hadn't turned on that blasted television.

It never shows anything good )

I bloody well hate this city.

Nov. 1st, 2008


And that's why I hate Halloween.


We should have done this at Halloween when we were in school. It would have been brilliant.


Stupid Toto. Stupid Yellow Brick Road. Stupid red shoes.

Oct. 25th, 2008


Well this will be interesting.

[Filtered to the Hyperion]

So who is one Team White Hat these days?

[Filtered to Peter Petrelli]

I hear you're the new Angel wannabe in town.

[Filtered to Cordelia Chase]

You killed me bitch.

Well done.

I'll be paying you back for that some time.

Oct. 23rd, 2008


[Filtered to Hyperion Residents and Personal Allies]

Tomorrow evening, provided nothing else blows in with a sinister weather pattern, I will be going dancing at the Lux before my feet decide they've had enough of me and head over there on their own. A fair number of us could certainly use the break, and the distraction, and so I am extending the invitation all around.

[Filtered to Future!Peter and Cordelia]
As you both know, Nathan's birthday is coming up this Monday. I know it's incrediably short notice, but with all the madness that's been going on, I haven't had the time to broach the subject with you two.

Obviously we'll all be getting him our own seperate gifts; but what Nathan needs more than and ontop of the usual birthday trappings is an office. If the legal paperwork for the Hyperion and his own cases keeps going at this rate, he and Charlie are going to find themselves blockaded inside his room by piles of paperwork. I propose, if there's a room that can be spared, we convert it into a temporary office space. Nothing fancy; just a place for filing cabinets, law books, a desk--the hardware of lawyering, so to speak.

If not, I'm going to need to start looking elsewhere; and will still need all the spare hands I can get for us to whip something into working order by Monday.

Oct. 22nd, 2008


filtered to Hyperion

Enough is enough. The Hyperion is now officially on yellow alert. No one else is leaving, I don't care what your excuse may be. The only way anyone is going outside is if they're going to patrol, and they are not going alone.

However, if you feel you have a legitimate need to be outside, let me know why and we'll see what we can come up with. Nobody is a prisoner here, but I can't have people running off half-cocked either. So unless you're going to patrol, do not leave without clearance from me.

Gabe: I want you at the front desk. Watch the system and if any of these things get past our outer defenses, I want to know ASAP.

Buffy: gather up a group and go hit the streets, please. You're in charge out there, but everyone in the group needs to check in with the hotel every fifteen minutes. No excuses.

Katara: Seal up the basement and anywhere else, besides the front door, that might be used for an entrance point. That includes the garden, so if you haven't already gotten Appa to the roof you need to do that, now.

As for everyone else - if you want to go patrolling, let Buffy know. If you want to guard the hotel itself, let me know. Anyone leaving the hotel, let Gabe know the minute you're doing it. No trying to sneak out, it's only going to get you locked out.

Everyone else... stay inside. There's plenty you can do inside to help as much as those who are outside. Gather weapons, anything heavy, sharp, or dangerous will work, and start bringing them to the lobby. Double-check our supplies. If we need more of something, make a list. We'll find a way to get it.

And let's all try to keep in mind, this is going to be over soon. We just need to stay safe, and keep others safe, in the meantime.

Any questions?

Oh, and if anyone knows how to make that stupid siren stop, I'd love to hear suggestions. Besides making myself deaf. Already came up with that one on my own.

Buffy )

Gabe )

Nathan )


A young man named Xander Harris has informed me that my presence is requested by the fellowship that he is a member of. I suppose say I am quite interested in aiding in your struggle against the dark. I shall be arriving shortly.

Oct. 20th, 2008


Two wrongs don't make a right. And yet they always feel so good.


LA is way too foggy for this hour of the morning. It's kind of creepy.

[filtered to the Hyperion]
Um, there's a really huge animal out in the garden. Big, white, shaggy, six legs, kinda looks a little bit like a cow or buffalo or something.

Does it belong to us?

It's not doing anything bad or whatever, and it seems really sweet, like a big dog. I miss Mr Muggles If it doesn't actually belong to us, can we keep it?

Oct. 17th, 2008


[Filtered to Cordelia Chase and Peter Petrelli]

I know you two are probably furious at me. I know I would be. I'm sorry for just up and leaving but please give me a chance to explain why I did what I did. Or at least try to listen?

And thank you for letting me come back to the hotel. I'm willing to help out with anything...if you want it that is. If not I'll stick to my room, I don't want to be in anyone's way.


filtered to Anakin Solo

Okay, I just had a vision and I think it'd be a good one for you to handle. Well, you, and your girlfriend. No one goes out alone to deal with something sent to me by the PTB.

Anyway. You want to be here {address} before six o'clock tonight. You're looking for a man with glasses, and what looks like a really bad hairpiece.

Some kind of demon-y looking, scaled... thing is going to try to eat him. I'm looking through the database now to see if I can find a weakness. As of right now, just go for its head. As in, remove it from its body.

Check in when you get back. Not all of us have that spiffy connection to the Force and can tell when something happens to someone.

Oct. 11th, 2008


I hate the world.

Suicide needs to not be a mortal sin.


[Filtered to the Hyperion]

Anyone that isn't going to go pass out right now, I'm making tea and coffee. They'll be in the kitchen for anyone who wants some.

Oct. 9th, 2008


Filtered to Bartleby )

Filtered to Buffy )

Filtered to Damien )

Oct. 3rd, 2008


To anyone who is going out of their way to find out the identity of the Anti-Christ:


Seriously, folks. Have none of you even so much as seen a movie about this particular guy? People who find out tend to die. Painfully, in a bloody fashion usually, and before they can tell anyone else who he happens to be. So trying to figure out who he is? Isn't going to save this world. It might only make things worse.

As for the Anti-Christ himself... if he wants to get involved (and there's nothing to say he isn't already, let's all keep that in mind) I'm sure he's smart enough to know which side is doing what, and to pick where he wants to jump in. It's his call, his choice, and I'm guessing he's likely up to his neck in this stuff already what with the world ending and him not being able to rule it if that happens.

So let's everyone just keep focusing on other things, and not trying to find out information that'll get us killed even sooner than planned, okay?

{filtered to any healer types}
I'm heading to a place called The Sanctuary - it's a shelter for children. They have a few sick people there, so I'd like it if someone else went with me. Any takers?

Oct. 1st, 2008


Alrighty. Now I'm usually the last person in the world to go all out with the motivational speeches here (I am so beating you to the punch, Buff), but I'm kinda sick and the only thing I can get on TV is Judge Judy (and while she's entertaining, I can only stand her voice for so long), so I'm laying here, in bed, typing up this little speech for all of you people out there who are having a hard time accepting that, yes, we're definitely in the middle of what appears to be a very chaotic apocalypse. So read it and appreciate it, people, because Alexander Lavelle Harris does not go out of his way to get all speechy for just anyone.

We lost someone the other day. She wasn't my best friend in the entire world, but she was someone that I had a certain level of respect for. She died doing what she did best. Fighting. Protecting you. All of you, because she knew that it was the right thing to do. It has nothing to do with destiny or competition or anything else. She died for you. Faith is gone because she wanted to see a better world out there. And I think that's something that we all need to acknowledge and respect.

I know that a lot of you are hurting and scared and all of that other stuff. But if there's someone out there willing to die for you, then don't you think that there should be some level of hope that we hadn't seen before? I mean, yeah. Faith died. That doesn't exactly scream "oh well we've got the upper hand now" because obviously we don't. But I knew Faith. And if she thought that by going out there and doing what she did best was going to make a difference, then it obviously did. There are a lot of people out there working on this. People that I know, people that I trust, and people that I care about. I have every single bit of faith in them and I'm not worried. They're gonna save us, guys. It's what they do.

So sit back. Hang in there. Give or take, this thing'll blow over in good time.

...I may sound a little delusional right now. But you'll have to let it slide on account of me being all sick and stuff.

Oct. 2nd, 2008


Come on! Don't look so gloomy! Not like it's the end of the world or anything...

Oct. 1st, 2008


filtered to all of the Sunnydale 'Scooby Gang'

Alright. Clearly, things are bad right now. Bad being an understatement. And most of you know that I'm more likely to gnaw off my own arm than actually admit I was once a proud member of your little group from back home.

However. Faith is gone. Others are dying as we speak. Granted most of us are a part of Angel Investigations, but let's face it. It just isn't the same as it once was. Us, those of us reading this post, we're the ones who stop the end of the world. It's what we do. It's what we all chose to do - Buffy aside, of course - and it's something we're damn good at doing.

With that being said... I'm calling a Scooby meeting. Xander, I know you were on Heidi's sick list. If you can't make it, we're bringing it to you. Otherwise, I say we do this like old times and meet up in the library. Not the one on the second floor of the Hyperion, but the one on the third. Yes, the floor is technically closed off, but nobody will bug us there. And hey, I own the building, so it's not like anyone can object.

So that's it. If anyone else wants to join me, I'm going to be there, at three o'clock this afternoon. It's time we figured this problem out and, even if we can't manage that for some reason, at least give us all a second to re-group and figure out how to deal.

Also - for anyone who isn't in the Hyperion and is a part of this filter - just let me know and I'll get you clearance. No one else even needs to know you're in the building. If you want to be there for the meeting, of course.

Sep. 30th, 2008


[Filtered to Hyperion Residents]

I just remembered something. Remember when some people were starting to have visions? Visions of horses. Visions of the colors red, white, black, and pale? I had those visions too, but there was one more thing.


It's probably not much, but why would I have visions of motorcycles in with the other visions? Right, that's all I've got so far.

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