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Apr. 18th, 2009


I can say that I'm not quite sure what to make of all of this. I have been told that I was here before, but I don't remember any of that. We're all out of sync here. Some place like this simply shouldn't be possible. All too many butterflies.

Apr. 12th, 2009


I need something to do. Sitting around the hotel, its driving me kinda insane.

Ways to help out? Maybe a part time job, a hobby? I don't know.

Any ideas guys?

Apr. 8th, 2009


Filtered to the Hyperion.

Um. Has anyone seen Angela?

Apr. 7th, 2009


This is what I wanted for Christmas. No adult supervision. Now I can do whatever I want and not get yelled at for it. I am SO lucky. I'm gonna go buy a bunch of stuff I don't need because I always wanted to do that. Someone please come spoil my good mood because this is really not

Mar. 31st, 2009


Filtered to Nathan, Heidi, and both Claires, backdated to the morning of the 30th

I was thinking that we should all go out tomorrow night for your birthday, SBC and ABC. I know that it's a day early, but I figured you'd both have your own plans on the actual day. It won't be anything major, of course, it's not as though waiters will be pinning sombreros on anyone's head or anything. I just thought it would be nice for us all to get together.

Mar. 30th, 2009


I didn't do it this time, I swear!


The past couple of days have been the most damaging in my life, certain moments aside. If the supernatural law was subject to human law, I'd cite violation of the eighth amendment, possibly the first. I can't dance. At all.

However, I might have the potential to be a rock god.

Mar. 12th, 2009


filtered against anyone who might try and crash;

Free for all fight night. Winner walks out with a grand in their pocket, losers get carried out on stretchers, in body bags, or inside of one of those fun little cremation vases. Depends on the finish and species you're up against.

Sign ups are at the front or directly through here on the boards. You want in? Get your asses to The Factory.

I want to see blood. Lots and lots of it, kiddies. Fucking send her away, I'll fucking kill


Filtered against baddies

Took a walk around the city to clear my thoughts. Saw a man; early 30s with his seven year old daughter. She was carrying a sketchbook, holding it against her, and smiling. Reminded me of simpler times. Made me smile.

Mar. 6th, 2009


Backdated to the morning of the 6th

Filtered to angels and Winchesters & co )

Filtered to good guys )

Claires )

OOC: Anyone wanting in who hasn't said anything before should respond to this post. Jessi will have John reply to each of them ICly and he'll place them in the groups that were OOCly made up based on their abilities. Thanks!

Feb. 21st, 2009



Alright, team. We have a... client? He needs to clear his home of some of those dracu-vamps. Currently we've got the blood to do it. Two, maybe three, come with me, and we'll clear the place out for him. Got it?

Hiro, with me. Kennedy. And Leah. Lets's go see how this'll work.

Faith, get a team on backup in case we need you.

Fred, See what you can make of this.

Feb. 9th, 2009



I'm getting Faith back. Tonight.

No, Sam. You're not coming. If I'm not alone, they'll kill her.

[Nathan, ABClaire, Sarah, Kennedy, and Fred]
Be ready, just after sunset. I'm going to meet them, and teleport Faith back as soon as I get close enough to touch her. I don't expect her to be in very good condition, so Claire, please have a syringe ready.

Fred, from what I heard, it seems like they managed to take her Slayer powers away. Can you see what we have to do to fix that?

Kennedy. You are not, I repeat, you are not to go after them. Or, for that matter, out patrolling on your own. I need you. You're the only Slayer I can count on right now.

Feb. 5th, 2009



Claire Bennet and Mary Winchester are safe and sound, at the Winchester home. No details yet, save they are both in good health, with no physical markings.

Thank you, to everyone that was searching for them. Thank you very much.

Feb. 4th, 2009


[Filtered to Angel Investigations]

Ok people, as you may have heard by now, something's happened to the older Claire Bennett. We don't know what and we don't know where.

I want you all off your regular patrols and onto this as a priority. No one is to go out alone, I want each of you in pairs and checking in with me every half hour. Don't hesitate to call on me or each other for back up, we're a team people, let's act like it.

As I said, this is priority. All other patrols or investigations are suspended until we get her back.

ETA: I've heard Mary Winchester was with her at [Aforementioned Mall: ADDRESS]. We need to find them both.


[Fred Burkle]
See if you can find anything out about these new assholes 'guests' to Los Angeles, okay? Abilities, weaknesses, anything you can find.

Keep me updated on what's going on with your groups and patrols. If those bastards sho--

WHERE THE HELL IS CLAIRE? I swear to Elaine, if anyone's hur

Does anyone know where Claire is? I heard felt sensed her. Fear, pain-- she was cut off. Dean, talk to me.

Something happened to Claire. The older one. Does anyone know where she was today?

EDIT TO ADD: [Anti-baddies]

Looking for Claire Bennet and Mary Winchester. ANYONE with information, don't hold back.

Jan. 31st, 2009


Filter to Family.

I want to try it. The Lazurus pit. I talked to that Talia woman, and Alessa and Sam Winchester have both done it and they're okay now. It could fix what Sylar did..

[Filtered to Nathan

I want you to come with me. Will you?

Jan. 29th, 2009


[Filtered to Claire(s)]

So.. umm.. this is probably a weird question. Or maybe not, since the city is weird and, well.. you know. Shut up, Lyle, just get on with it I'm just curious. Maybe a bit freaked, only not so much. Those pits. The ones that some people have taken a swim in. Are you gonna do it?

Jan. 27th, 2009


[Filtered against Micah because she so doesn't want to worry him]

So these Pit things.

What can they do about multiple personalities?

Jan. 26th, 2009


[Filtered to the Hyperion plus allies and friends]

Ok, I know there's been a lot of noise about these Pits and what they might be able to do. And I know a lot of people might be tempted. A miracle cure right? Answer to all our problems. I bet all of us probably have some memories scars we want rid of.

But it's these scars that make us what we are. For better or worse we've each gone through some truly insane shit in our times and we've come through them stronger. If we get rid of any of that it weakens who we are.

I'm not going to go into the side effects or not because I don't really know what they are. I'm not going to tell people they shouldn't do this, that's not my place. What I will say is if any of you are thinking about this, really thinking about it, then bear in mind just how much you'd be changing. You'd be altering a fundamental part of yourselves.

And ok, I suck at speeches so I'll stop there. I'll just say that none of you need the Pit from where I'm standing.


Filtered; against Talia

Don't. Just don't. The majority of you don't know what or, more importantly, who you are dealing with. That's not an insult. But don't use them. If you have someone telling you 'No, don't do it.' Listen to them.

[ooc: as Batgirl]


It fixes anything...

That pit thing....anything

Jan. 23rd, 2009


I have a question for people. If you once had power of some kind, could you ever go back to being weak ordinary?

Jan. 19th, 2009


Can someone explain to me what in the hell happened?

I feel like I've lost a portion of my life.

Jan. 17th, 2009


custom filter;

[ooc: includes Anya, Buffy, ABC!Claire, Dawn, Faith, Fred, Noah, Peter, Sarah, Spike, Xander ;; SBC!Claire ;; Niki ;; Dean, Sam ;; Cathy, Lindsey]

Because we have good friends in this city who fight and fight and never really get a break, now that Lilith and Glory are gone and before another big bad shows up, you're all getting a vacation. You are because you need it, even if you want to protest otherwise.

As for the where, you're get a grip, Petrelli, this won't send them screaming away from you going to the Underground, also known as the Labyrinth if you've seen the movie. The kingdom of the Goblin Queen, who is me, for anyone who hadn't been told or figured that out yet. And to cover the objections before they're brought up:

cut so it isn't eating the f-page )

The only requirements are that you show up at the Hyperion on the 19th, if you're not already there, at your decided time, dressed and packed (everything you could ever need will be there, but you can bring your own things) for a stint in tropical weather and that you actually relax and have a good time because I will know. Forget your worries as best as you can and have fun.

It's a sun that doesn't kill, or even affect, vampires. Consider it a thank you for making it through those three days of insanity with me.

[Cathy & Lindsey]
You both need a break and a full night's sleep. Please take this.

long ooc note is long )

Jan. 7th, 2009


filtered against baddies;

Distraction now

It's funny, I've had way more jobs since I was old enough to work than most people do in probably most of their lives but now that I need to pick a new one, I'm not sure what I want to do.

So what does everyone else do here in LA?

[second filter - friends/limited family; ABC, Ben, Dean, Faith, Fred, Jo, John, Lyle, Mary, Mirta, Heather, Sam A, Sam W]
[ooc: I know half the people listed are currently doing possession stuff, but if they want to respond, we can assume it was after the possession is through this evening.]

I have no idea where to start with furnishing a house.

Jan. 5th, 2009


Filtered to the Petrellis & the Bennets sans future!Claire.

I'm sorry.


filtered against baddies;

[ooc: Posted in the wee hours after Sam's covert op.]


I know how to use it to figure out who did. Fess up or it'll be that much worse when I find you out.

Dec. 31st, 2008


Well, that was... interesting, to say the least.

It was a blessing to forget some things, even if just for a little while. Other things... I would have hoped I would never forget.

Did you get a chance to think on my suggestion?

Dec. 28th, 2008


Filtered to Noah, Nathan, Sarah, SBC, Angela, Claude

This thing....whatever thats making people think they're kids?

Peter's affected right, he...doesn't remember us, Sarah or anyone, But...his powers, do they work just from meeting people, does he have to remember the powers, the people he got them from.

Can he still heal?

Dec. 19th, 2008


filtered to the Petrellis, the Bennets, Claude Rains, Elle Bishop, Hiro Nakamura, Niki Sanders, & Gabriel Gray )

Dec. 20th, 2008


Filtered to SBC!Claire

That new guy on the boards, Adam. He heals, he has our ability, and he's like some big time bad guy that tried to end the world. Messed with the Peter from my time.

He's 400. He can't die....

Adam he, he told me he outgrew pain, not like he doesn't feel it, but he doesn't notice. Thats how I thought It'd be.

What did Sylar do to me? What did he change that I'm different from you and this guy now?

Nathan, he...said I shouldn't talk to him. But I need to understand more. Does that make any sense? are you? Over there? I heard. Well...I called Sam Winchester a jerk and he told me. I'm sorry they did it. But maybe...was this gonna annoy God, cause...I don't know, can even we get up if she decides not to let us

Dec. 19th, 2008


Oh bloody hell.


filtered to the Hyperion;

All right, where is Charlie?

Dec. 18th, 2008


[ooc: backdated to noon yesterday, before this]

Claire? Are you still at the store? How about future-you? Okay, look. Present Claire, I thought you'd be back by now.. unless you saw some deals and you got a load of goodies to bring back. Future Claire, I was hoping to talk to you. About.. umm, stuff. Maybe hang out. Or learn about what the future holds in our world back home.

Maybe I'm just paranoid. I know girls take longer than guys with some things. Like shopping, picking movies, or getting ready in the bathroom. Maybe they're both a little occupied and forgot to come back right away. Maybe they're having fun. Then again, this city is crazy, lots of weird stuff. I shouldn't really worry, they're indestructible.. but I can't help it.

I don't know. I guess I can try calling they're phones again. Or maybe I'll just go back in the lobby and wait for my sister(s) until she comes back in the doors. But if anyone sees her out there, could you do her normal brother a favor and let me know? Please? Thank you. Much appreciated. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go back to my PS2 magazines. Gotta do something while I wait, after all

Dec. 16th, 2008


Filtered to ABC!Claire.

Uh, hi.

I don't know you. But I know you. From the future. And I was wondering if you could help me with something because the you that I know is probably really pissed right now because the other you is a little preoccupied.


Filtered to the Hyperion

Judging from some of the looks I've been getting as I've walked around in the past few days, I'm going to guess that the lot of you have most likely heard my name before. Probably not in the best of contexts. That's fair. It is; I might not have a criminal record, but I am a thief, and it's something I'm very comfortable with admitting. I was also working as Lilah Morgan's assistant at Wolfram and Hart until last Saturday. I'll admit to that as well. However, my employment there has been terminated-- a fact which a few of Lilah's ever so charming employees were more than happy to remind me of when I dropped by my flat yesterday to pick up my cat, among other things.

That said, I know there are quite a few of you here who must not trust me. I'll answer whatever questions you may have of me. If I had fingerprints or a criminal record, I'd invite you to run those through a search. Unfortunately, I have neither, so questions and answers are the only things I can offer you at this time.

Honestly, I'm not going to bite.

Dec. 15th, 2008


Filtered to AI, friends, and associates

I'm back. I'm home.

Thank you, everyone. I know a lot of you were looking for me. I truly appreciate it.

I'm... taking some time. I need some time. But I have some plans. Ideas. I know we're not always on the same team, but I like to think we're on the same side. We need a way to work together. We can make some great things happen when we're all on the same page, and I'd like to keep that communication going strong.

Some kind of network, where we can keep one another updated on any new threats to the city, on any current plans, or any potential hazards. A way to coordinate our efforts without any one group dominating the line. We all have our specializations. I think we could use that to have one united front. Better than fighting for a place in line.

Or worse, sitting back and waiting for someone else to step up.

Just thoughts at the moment. The will to act is regrouping. I want to aim it in the right direction.

[Hyperion] )

[Heather Mason & Sam Winchester] )

[Niki Sanders] )

Dec. 13th, 2008


filtered to the Hyperion;

We know where Peter is and there are plans underway to get him back. I know everyone would like a piece of Wolfram & Hart right now, but the group going in there needs to be small and if we need backup, we'll need the rest of you to be ready.

I need everything anyone found on shaman magic and any counters to sedatives as strong as what's likely being used on Peter.

[filtered to Sarah Petrelli, Faith Lehane, Cordelia Chase] )

[filtered to the Claires] )

[texts were also sent to point the last two filter groups toward this post. occurring at the same time as this]

Dec. 12th, 2008


filtered to the Petrellis & the Bennets.

Other than a bunch of random fires, there really hasn't been anything that struck me as out of the ordinary. At least, as out of the ordinary around these parts. Whoever has him is keeping their head well down. Smart move, considering if they stuck their neck out, their head would be libel to get chopped off.

You been able to find anything more than me? Anyone that you want me to linger around to see if I can pick up stray bits of conversation that they are only willing to discuss with each other?

Dec. 9th, 2008


[Filtered to Hyperion Residents, AI Staff]

Has anyone heard from Peter?

Accourding to the front desk, he hasn't checked in or called at his usual intervals.

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