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Nov. 2nd, 2009


Buffy, go fuck yourself.

Fucking fuckity fuck. This is stupid
Hey, it's put up a false fight week! Let's all insult our friends and lovers!
Think about the sex, Spike. All the sex.

Nov. 1st, 2009


[Filtered; Lindsey, Sarah]

I realize you have a lot of things going right now. You're probably working on a plan that doesn't involve an online bitch fight and trying to get to the top of W&H. Or maybe that's your plan too. I don't know. I'm staying out of your way, but if you need a Slayer, I'm here. If not, good luck, and bring her back home.


Filtered from Bad Guys

Cathy's missing.

Swung by the LAWC to meet with her but found signs of a fight, a struggle, Clary was unconcious and yes she's fine, but no sign of Cathy.

Clary knows the details but it was demons and a human and they must have taken her with them. Beyond that I don't know yet. Tried a real quick basic fire and a map of the City locator but the whole thing burned which means either not here or somewhere that blocks me.

Someone thats...y'know, leadery and better than me at this. Ideas?, Plans?


I have no toys or stuffed animals to jump at me. Thankfully apparently there are more toys here than I knew about to make up for that fact.

But I was watching Practical Magic and have a sudden craving for Midnight Margaritas.

Oct. 31st, 2009


I had this little tiny horse on a keychain and...well, long story short, my keys walked off. I guess it's not so strange if anyone's seen them walking around anymore?

Nov. 1st, 2009


[Filtered against bad guys]

SAM! The teddy bear you got me for Valentines Day just tried to maul me!

Oct. 29th, 2009


With most days like Halloween around here, what's the real day like? Crazy cults trying to resurrect long dead demons, zombies breaking into dance routines?

Oct. 28th, 2009


Filtered to Friends/Allies/AI. Filtered Against Baddes [especially Harmony/allies of Harmony]

I realize there's been talk on how to end televisions latest assault on our minds, but if we could do a group pow wow and hammer out plans, that would be great. And if you're secretly already planning something and you haven't told me, you'll be in for it. Cranky me isn't a fun person.


OMG Someone is STALKING ME!!! Like really...I keep getting these WAY creepy letters and that is so...

They're totally gonna want to cut me up like that guy wanted to with Cordy that one time...and make some kind of...eww.

Spikey you have to help me! You owe me!

Oct. 27th, 2009


Well that was an interesting vacation.

Still, it seems when you want something done right, you need the best so now I'm back. So be honest, did you all miss me?

And as fun as some reminiscing doesn't sound, let's get straight to business. Lindsey. Where is she?

Oct. 26th, 2009


filtered against baddies;

Two weeks. Just two weeks more.
It worked with Monica's mission and the phone calls and the rest, it could work again.
If there's a chance, I have to stop it.

So of all the people here that were brought to L.A., rather than walked in the city, how many of you have been outside the bubble of the city? If you were, did you do it by yourself, did you go with someone from this world or another person that was brought here, how far did you get, how long were you gone, stuff like that?

Oct. 25th, 2009


Friggin Powers.

I come for a visit and they send my co cell leader here too.

I'll come and say hello and whatever but I really have to get back to New York, the Powers obviously have a whole different plan.

...Can't a Slayer just have a weekend off. One weekend.


Who dumps someone off in the middle of MacArthur Park in their PJs? If this is over the last bagel, that's just...wrong. I need to be back in New York so if the responsible person could set it right? I'd really appreciate it.

Oct. 22nd, 2009


meme, might as well )

Oct. 20th, 2009


[Yes, backdated a couple of hours too!]

Oh yeah, I know what this is.

Mom, Dad, don't freak out. You're gonna be great parents you know. Just don't listen to Allana about the purple and we'll all be fine.
Jacen- you kick ass okay? Glad you're alright.
Ben- it's about damn time!
Scorpius, thanks for the marker!

So, looks like it's time for us to go save our world again. Good times ahead. Allana, don't you dare steal my markers!


[Unsuprisingly backdated to the pulling back time]

Yeah I feel it too. But its okay. We came, we saw, we imparted and were awesome. Ailyn, see you back home.

Mom, Dad. I don't even need to say anything you can both feel it...See you soon.
Mirta, you're badass and you and Sam raise one hell of a kid but trust me on the purple
Dean, Claire. I WILL be landing on future you's doorstep a lot more than even usual. I expect pie.

Oh and hey Winchester. Get back to your time and kiss me alright. We have a lot of time to make up.

And littler Winchester. Zoo trip next year. Lions. Keep that in mind.

Oct. 18th, 2009


[Filtered against Bad Guys]

We got them back. Eve is so very very dead. Immortal or not I will find a way

Ruby, thanks for covering my patrol route, it took a load off my mind.

Oct. 16th, 2009


I believe I said I was tired of being 'ported against my will to random places.

Whoever did this, you better damn well hope you have an entire army protecting you. Though that might not be enough.

Frigging Russia.

Oct. 14th, 2009


Filtered to Buffy.

I'm gonna call you a bitch and threaten to kill you for a bit. Okay? Great? Good.


filtered against baddies (especially Harmony) and children;

Remind me again why no one's putting a stake through this one when it's the big weight on the death side of the survival versus death scale? Pleading to a thing with no soul doesn't look like it's doing more than firing that damn vampire up to do exactly what everyone's trying to avoid.

Won't be a body left when the staking's done, so dress it up how you want. Get its goddamned TV people to blame it on some crazy fan who kidnapped it. Frame a vampire gang we'd be taking out anyhow and play the publicity angle.

But the way I see it, that thing's number is up.


I'm not a bad person you know.

I mean, okay evil. But that doesn't make me bad. And I've been using my show to help real people, people the Slayers totally ignore.

And what do I get in return, insulted, hounded by the paparatzzi, A boyfriend who...

...who obvioulsy doesn't love me.

I think its over blondie bear. You and me. It has to be

Oct. 12th, 2009


What's the use of having a kid if you can't even ground them for refusing to mug people?

Oct. 8th, 2009


Fuck the future.

What are you doing? Where are you?

Oct. 6th, 2009


[Filtered; Faith]

So how for or against are you when it comes to Jedi mind tricks?

Oct. 5th, 2009


Filtered from Bad Guys and Kids under sixteen

As much as all this has brought a lot of us a great deal of joy, there are warnings to be planned for too. So as such I want to clarify.

We have a future overrun by vampires lead by a powerful master Vampire Leader
One where an entity known as Twilight has killed many of us and those who are not dead are hiding, in this future a second hellmouth has opened?
One, Allana's where the Cylons and the Yuuzhan Vong have joined together under the leadership of Cavil and Nom Anor to wage war on the city.
One where children were being taken by...was it Wolfram and Hart?, I believe it was Ben Winchester discussing this. This was specificly to interfere in timelines? Prevent a good future?
One involving a Demon I believe that Faith's child discussed?

Are these all of the things we need to plan for. Am I missing anything?.

It needs to be noted for the future I believe.

Oct. 3rd, 2009


I'm about two seconds away from knocking out one of the people in my life I always knew I could count on. This entire place really likes to screw with your mind. Completely spiraling out of my hands and it's driving me insane. What happened to people trusting me or even listening? I've spent twelve years getting to where I was and now I'm knocked back down to nothing. Might as well just take the slayer card next.

I don't want to be executed, I don't want to be slaughtered by mega vampires, and I don't want my best friends acting like they don't even know me anymore. Or maybe I just don't know them anymore? I don't want to fight machines or alien species, and I don't even know what to think about a kid when I have a hard enough time with my own sister. And I don't know what to think about Spike and how much he confuses me. I miss my mom. I miss Giles. I miss Willow. I miss being able to make the call that I think will work, and it's been working for years so far. I don't know how Faith deals with this crap, and at the same time I want to smack her because she can, and everyone turns to her now. When did everything get backwards? I miss sex, and I miss actually connecting to people. And why the hell did the PTB have to send crazy versions of me here.

No one cares about your rant, Buffy. Go hit something.

There was a shoe sale. I might have gone a bit shoe happy.


The future thing is a total lie by the way. Like he'd have a kid with HER.

I mean it doesn't even make any SENSE. People should see that, people having kids that entirely never would even if they could.

And there are people saying my show is evil again. My show is NOT evil.

Oct. 2nd, 2009


So I was looking back over this thing...

Why did no one tell me about the "Wee Little Puppet Man"?! You're supposed to share these things!

Sep. 30th, 2009


Why am I in Los Angeles? Why does the date say that it is two thousand and six? What kind of sorcery is this? Tell me who is responsible for taking me away from my mission in Sunnydale? I nee want to know right now.


Is this the right um message board? I hope it is. There was this nice woman that told me that I could find information here or at the Welcome Center, I thought it might be easier and best to introduce myself on this first.

Hi, everyone. I'm Tara. Tara Maclay and I'm new here. In case you ... maybe you might have missed that I'm not really good with these things. Introducing myself, not that I'm bad at it or anything, I just Using message boards. So .. just, hi.

I look forward to getting to know all of you.

Sep. 29th, 2009


filtered against baddies.

Time travel is weird.

Sep. 28th, 2009


filtered against baddies;

Is someone making some very organized chart of all the possible timelines we've found out about, what's gone on in them and when?

Mainly, I'm now lost in future overload and I'm seeing a lot more I don't like than things I do like and actual facts would be so much better than vague hearsay.

Tell me. I keep seeing you talk about being dead and I need to know what you know and why you didn't get back up after.

Please say I'm not the only one looking at all this death talk and thinking they sent us back in these timelines.

Sep. 27th, 2009


Filtered against baddies.

Are these boards stable? Are they safe?


Well, so much for the 2.5 seconds of quiet. At least this twist seems less evil. So far.


In case anybody was wondering, clicking your heels together 3 times and saying 'there's no place like home' doesn't do anything but make you look really, really stupid. It was worth a try.

I'm kinda disappointed. I thought maybe there was some hidden code in that movie, maybe something that would come in handy some day, the way my mom raves about it. I guess it's one of the things here that really is just a story. I hope.

Those flying monkeys are creepy.


[Filtered against Bad Guys]

Oh, okay, a temporal displacement. Interesting. At least we're still on the same world, that's a start at least. But which year are we in? and frak it feels strange to use an uninfected network again


"When I was your age they would say, you could become cops or criminals. What I'm saying to you is this; when you're facing a loaded gun, what's the difference?"

Caught a screening of The Departed while I was out on patrol. Interesting movie. It was eerie at times, like watching my childhood on the big screen. Scorsese definitely did his research about Boston. Ray Winstone could have been channeling my stepfather in his role.

It is, I guess, a really good movie if people are thinking of seeing one this week. But yeah, wow, very accurate.

Especially what they did to rats.

Sep. 21st, 2009



Screw your little memes.


I am a sheep. Baaaah. )


So I can never resist these things.


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