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Jan. 26th, 2009


[filtered to friends and family]

A miracle cure all for all of life's ailments; just dip yourself into a pit; voila your cured?

Call my cynical, but I don't buy it. Call me jaded, but there has to be a catch. There's no such thing as a free miracle.

[Filtered to Heather]

Those new pits that opened up; I want to find out if they can cure mental ailments.

[Filtered to Lucien]

You've been awfully quiet.

[Filtered to Sarah]

Add one more to the list of people with mind control abilities.

Lucien LaCroix.

Jan. 25th, 2009


filtered to friends/family;

You guys see the news?

Jan. 24th, 2009


[Filtered against baddies, and Talia.]

It's no secret that throughout the course of history there have been numerous attempts to cleanse the world. I speak of course about Earth, but I can only imagine that it's the same scenario with other worlds.

And I can only imagine that the scenario is the same. A society of downtrodden people lament over their fate, and pray, or hope for things to go better. Rising from out of the muck is the self appointed 'leader' (or king, queen, god, whatever you prefer) who makes the promise of making the world a better place.

At first he or she will perform tasks to lead the people into believing them with their heart, mind, body, and soul.

Then comes the great promise; all of societies ills, weaknesses, misery, sickness, pain, suffering will magically disappear; and all that needs to be done is a thorough cleansing.

I won't lie. It would be wonderful to be in a place where there was no pain, sadness, what have you. But I can't be the only one to realize that such a dream is only that; a dream; a pipe dream if you prefer.


Jan. 21st, 2009



...who the hell is Alizer? I wonder if it's some sort of anagram. I wouldn't normally obsess over a word, but this one just came to me, and now it won't leave.

In an attempt to be like someone with a little resemblance of normalcy I went to see a movie. Hostel.

Best comedy ever. Okay, it was somewhat entertaining, but my main thought through out it? This is really boring, stupid, and gross.

[filtered to Heather]

That latest arrival from Silent Hill? The one that's not Lisa? I can't put my finger on it, but there's something kind of off about her.

[filtered to Lisa]

Lisa, I made something for you. It's a necklace which contains a special type of ward. It'll keep Valtiel away from you physically, and it will prevent him from encroaching in on your mind.

Jan. 20th, 2009


All these people showing up from Silent Hill.

It gets me thinking.

Jan. 19th, 2009


Does anyone here ever wish they were 'normal'? And by normal I mean just being average. Such as not having abilities if you're human.

[Filtered from baddies and Lisa Garland]

I honestly don't know how I'm supposed to feel about this.

I mean I'm happy to see her, but will she remember me?...

I shouldn't dwell on such things. If she wishes to see me then I imagine that she'll come and see me.


...Where am I?

One moment I was in one place. Then I was here. I don't understand.

Why am I in the middle of a city? What's happened to me?

It feels cold. I'm trying, but I can't stop trembling.

I'm scared...

...Someone, please help me...


Well, this is an unusual situation. I knew Silent Hill was screwed up, but not this screwed up, to transport me to another city.

Has anyone seemed a man named James Sunderland around here? I have some unfinished business with him.

Alternatively, a man with a pyramid-shaped head on his shoulders?

Jan. 18th, 2009


[Filtered from baddies]

I don't know much of what's going on, and to be perfectly honest I don't know if I care. I'm going somewhere, and then do some patrolling. If anyone wants to join me; you're free to do so.

Jan. 16th, 2009


There are some things that I have no knowledge of; things that I have very little knowledge. Is it more important for a living being to feel love, and feel loved; or is it more important to feel as though you have a purpose in this existence?

Or do they go hand in hand with each other?

...there's a lot on my mind.

Jan. 13th, 2009


[Filtered against baddies AND Heather.]

What's wrong with Heather? I don't think I've ever seen her act like this before.




Is She dead?


My mother spoke to me. She feigned being a caring mother, but I saw past her. She stopped speaking to me after my last reply to her.

Jan. 11th, 2009



Hey, are things alright with you?


Hey, how are you doing?


Things going alright?

Jan. 5th, 2009


Filtered against God, and the Angels

I've made up my mind about something. I hate the God here. She's a self centered egotistical bitch, and she's no different from the God of Silent Hill.

Would it have been so hard to tell me that at least I'm loved? Oh no, I forgot, I'm not in her domain.


Okay, I need to get out of here.


Can I come over to your place? There's too much tension here.

Jan. 4th, 2009


He is the Metatron. The Metatron from my world.

Even the angels can be cruel and malevolent.

Okay, here's a question. If you could have anybody from your world arrive here, who would it be?

Jan. 3rd, 2009


filtered from baddies

He can't hurt me here. Can he?

Jan. 1st, 2009


I realized something quite strange today. A year is 365 or 366 days depending on if it's a leap year or not. During the experience we may see it as long, but in hind sight it seems as though it has passed by quickly. When the final minute of a year comes there it seems like time is slowing down, and then it gets to the ten second countdown. It's amazing how the transition from one year to the next is only a second, or a nano-second depending on how specific you want to get.

And of course people celebrate this, perhaps believing the new year will be better than the last one.

Oh yeah, I suppose the ball drop was kind of exciting. And this bottle of bourbon isn't too bad either.

Since I'm not tired, I imagine I'll spend the rest of the night watching a movie, and maybe, I don't know.

Oh, Happy New Year, everyone.

Dec. 30th, 2008


The last year I welcomed was 1983. Now it's almost 2006. To think that in normal circumstances I would be 34, and not 21.

What exactly is the customary thing to do for this holiday? Do people really just watch a ball drop, or? I'm not actually too knowledgeable about that sort of thing.

Dec. 29th, 2008


Oh. My. God.


Dad, I swear, I don't go around showing my boobs to everyone and me and Sam never used bondage in our lives!


What in the name of hell was THAT?

It was like I was so young again.


I'm back to normal. From now on I'll buy chocolate from an actual store, as opposed to from someone selling them for a fundraiser.

Heather, are old are you?

And LaCroix, sorry about that. I mean, I'm sorry you got called that.

[filtered against baddies]

I think I'm going to go somewhere. Not sure why I mentioned it. Can't stay in my room though. Too stifling.

Dec. 28th, 2008



[ooc: upping the age to eleven]


I have powers!


FIRE. EVERYWHERE. I DIDN'T DO IT. I DIDN'T mean too it' Sam's fault!


[ooc: and because I couldn't resist, have an Alessa who thinks she's 7 (pre-fire)]

Momma? Momma where are you? I'm this hotel room, and I don't know how I got here, and I think I was kidnapped!

Dec. 27th, 2008




[ooc: You'll see. That's all I will say.]

Dec. 26th, 2008


For some reason, or another I have this desire to read 'The Tempest'

Watched a rehearsal of it when I was seven. Accidentally gave the guy playing Prospero a nose bleed.


I'm not used to this, actually. Thank you.

LaCroix )

ABC!Claire )

Dec. 23rd, 2008


[Filtered away from God(s), Dahlia, and Uriel]

As a little girl I was taught, made to believe that God was this wonderful benevolent being who would someday come back to Earth, and make everything better. I was only five, or six years old, but I truly believed everything that my mother and the others said about God.

Living with God from age seven to fourteen quickly changed my view on 'her'. 'She' was nothing more than a spoiled, childish brat. A parasite who needed to feed constantly from it's host.

New decade, new place, new life.

God arrives here. I become weary, but I'm assured that She's not the same One I dealt with. Here she is causing plagues, for what purpose? Is She genuinely pissed, or is She just doing it, because causing plagues gets her off?

Is it possible for one to be both the Holy Mother and the Whore? Is it possible for one to be the Messiah and Anti-God?

Dec. 22nd, 2008


Flies? This is going to be wonderful.

[Filtered to Dahlia]

I hate you.

[filtered to Gabriel]

You don't know me very well, but there's something I need to say.

I'm sorry.

[filtered to Heather]


Dec. 21st, 2008



Thanks for letting me come over.

Harry talked to me yesterday.

I don't like Uriel, he reminds me too much of Valtiel.

[Filtered against God and the Angels]

If the angels are supposed to be close to God, why are they so incredibly blind to some things?

Dec. 19th, 2008


I'm still not sure how people can watch a lot of the programs they show on television. Even movies aren't much better. They're all predictable no matter what.

Probably shouldn't even be talking about that, but what else is there to do? I'm not coming out of my room.

[Peter Petrelli]

There's something I have now, that I think could benefit AI.


I'm back at the Hyperion...

[Prayer to God (not Elaine)]

I doubt you'll hear this, because I don't even know if you exist. No, that's not true. I know you exist, but...never mind.

Maybe I'm being foolish for wanting to ask, or foolish for expecting an answer. Was I really born just to be a tool...a weapon? You know what I can do. Wherever you are, you probably saw what 'I' did. Was I supposed to suffer, because my father might be another deity...or a demon? Or was my suffering part of some great plan?

Sorry, I don't think you'll answer. I used to pray to you when I was a little girl, and you never answered my prayers. It always felt like I was talking to a wall...

[ooc: Alessa isn't aware quite just yet that God's actually here.]

Dec. 18th, 2008


I...I can't believe I did...I'm sorry.

I'm a monster, a demon. I'm sorry. Sam, Xander, LaCroix, Claire.

I shouldn't be around anyone. I shouldn't even be...


[ooc: Posted from somewhere that's NOT the Hyperion. She's too scared to go back there just now.]

Dec. 17th, 2008


[filtered away from the Claires, and their family.]

Wasn't fun. Wasn't satisfying.


I'm getting bored of killing people.

Pisses me off, they're probably some place better.

Dec. 16th, 2008



Took you long enough!

Hmmm, blood. I'll keep it as a souvenir.


Anymore people?

Dec. 15th, 2008


I waited at the address, but I'm moving away now.

Oh well.

[filtered to LaCroix]

Hi, honey.

[filtered to Heather]

Shall we feel proud of being fate’s favorite toys?
Cain’s tribe, tribe the chosen ones who have no choice
Salt of this earth, salt in the eye of providence

[filtered to Peter]

You invited me to the chessboard
Your pieces are white?
Fine I’ll take black...

Dec. 14th, 2008


It doesn't take a warp field engineer to see that most of you 21st century Earth dwellers are in desperate need of a new fashionable wardrobe trend.

Do the universe a favor. Don't dress in a dimly lit plasma conduit. It can only bring bad tidings.

Dec. 13th, 2008


[Filtered from God, angels, other deities, and children]

You know how I've said this is a great place? How it's so much fun because of the opportunities that arise, and the potential? It actually is. I've gained control over a number of people, even got a few followers. My company is better than ever, yes. And I do have friends here. And I have had fun with them, and vice versa.

But see.. problem is.. my mansion? That huge structure near the mountains, where I can view the city? It's now empty. Has been for some time now. It used to have two other people besides myself. Alexander and Delia York. Siblings. My son and daughter. And now, they are just... gone. They weren't kidnapped. I'd know if they were. And besides, whoever tried would die painfully within the hour of said event.

They were mine. They came from me.. or, they will. I'd like to say that we were happy together. At least as happy as an Antichrist and his children could be, anyway. Is this how it works here? People show up, then get taken away? I know the answer to that.. it was a rhetorical question. It's just how it is in this Hell version of Los Angeles. City of Angels? Please.

Just to be clear, I had nothing to do with those bush and shrub fires. Not my style. My way would have been worse. But if you go downtown? The four block radius of shattered lamp-post bulbs, traffic lights, shop windows, and twisted road signs? That was me. Sorry about that. It wasn't intentional. I also didn't intend to have had tears in my eyes. Probably made me emo for a moment. Maybe I should ignore that incident. Perhaps this is a lesson; that we should treasure those we have, for as long as we have them.. because it may not last. Joe was cool, and one of my important projects.. too bad he and his brothers aren't still here.

I need something to take my mind off this for a while. Work won't do it. I'm thinking.. engaging in sinful activities. Like, with me and another body, for some good, wild fun. Male, female, so long as they're hot and can make me forget for a few hours. Doesn't have to be completely human. I'd take Sylvia and Logan, but I'd rather it be someone not under my control. Oh, and very important. If anyone named Kate Reynolds happens to show up here? I need to know of it immediately. Epsecially if she happens to be a reporter for the BBC. It's important.

Dec. 12th, 2008


...Merry Christmas
He gunned his family down
His bullets were their presents
Dead relatives all around
Happy New Year...

Isn't that a depressing song? Parents love to give their children these nice little illusions about Christmas time being the happiest time of the year. They never tell their children that for some, Christmas can be the worst time of the year.

I'm so happy that my mom taught me the true meaning of Christmas.

Dec. 10th, 2008


Oooh, the fire's so pretty.

LaCroix you were right! Different blood types do have different tastes!

[Filtered to those living in the Winchester house hold.]

I had fun. :)

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