December 2nd, 2009

[info]notafreak in [info]paragraffiti

[Filtered to JL]

Okay.. hey, my name is Lyle. Claire's brother. Umm, I got a quick question here. Which one of you is very, very fast? Is it Bart? Clark? I might have imagined it. I still don't know for sure. Maybe I was. Or maybe something did really save me from an oncoming car. When I was bad, I think one of you saved me from it. I think it was someone on your team. And the blur was dark, so ya might have been wearing black clothes at the time. Just want to know who to thank. If it really happened.

[info]betterthanmost in [info]paragraffiti

[Filtered against baddies]

Well.. damn. Know what I just figured out? It's so damn quiet here at the Weir apartments. I thought it was because Hermione was at the library. Or maybe out with friends. Or possibly doing magic research with AI. But she's not here.

Looks like I'm the only one living in here. Fuck, I need a drink. Lavender? Still here? Please say yes. I think I'll have some firewhiskey right now. Could certainly use some right about now.

[info]regenerating in [info]paragraffiti

filtered against baddies;

I just want to be able to sleep again, that's all
Be normal be normal be normal

I can't believe we have to do wedding invitations a second time. I'm totally cheating with Photoshop and emails this time, as there's no way we're getting them printed again.

Also, I'm pretty sure I owe at least one person some sparklefont from the last two weeks, so step up.

[ LYLE ]
So I was wondering, rather than look like a dork all alone for the trip, would you maybe want to, you know, walk me down the aisle?

You're not actually giving me away or anything, because that's sexist and insane.
[ SAM A. & MIRTA ]
I know you both were out the rental for the RIGHT wedding date, but the Visa of Evil should have cleared to pay the bill.

So could I have December 15th, on which this will happen and I don't care who I have to throt yell at? Please please PLEASE?

[info]lovemesomepie in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered to Cas

So I was wondering if you were doing something on the 15th.

[info]robinindahood in [info]paragraffiti

Ugh my head. Don't even think coffee will touch this headache. Still nobodies made instant hangover cure, why? I way m>
gotta get this out of my head
can't happen again

[info]_thatswhatido in [info]paragraffiti

Higher powers can take their damn war and shove it. My mind ain't for playing with.

[info]tacticalrobin in [info]paragraffiti

good guy filter

Brushing up on my computer Languages with so much downtime I really don't know what else to do with it. Spent most of the day hanging around youtube and generally not being productive. I need to fix that and tune the Red Bird but I haven't really found a good auto part store yet. Any recommendations?

..I almost forgot, everyone's returned to normal. But has anyone seen Kal?

[info]thexandman in [info]paragraffiti

Who here thinks that carrying guns to a bank, outside or not, is stupid with a side of crazy?

Please, raise your hand.

[info]sonofajackal in [info]paragraffiti

Wow.. noticed something at Walmart. Walmart is the antichrist.. oh wait, no it isn't But they have a new game system. Playstation 3! Seems it's been available since November 17th. Heard it was number one bestseller in just 24 hours after the release. Going to find out why very soon. Just didn't notice it there during all this hectic stuff taking place recently, since I only went to home and work. Very expensive, though. Like four to five hundred dollars, give or take. There's been violence over it. You know how crime-ridden this city can be. Robberies, thefts, beatings. Probably even deaths. Used to be that people killed over their deities, beliefs, revenge, or a piece of land. Now it's over games. Sucky. Damn, how far man has fallen

I'm planning to go get it from Wallyworld tonight. No way I could have afforded it as a low-paid scrub/orderly for Dr. Petersen. But as a CEO of my own company? Ohhh, Hell yes, I am SO going to get that! I hear it looks really great on a big HD-screen TV set. Maybe I'll get it after having some drinks at a bar. Or before. Whatever comes first. Who knows, maybe I'll even invite some of my friends over to play with it too. I think they'd like that.

January 2010



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