November 26th, 2009

[info]nopoweroverme in [info]paragraffiti

I've been told that all of you use this to discuss all the weird things that happen in the city.

Hi? My name's Sarah and I'm apparently suffering from magic amnesia.

[info]ex_ascended201 in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered against W&H

Lawyers. Out of all the damn things in the world they could have made me think I was, they made me work for an evil lawfirm.

Either they're sick, or they have no idea how tacky that is coming from my world.

[info]sonofajackal in [info]paragraffiti

Something trippy is going on. I didn't forget anything, I know who I am. Damien Ignacius Salvatore. But it seems that some people know me.. even though I never met them in my life. And apparently, I have "humble servants." Really. What, like a maid or butler, like in a mansion? Ohh, I wish. But working on a hospital paycheck only gets me so far. Couldn't even afford a maid if I wanted to.. or a big TV. The one I got doesn't even work all the time. But I guess that's life. Any one of us can end up homeless if we aren't careful. Just guess I need to watch my little spending I do already. And maybe have faith that I'll make it each month. I have so far. But you never know.

Also.. err, I should confess. I can do it here or go to a confessional booth that I've been to a couple times. I swore today. This van almost ran me over, then flipped his finger at me. I said a cuss word and with "God". I think the muffler started smoking, though it wasn't before. So, what is the penalty for profanity? Certain number of hail mary's? Restitution, fasting? I know it was wrong. Maybe I haven't gone enough, maybe I need to go on Wednesdays as well as Sunday. Lord, please forgive me I also had this weird feeling. I don't mean the pet shop.. tho that's weird, the cats hissed at me. But.. a couple guys at my work. One is Jake, the night shift janitor. And Mark, my boss. It's not so much THEM. It's their names. They sound familiar for some reason, but I just can't remember why. Like deja vu or whatever.

[Added several minutes later]
Oh! Right, in case I forget, but it's around that time. Sorry. Happy Thanksgiving! Hope all is well with your families. Eat up, drink, be merry, give thanks, and tell each other what you're thankful for. For me.. it's being alive. Having a job. Seeing patients make it. Having my parents here to share time with when they visit.

[info]angelblood in [info]paragraffiti

[Board B]

Business dinner deals are the most boring thing in the world. People seem absolutely positive I'm still ten.

On the plus side, Titanic is on tonight on pay per view. I could use some cheesy "Never let go" lines while I finish a never ending essay.

January 2010



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