November 5th, 2009

[info]angelblood in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered; Ruby and Jacen

Thank you, both of you, for helping me out. You have no idea how much I appreciate it.

[info]morallydamaged in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered against Wolfram and Hart and their associates and allies

[Forward dated to a few hours after the rescue attempt was successfully executed.]

Cathy is safely home now. She's been through a lot but she's going to be all right. I hope.

Thanks for the help given.

[info]regenerating in [info]paragraffiti

filtered to family/close friends;

Now that Cathy's back, Dean and I are going to head out. We should be back by the evening of the 10th, and we'll have our phones in case we're needed provided you can reach us. I guess Sarah can come get us and bring us back if it's an emergency?

Be good, you guys, and try not to get kidnapped and whatever else.

If - or when - we fall off your radar, don't freak out, okay?

[info]betterthanmost in [info]paragraffiti

You know, reality TV is crazy these days. But know what's interesting? I rented a DVD of The Running Man. It's with that guy Arnold. Oh! Speaking of, notice how he has similar lines in other movies too? Like, saying he'll be back. I know that it's really bad form in horror films (because it usually ends up with you NOT coming back), but he might actually get away with it. Another line is, "To Hell with you." It just sounds cool and stern when he says it with that accent. And there's bunches of cheesy one liners. Like if he throws a knife, then says to stick around. Found a few videos with examples.

He strangles a guy, he says he was a pain in the neck. He calls this electro-lights guy Light Head and Christmas Tree. He saw a guy in half, he says the killer... had to split. He makes a guy go into a Coke sign and explode, then goes, "That hit the spot." Anyway, it came out around '87, but it's set in 2017. Basically it's a police state, with wild reality shows, life and death stuff. The media controls all, so the main guy gets framed with doctored footage, breaks out, then has to go on a game show where he runs from crazy killers.. and to also prove he's innocent with the real tape. I loved the part where the baddie, when it all comes out, does BS about technical difficulty.. and this old lady stands up in the audience and yells "Bullshit!" Because really, an elderly woman using profanity.. that was out there.

I think I might watch it again, so.. maybe.. would anyone like to watch it with me? Or not. I can put in one of the new action movies from this year if you prefer. But watching that old movie makes me wonder. I am curious if, given the situation here, well.. I think it actually can get as bad as it was in that film. If you see those shows now, notice how the next one goes a bit farther than the last one, each version more risky and over the top than the one before it. Guess it looked like sci-fi and fake at the time for those who saw it back then. But it's possible these days.. or later days, even. That's a very scary thought. Not just about the media, but about the way the government was portrayed too.

January 2010



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