October 28th, 2009

[info]frostandsnow in [info]paragraffiti

Yesterday in the shop I was rude to a Satanist that used to think I was awesome He wanted to 'get into the real dark stuff'. I told him he was a moron amongst other things and freaked him out by opening the door for him from behind the counter He ran like a girl.

I think thats considered growing as a person...demon...whatever.

[info]sonofajackal in [info]paragraffiti

[Filtered against W&H]

I think I'll be going out for drinks again. But... I've been reading some books on the side. I noticed two specific drinks spoken of, butterbeer and firewhiskey. I hear they're quite good. Especially firewhiskey. Now, anyone that has had it... are they stronger than the most alcoholic drink? I'm a bit curious about that. I have a extremely slightly high resistance to the normal stuff, so I'm interested in a little experimentation, maybe see how much it takes to get me plastered.

I also have an important question for anyone that arrived here. Hypothetical, really. But still of importance.. sort of. There's a few buddies that are curious too. And by buddies, I mean just myself Not "new" arrivals per se, just.. secondary arrivals. Like, you were here before, then got sent back, and now you're back here again. The question, it's something like this.

1. You were someplace in your world, then poof. You're here.
2. Spend time here. Then you go back.
3. Poof again, and here you are once more.

It's more along the lines of 1 and 2. I don't need exact details of dates and places. But.. say you're some place in your world... let's say it's K-Mart. Then you showed up here. When you got sent back, were you exactly back in the spot you were the first time? Or perhaps the return spot is a bit farther in distance.. like inside your home or something. I mean, I don't think the PTB would just have sent you back in the middle of the street or anything like that. At least, I hope not I'm just wondering, hypothetically, if returnees are deposited in exactly the same place and day that they had previously left.

[info]goingtowin in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered to Friends/Allies/AI. Filtered Against Baddes [especially Harmony/allies of Harmony]

I realize there's been talk on how to end televisions latest assault on our minds, but if we could do a group pow wow and hammer out plans, that would be great. And if you're secretly already planning something and you haven't told me, you'll be in for it. Cranky me isn't a fun person.

[info]harmonybites in [info]paragraffiti

OMG Someone is STALKING ME!!! Like really...I keep getting these WAY creepy letters and that is so...

They're totally gonna want to cut me up like that guy wanted to with Cordy that one time...and make some kind of...eww.

Spikey you have to help me! You owe me!

[info]tacticalrobin in [info]paragraffiti

A box!..I don't know if I like boxes from ..thanks, really, Harleen. You didn't have to get us anything. You wanting to do good, and proving to us that you're trying is all we need.

[Private to justice league]
DO NOT. Go near that box. Bart, Virgil, I'm looking right at you two. I know it's a shiny box full of something, but we don't know what yet. Kal can I see you in the kitchen, like now?

January 2010



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