October 16th, 2009

[info]angelblood in [info]paragraffiti

[Filtered; AI & Allies]

From what I can tell, they are all alive. The Slayers are...no where near here. Possibly another country. I'm sorry I can't tell you where, they're in a cell, but they're all conscious. They were moving and talking, and looked pretty ticked off. The men were in a room. Alive as well, though one seemed sort of...out of it? I don't know where, I couldn't see the building, if anyone was there with them, I couldn't see them. But I don't think it's far, and they're alive. This is supposed to work better, I'm being blocked. I didn't even know it was possible to block it.

[info]nopoweroverme in [info]paragraffiti

filtered to A.I./Hyperion + Winchester & co + all allies*;

[ooc: *which is pretty much a "good guys over fifteen" filter when you get right down to it, as long as it's anyone Sarah is familiar with enough to call or know as an ally or an ally's ally. For this post, it also includes Damien AND Sylar since it's only fair because their posts are part of this, but doesn't include future!Xander, obv. :P]

[ Sarah's post is effectively a replication of her original conversation with Sylar [ here ], the post from Damien [ here ] and her conversation tonight with future!Xander [ here ], the last of which is currently still ongoing. ]

That's everything I know, so someone do something with it. Excuse me while I throw up again

[info]frostandsnow in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered to Dean

Buffy, Jacen Solo, Faith,

You can tell me to go right back to hell if you want. But people are asking it. Where's Sam?

And if he's gone too, what do you need?

[info]weechester in [info]paragraffiti

filtered against baddies;

The past isn't turning out to be any better than the future.

[info]dontyoujustwish in [info]paragraffiti

[Custom Filter]

[Filtered for both Xanders and both Anyas]

What did you do?

[info]goingtowin in [info]paragraffiti

I believe I said I was tired of being 'ported against my will to random places.

Whoever did this, you better damn well hope you have an entire army protecting you. Though that might not be enough.

Frigging Russia.

[info]daddyshellspawn in [info]paragraffiti

{Filtered to family/friends}*

What's going on?

{{ooc- *if you think your charrie should be in this filter, they are.}}

January 2010



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