October 5th, 2009

[info]witchwithaplan in [info]paragraffiti

This is worth a shot. Either you all are going to think I'm really crazy or, from what I've read so far, I've just found the one dimension weirder than the one with Piper Halliwell: Warrior Princess

Hi ... I'm not of this dimension. And sadly, that's not the weirdest thing I've ever written Anyone have a clue as to why I can't leave this dimension? And if you do, you wouldn't happen to by any, hopeful but more than likely very small, chance know how I could leave said dimension? And go back to my own? Yeah, you heard right Higher Beings responsible for me being stuck in yet another dimension. I don't care what I said before I'm not staying. How do you like them apples? Why am I wri

Please don't say that I can't leave. Please don't say that I can'

[ooc: Forgot to mention that Paige is puncturable. Sorry had to catch the bus! :-) ... now I'm going to go eat dinner.]

[info]hapanqueen in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered from Bad Guys and Kids under sixteen

As much as all this has brought a lot of us a great deal of joy, there are warnings to be planned for too. So as such I want to clarify.

We have a future overrun by vampires lead by a powerful master Vampire Leader
One where an entity known as Twilight has killed many of us and those who are not dead are hiding, in this future a second hellmouth has opened?
One, Allana's where the Cylons and the Yuuzhan Vong have joined together under the leadership of Cavil and Nom Anor to wage war on the city.
One where children were being taken by...was it Wolfram and Hart?, I believe it was Ben Winchester discussing this. This was specificly to interfere in timelines? Prevent a good future?
One involving a Demon I believe that Faith's child discussed?

Are these all of the things we need to plan for. Am I missing anything?.

It needs to be noted for the future I believe.

[info]static_shower in [info]paragraffiti

I don't like not knowing what happened, but I'm scared at the same time

I feel strange lately. Like everything is sort of..in a fog and I can't see through it. The last few days have been sort of a blur. Slept too much. Now I can't sleep at all anymore, it's been two days. So I've got the Clash playing on my list. AC/DC and Radio Head lined up for a long night of comics and games.

I want to go back out on patrol, but I don't want to risk losing control of myself or forgetting again. I don't know what else to do. If I sit inside I'll more just go crazy. But I don't want to hurt anyone.

January 2010



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