October 2nd, 2009

[info]ex_demonbloo908 in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered to Faith & Michael.

Okay. We're all here, together, so we might as well take the time to sit down and start covering the ground rules.

House, thirty minutes?

[info]nopoweroverme in [info]paragraffiti

filtered to Sylar;

Have you been able to find someplace to stay?

[info]notimpossible in [info]paragraffiti

So I was looking back over this thing...

Why did no one tell me about the "Wee Little Puppet Man"?! You're supposed to share these things!

[info]sonofajackal in [info]paragraffiti

[Filtered against Terry, Bruce, Bart, Virgil (past/future)]

Something fishy is going on. For one, my car wouldn't start this morning. That never happens. It's a brand new car, fast, flashy. And just on the way to work, when I did fix it.. the thing stalled while I was parking. There's also other things. Fax machine spits paper out a bit fast or too slow. Cellphone drops calls just when I'm talking to a customer rep. Seriously.. I think someone is fucking with me. It's also strange, this is all stuff that I'm capable of causing

And I have this weird suspicion that I'm not the only one living at my manor. I mean, the TV channel is on another part when I turn it on. Towels wrinkled. Less toilet paper. Magazines moved slightly out of place on the table. And, a couple beds appear slept in, regardless how made it is.. I can tell these things. They've been used and not just by me. I'm gonna get to the bottom of this real soon. Plus, I had a second slight headache a couple days ago, same as with that creepy older guy I don't know. Maybe it's just one of those days, or maybe I'm working longer hours than usual. All this talk of the future has been occupying my thoughts lately. It's sort of interesting. Like, if I have kids, like the other adults here, and how many will I have

[info]boy_scout in [info]paragraffiti

Doomsday.. definitely not a creature defined by rainbows, hugs, and puppies )

[info]future_shocked in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered to the justice league and Hyperion

Im sure by now you've all seen the information Clark posted up about Doomsday, thanks for that by the way. The more info we get the better chance we have. J.L. I know you're all capable and used to solo patrols but I'm partnering you all off for this one. Those of you still making regular patrol routes despite our time explosion, can I get a headcount for JL past and future? And yes even this applies to me. Doomsday is like nothing else we've encountered before as far as crazy bad things go. He's a class of his own.

[info]allanasolo in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered to Future Kids

How are you all getting on? All okay? Anyone need anything or just need to have a soundboard for a bit?

First one of you to call me 'Mommy Allana' gets it. I'm looking at you Ailyn.

[info]inhisfootsteps in [info]paragraffiti

filtered to Ruby;

You! Stop talking to Senior Braaaaains.

[info]hench_wench in [info]paragraffiti

Its like a MOVIE!

January 2010



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