September 13th, 2009

[info]temptresseve in [info]paragraffiti

Its been a good few days. What with from my own personal fun of taking bets on when Sam Winchester snaps and goes on some kind of crazy evil power trip, if Faith stops whining and instead gives in and gets herself committed, if Spike gets over his quote unquote "Daddy issues with Angel", if Buffy wakes up and smells the replacement and kills her in an amazing fit of jealous rage, or if Phillip the accounting goat ever finds his way back home. Seriously, its adoreable, He's just like Lassie.

Anyone else want to make us a soap opera? Just me?

[Filtered to Newcomers]

 I've noticed a few new faces, and since I'm told I'm the friendly face of Wolfram and Hart I thought I'd extend hellos.

Eve. Liason to the Senior Partners, Potentially the ones that brought you here. We'd really have to talk more to determine that and really I'd love to meet.

[info]batman2point0 in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered to the JLA. Minus Bruce.

So..I've been thinking about getting something for Bruce. Only problem is I'm really not good with this gift giving thing. He's done so much for me. Took me in when he didn't have too. And after I called him a creeper in a haunted mansion and everything. And..he can be kind of next to impossible to buy for considering I don't know what he likes, he doesn't exactly leave hints. What do you get for someone who has everything?

[info]half_slayer in [info]paragraffiti

Hundreds of years from now, all of you are going to be long forgotten by nearly everybody. Nobody will remember who you were or what you did. You may have been the Scourge of Europe or the vampire who willingly went out and won back his soul, and yet, when your names are thrown out into the open, they won’t be recognized. The blonde and the traitor carry faces and titles and triumphs that will not be talked about and when the villains ban together to drag this world into Hell, there will only be one who will stand any chance at stopping them. But it won’t be enough. Because one is nothing when up against thousands. Millions.

Nothing you’re doing now will matter. You’re all wasting your time. You’re forgettable. Thousands will dwindle down to zero. And then zero will become one. And one will not be enough.

I almost feel bad for all of you. Almost. But not quite.

[info]dontyoujustwish in [info]paragraffiti

[Filtered against Bad guys]

You know what I really fancy? A party. Not for any particular reason, but just because we could all use a night off to relax. Because so much happens in this city, some good and some bad and I think every now and then we should just all take some time to appreciate what we do have.

And I don't just mean one of the groups here, I mean all of us who aren't evil. Together. For group harmony and all of that.

Opinions? Comments?

[info]static_shower in [info]paragraffiti

There's been a severe lack of pie lately. It's a little depressing. Clark, you should fix this.

January 2010



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