August 22nd, 2009

[info]faithinthedark in [info]paragraffiti

[Filtered to Sam Winchester]

Here we go again. I think the PTB are just wanting a laugh at my expense. Still, I think I might get away without being punched in the face this time.

[info]sonofajackal in [info]paragraffiti

[Filtered again baddies, Wolfram and Hart.. and yes, the Scourge too, on the chance that they read these posts]

Goddammit. Too many of them. Boots. Lots of boots. Knives, Guns. Killed my partners. Homeless won't get food now. So much blood. Oh shit.. they know where I work! There was nothing I can do. Nothing at all. Demons.

Bullets hurt. They hurt a LOT. Can hardly walk. Or type. Trying to stay awake. Also.. I'm bleeding. No hospitals. And going home may also be bad idea. Fuck. I curse you, Nazarene

[info]lonestarclaire in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered from Bad Guys

Okay. We've been dancing around this for a while but its come up in conversation again so here it is.

Whats considered 'okay' for information gathering by the great and good of the city. Cause it sure as hell better not be interrogating victims of Scourge attacks weather physically or mentally. Yeah you can make the arguement that its the 'greater good' but I HATE that phrase because the people that say it do awful things in the name of it.

Tell me we don't interrogate the innocent victims. Tell me we're not even considering it.


Sorry. I had to ask it?. Cause you have to know its wrong. And if you don't maybe people will change your mind. God I hope so.

[info]imp_ulsive in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered to Virgil

–noun Theology.
A particular personage or power, variously identified or explained, who is conceived of as appearing in the world as the principal antagonist of Christ.
In other words:
One who denies or opposes Christ; specifically: a great antagonist expected to fill the world with wickedness but to be conquered forever by Christ at his second coming.

Do you really think you should be playing doctor to that?

[info]lavandula in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered Against Baddies (said baddies doesn't include Ruby)

I think I need to start making Firewhiskey again. I have a feeling I will a whole lot of us might be in need of it.

[Filtered to Faith]

I bet you're super busy, but when you get a chance...can we talk? It's important.

[Filtered to f!Claire]

Hey, when we get a chance can we talk? It's important.

[Filtered to Sarah]

I need to talk to someone. Really talk. I might have just made one of the stupidest choice in my life...if you don't mind, can we talk?

[Filtered to Anya]

How do you feel about Ruby?

[info]static_shower in [info]paragraffiti

You tortured people.

You were right.

[info]goingtowin in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered to Scoobies/AI and AI associates

Alright, let's see if I have this. The Scourge is running loose in the city and killing demons, even innocent ones. No one knows when they're going to strike or how to find them. The only clues we have are the demons who were killed, and then un-dead, but don't want to talk. So now there is a moral debate over how this should be handled, and everyone is getting frustrated over it. I realize this is priority and has to be taken care of as soon as possible, but arguing among yourselves is going to make this even worse. If you have a leader, they're a leader for a reason. You have to trust them, even if you're not going to like it. Yes, I know, not in charge, just saying.

People who were dead are alive, and Jedi are real. Apparently so is Superman, and god only knows who else. Angel Investigations has a large membership now though most people don't know much about Angel? And now has many levels of management.

I'm the third or fourth Buffy to come through here. Chances are, I'm not like the other ones. They seem to be years in my past. Personal development.

If I'm missing anything at all, please fill me in now. My mind's on a roll. know, I think I'll hit something.

[info]regenerating in [info]paragraffiti

filtered to Cas & Dean;

Me and ABC want your help with finding those demons we saved and being our back-up while we talk to them. Our way, the one that keeps them from getting hurt.

Will you?

January 2010



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