June 29th, 2009

[info]batman2point0 in [info]paragraffiti

[As Batman]

My suit feels almost as good as new. I can't believe how close it is to my original. Missing a few basic features, but that's understandable considering its technology was a few years ahead. It's good to be back in my colors again. Not that the nightwing suit wasn't good for it's time..The ropes were getting painful and tiring. Kinda near impossible with broken bones. Feels like their starting to heal though.

[Filtered to Bruce]
Question is, when do I get to take it for a test drive?

[info]blueelf in [info]paragraffiti

Los Angeles..Did I teleport here? I didn't do this. That's impossible, I've never seen Los Angeles. I couldn't have. What's going on here? Cyclopes? Rogue? Professor?

[info]wouldbehunter in [info]paragraffiti

Okay, what the hell? Anyone want to explain how the hell I got here?

[info]morallydamaged in [info]paragraffiti

I think I could be all right with this job after all. As long as they keep bringing on the fucking improbable cases to win.

In honor of kicking the employment blues, my talented wife's callback, and the headache inducing events of the past few weeks, round of drinks at the Lux on me tonight. One. I'm not paying to inebriate the strange partial population of Los Angeles.

[info]selfpropelled in [info]paragraffiti

filtered to A.I. and allies;

[ooc: forward-dated slightly to this evening to avoid affecting earlier conversations]

Gabriel, Hiro and my mother are gone. As far as we can tell, they haven't been swapped, just sent back. If any other clustered disappearances or renewed swapping pops up on your radar, please let A.I. know.

I'll be out of contact tonight, most likely so will Peter, so Fred and Sarah (and Faith, should she be around) are in charge and know how to contact us if there's an emergency. Anything non-emergency and not time sensitive, leave the messages on my desk.

[info]static_shower in [info]paragraffiti

Okay seriously I think we've tried every fast food joint in town. It's all starting to taste the same.I almost wish I knew how to cook.

[info]red_on_target in [info]paragraffiti

I won $500 in a darts tournament after patrol last night.

I love being in a city where they haven't learned to ban me from those yet.

[info]lonestarclaire in [info]paragraffiti

This city has a way of making you appreciate the simple things sometimes doesn't it.

Spent yesterday cheering, simple, and completely irrelevent to the bigger war, but maybe thats a good thing every once in a while.


I've had a sort of an idea. Might be incredibly lame or something but you need an assistant and I need something to do to feel like I'm helping beyond the, y'know. Ability to fall over and get back up.


Do you know anything about stuff I can do to get my High School Diploma without actually going back. I've been thinking a lot, and getting to know some of the cheerleaders over the city, from UCLA and stuff and it got me thinking. Not telling Nathan or anyone just yet till I have the info and can sit them down and discuss it, I'd have a LOT to catch up on. But if you had the info and stuff?

January 2010



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