June 1st, 2009

[info]lonestarclaire in [info]paragraffiti

Hyperion Filter minus the kids

Faith she...

You all need to get...

Lock down the hotel.

Just get to the lobby. Nathan please just...

Oh god they got to her, Faith. she's...she's a vampire.

[info]batman2point0 in [info]paragraffiti

No filters for Damien, it runs in the family...

Something's not right. Impulse is acting ...stranger than usual. Thorn. If he contacts you, you're going to ignore him for your own good. Take advantage of the situation in any way; Hurt him, touch him, I'll find out. I don't know what your planning to do, but if your smart you'll step away from this while you still can. Don't, and I'll make your life a living hell.

[ooc: As nightwing; post blindness a little forward-dated.]

[info]justthe_doctor in [info]paragraffiti

[Filtered to AI]

I've been observing your operations and I'm sure now I can trust you with some information about me and my kind. Although I look human I am a 900 year old alien known as a Timelord. There are so major differences between our races one would be that I have a respiratory bypass system. And that blue police box in front of the Hyperion is my spaceship, called the TARDIS. A ship like can travel though space and time. I think I can be useful to your group. It is important that you know that I am against violence and will not handle any firearms.

So Hello to you all!!

[info]imp_ulsive in [info]paragraffiti

I'm going to kill somebody.

I think it might be you, Clark.

I really think so.

[info]imp_ulsive in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered to Damien

Either Kent is on drugs or you're the antichrist. Wanna tell me which one it is?

[info]imp_ulsive in [info]paragraffiti

Someone should go check up on Clark. I don’t think he’s doing very well right now.

(ooc: After this. He kinda feels bad now. Sorta.)

[info]chosenforthis in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered from Baddies

Okay, given her memories I'm positive that this vampy Faith isn't the real Faith that we know and love from here.  Just to share with any who are concerned.

This Faith is pissing me off something wicked. Buttons are effectively PUSHED. I want to punch a wall. But then the wall would have a big damn hole in it. And that's...bad, right?

[info]faithinthedark in [info]paragraffiti

Ok, I've been here for hours and I haven't figured it out yet. Very funny, well done. Some snack told me that this board is the place to talk so here it is.

Where is Angelus? Start telling me or I start the body count.

Come on baby, I'm getting bored. Come find me?

[info]boy_scout in [info]paragraffiti

[Filtered against baddies, Bart included]

You know, there is nothing like death to put things in perspective. Bart Allen is not to be trusted. He is a thief and murderer. Or would be a killer, if I wasn't helped. But you know what they say. It's the thought that counts. He stuck me with a chunk of kryptonite. And left me there to die. But in a way, he did kill a part of me, and maybe it had to happen soon anyway This is not Impulse. It's not the one we know. If you suddenly find things missing, and know darn well you had it a second earlier... well, now you know who took it.

[Filtered to JLA (minus Bart), Batfamily]

Terry, I went to him.. you likely know what happened now. He nearly killed me if Bruce hadn't come.. I'd be gone forever. Bart would kill me. Almost did. Think about that.. a guy who was my best friend chose to destroy me, after making accusations without proof. This is not him. I never gave him a speech, he never came to my home. Imagine the type he'd become if he never met me or been a friend of mine.. and further, imagine if he was working with Luthor's protege.

I know he was our friend. But the Impulse we shared the building with? I have to assume he isn't here, replaced by this morally challenged one. He could turn on one of us next just as easily as he did with me. Don't let him fool you. I'd vote for changing security and keeping him barred from the Bradbury. But I'm not the leader, so I don't have the authority to enforce that But if he is still a part of our team, and is welcomed back to our place.. we should have precautions. Though I fail to see why we need a thieving murderer in our midst

[Filtered to Bart]

You screwed up. Again. Funny, with all the alien baddies who tried to off me, turned out that a human succeeded. Almost did, anyway. Next time you decide to kill someone.. make sure they don't have any friends close by. That is why you failed. With your last comment about failing, maybe you should have looked in the mirror. And now you will never come near my again. Hurt anyone else and you will have to deal with me. I might not be so nice next time

But I should probably thank you. You have proved to me that most humans can't be trusted. Not Davis, and not you. Well.. there's one way the two of you are alike. That is the part of me that made me weak, that human side. I need to let that go. And after meeting you, I fully intend to. My birth father did always say that emotions would be my downfall. He turned out to be right and I learned that after I was duped into using the blue crystal. Do things differently? Ohhh, I plan to. Another thing-- I will not be here if you come by again. There is nothing you could say to make me drop my guard again. Clark Kent is dead.

[info]chosenforthis in [info]paragraffiti


Didn't have your number to text. But I need to talk to you. There's a lot of crap going on, all at once (people going evil). Some of it even seems targeted to a certain person. The million dollar question is... What do you know about all this? Any details would be appreciated. And don't lie. I hate liars.

[info]betterthanmost in [info]paragraffiti

Stupid, backdated, primitive muggle technology. I hate this. Very much. Almost as much as I completely loathe the fact that I'm in a city vastly overpopulated with so many pathetic muggles. Maybe I should do something to lower that number a bit. Got a feeling that there's magic here too. I hope they are pureblooded, and not halfway pure, or mudblood pimps and whores. Wouldn't surprise me. Nothing surprises a Malfoy anymore. Not this one. I swear, if Al or James did this to me just because I flipped them off when I left the graduation party, they'll pay dearly for it.

But it gets better. Oh yes! Not only can I not apparate out of here, but I am in the past as well. No amount of magic at my disposal can free me from here. Believe me, I tried. I'm very good. Or bad, hehe. I nearly wasn't able to get on this bloody muggle device. Fucking, stupid muggles, they all need to just leave or die off But I got lucky. I got a muggle here that is helping me, took a bit of.. prodding. Not sure what I'll do with him or her afterward. Might let them go, or torture them. Or make them my slave. Ha ha. Also, I got books. What is all this Star Wars rubbish? I have never heard of Hapes before. Can't find it on any map.

January 2010



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