April 17th, 2009

[info]faithinthedark in [info]paragraffiti

[Custom filters]

[Filtered to f!Claire]

I don't even know what to think.

The demon. I was there when Sam killed him.

[Filtered to Tenel Ka]

There is so much madness going on today, I swear to god.

Buffy's back. Jack's bringing her to the Hyperion.

Can you and Jacen be there? Jack mentioned some kinda amnesia- she didn't know him. Depending on when she's from, when she sees me her first reaction might be to attack me. I know you two can hold her back without hurting her.

[info]princessazula in [info]paragraffiti

Internal squabbling among the so called 'Forces of Good' It's like watching a play.

They made a play with me in it once. I was apparently very well represented. The actress really did seem lovely. I got to kill my brother. Admittidly not how it panned out but I like their version better.

Someone should make one about you people. It would do wonderfully.

[info]hapanqueen in [info]paragraffiti

How can I help her? Give her advice when I am the LAST person to talk to about trust, and visible signs of a fall to darkness.

I can't watch this happen all over again to someone else. I just can't.

...Does anyone ever miss something specific about home, A person, a place,  I miss my cousins, the gardens of my palace.

And of course Allana. Every moment of every day. But she is safe there, safer than she would be here.

Its not important, I have just found myself remembering home a lot lately.


How are you settling in?

[info]faithinthedark in [info]paragraffiti

[Filtered to Sam Winchester]

I know I said I wanted space and I did, I do, but...

I need to talk to someone and you're the only one I want to, the one I think can...

You're the only one.

January 2010



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