April 14th, 2009

[info]betterthanmost in [info]paragraffiti

[Filtered from baddies, and evil scary vampires]

So, anybody want to do something? Hang out? Have a few drinks? Or watch movies and play video games? Maybe date? Or have some wild fun. I'm bored and open to anything. Except for patrols. Already did that for the last three nights, so I need a break.

ETA: Scorpius fails sometimes. Lol. Post is now "filtered against baddies", due to this.

[info]intheclock in [info]paragraffiti

JLA Filter

Roll Call.

Humour me, people.

I think we might be missing Clark, the elder. What does that mean? I'm done trying to organise a JLA. You, Terry, Cass, Zinda, Helena. That's all I'm dealing with from now on. If we're going to keep appearing and disappearing like this...

Yeah. A Titans might work out better, and I'm not running that.

[info]static_shower in [info]paragraffiti

I have no energy lately...all I've wanted to do since I got here is sleep. I don't know why. I know that it won't help anything, though .. I can't seem to focus of anything.

[info]faithinthedark in [info]paragraffiti

[Filtered against the bad guys]

So I was wondering if I could find out just who is patrolling where in this city. Because I'm kinda concerned guys. I was swinging by one of the less than evil demon bars and it seems like someone's had a party in there. One of the demons... I knew him. Kinda. Bit of a jerk, a couple of minions but he wasn't eating babies or anything. And he was alright for good Intell if you bought him a drink or two. And no one's talking about what happened. And ok, Slayer here, but I mean really not talking, even when I was being nice. All I'm hearing was... it wasn't quick.

I know there's a lot of bad in this city, believe me. And I'm not blaming anyone if they're new and instantly thought 'demons=badness' It's just...

Not all the demons here are evil y'know?

January 2010



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