April 10th, 2009

[info]intheclock in [info]paragraffiti

I love school supplies. Honestly, the choices are endless.

[info]imp_ulsive in [info]paragraffiti

Spongebob pencil cases, Spider-man notebooks and Dora the Explorer pencils are NOT COOL and sending said uncool items to me is NOT FUNNY. In any way, shape or form.

I gave them to Clark.

Clark? Go look outside your door. You have presents.

[info]ex_demonbloo908 in [info]paragraffiti

I thought I'd want to steer clear of music for a while after what happened before with all the singing. Turns out I can't stay away from it now. It's interesting how my iPod has songs on it that haven't even been released to the public yet.

[Filtered to Alessa]
I'm packing her stuff up. You want to come look through it? See if you want to keep anything?

[info]batman2point0 in [info]paragraffiti

anybody seen Max? Pink haired girl, attitude. Supposed to meet me for 7th and 8th period and make this school thing suck less. annual ditching and all..

I spoke to Faith, Slayer at the Hyperion. They need help reguarding patrols. Think we can coordinate something between us?


[info]once_favored in [info]paragraffiti

Okay. Score one for being in Nowhere's Glenn one minute, and being in fantastic, sunny, and building filled Los Angeles! Score another one for not even having to pay for the trip! Although would it have killed whatever did this to have asked me? Look, I'm glad to be out of the town of the perpetual mist, but would it hurt to ask a woman before you toss her around?

Would anyone mind answering some questions? Where's a good place to stay, anything weird about this place; the usual.

[info]intheclock in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered to Faith and Nathan

I hear you're looking to coordinate patrols.

January 2010



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