February 21st, 2009

[info]no_savior in [info]paragraffiti


Alright, team. We have a... client? He needs to clear his home of some of those dracu-vamps. Currently we've got the blood to do it. Two, maybe three, come with me, and we'll clear the place out for him. Got it?

Hiro, with me. Kennedy. And Leah. Lets's go see how this'll work.

Faith, get a team on backup in case we need you.

Fred, See what you can make of this.

[info]whystherumgone in [info]paragraffiti

Some people are just too easy.

Never ask a pirate about one must do after stumbling upon another man's lost possessions, children. Particularly not if you are terribly slow.

[info]thexandman in [info]paragraffiti

filtered against baddies;

Eye exam. I'll show you eye exam.

[info]ex_sonofkryp215 in [info]paragraffiti

It's typical that Luthor would find a way to best me, even when he's not here, how

I apologize for anything that I may have said that was out of line over the past few days. I wasn't myself.

[info]knivesandreo in [info]paragraffiti

filtered; heather

ooc: pretend this was sometime yesterday after she talked to sam

Hey, is there anything I can do?

[info]therealcaptjack in [info]paragraffiti

[Filtered Away from Baddies, Villians and Unsavory Sorts]

Captain's Log 5.01

ALIEN ACTIVITY: I'm thinking some of these headings need to be changed given just where we all landed. But, for the sake of continuity, they'll stay as they are for the time being. Should take to calling this place Torchwood 5. Still don't know where 4 went to either.

ALIEN TECHNOLOGY: I wish we could have figured out what was going on with those miracle pits before they up and disappeared. Seems that those who took a dip are slowly being returned to their original state from what I gather. As I always say: the quick-fix is never the answer.

RIFT ACTIVITY: Not sure if the lot of us arriving here is a result of the Rift or not. When in doubt, blame the Rift. Won't lie, though, I'm happy it dropped off Ianto and Gwen. All we need now is Tosh and the whole team is together once more.

SECURITY: With John around, am afraid that extra measures will need to be taken to keep the Hub secure. But, if that's what it takes, then that's what it takes. Don't really want him wandering around LA all on his lonesome. Even if he was the good wife.

OTHER SECURITY ISSUES: Require more information on this Dahlia woman. Though, all things considered, I'm glad she found me and not some hapless human. At least I could withstand whatever she was doing. Not sure if she succeeded or failed. Will have to look into this demon she was attempting to summon as I'm not sure if she succeeded or not. One too many points I passed out/was killed for my liking to know what was going on.

STAFF: Need to have a very, very long discussion with Suzie about 'when someone calls for help on the comms it means get your arse over there and get them out of trouble'. Think there may be a few issues being harboured. Hard to say, though, with her. Suzie -- when you see this, my office. Now.

OTHER STAFF ISSUES: None to report. Aside from the fact that I'm glad there are as many of us here as I have. Not quite thrilled that the Master is here, but he seems different. Will also have to keep an eye on that as well.

By the way, Ianto? Patrol at 20.00. I think you need a bit of work on your form where stake burying is concerned.

[info]intheclock in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered from Baddies

Talia Al Ghul is gone. She disappeared from our holding this morning along with her property, servants too, as far as I can tell. One has to wonder why they waited to get rid of her until after she tried to burn down the city.

Mysterious ways and all that, I guess.

[as Oracle]

[Filtered to Helena]
I got you a new toy. A fast new toy.

I made an impulsive real-estate purchase yesterday. I'm affectionately calling it Arkham Jr., but we're going to have some work to do.

[info]reluctantavatar in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered to the Hyperion

Their are still fires burning in town. I'm gonna go try to put them out.

[ooc: back dated slightly to this

[info]st_monica in [info]paragraffiti


Okay. I know I’ve been really childish and immature for the past few months and I’m sorry for that. I had a dream. A dream about something that happened back home. Something bad that happened back home. Something bad that was my fault. I know it wasn’t just a dream. It was real.

So yeah, I’m sorry. The dream has been effecting my judgement on everything. I guess I just need to suck it up and get over it. It's not like I can change anything. I've had to learn that the hard way.

[future!Peter, future!Hiro, and Nathan]

Niki died. My Niki.

Because of me.

[info]mslane in [info]paragraffiti

[Filtered against baddies]

Well, the last week has been... weird, to say the least. And it just seems to keep getting weirder.

Lana found me, about half out of my mind, on the beach. She took care of me, tried to explain things to me, but I'm afraid I don't understand. She says that I've been here for months, but I... don't remember this place at all. And she doesn't quite seem like the Lana I know. She's... different, and I don't understand how that's possible. I also don't understand how the hell I ended up with brown hair. I'm a redhead, and I have been for quite some time.

The last thing I remember is having dinner with my fiance, and that still seems like just yesterday. She told me that he's here, too, but I haven't seen him. I'm worried. And I can't ask Lana if she knows where he is, or any further questions, because she seems to have disappeared. My only friend here, and she's gone.

I guess I'm by myself here now, but I'll be fine, just like always. I think I'd feel much better, however, if I knew for sure where Clark is. So if anyone sees Clark Kent, could they please let him know that Lois Lane is looking for him?

[ooc: Please attempt to be kind. Lois is still amnesiac, and frying her brain would be a very mean thing.]

[info]her_my_oh_knee in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered to the Weir

Lavender is going to be coming over soon, we're going to have a sort of girl night...thing. Just in case anyone wonders who is entering.

Filtered to Lavender

You should be fine to come to the Weir. I'll see you soon.

[info]raheta in [info]paragraffiti

filtered to Sam;

The ring is in your top drawer.

[OOC: Slightly forward-dated to tomorrow morning.]

January 2010



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