December 30th, 2008

[info]ex_girlsuper149 in [info]paragraffiti


If I ever get my hands on the person who did that, I swear I'm dropping you on one of the moons of Mars. And that isn't the least bit sarcastic. Not funny.

I thought I could go home. I thought I had a family waiting for me.

[info]lovemesomepie in [info]paragraffiti


Ok, I'm back to normal...gonna give me the keys back to my girl?

[info]yahwehwannabe in [info]paragraffiti

Love is like stichglass, has anybody noticed?

You and you, let's have a picnic day this New Year's Eve. Maybe we can try and pretend we are a normal family.

Mm...I don't know what will happen to your reputation pft if you continue taking candy from mentally regressed adults, uncle.

[info]zoneroflight in [info]paragraffiti

Is no earthly delight safe?

I think it would be best if we kept our conversation about Kal just between us.

[info]no_savior in [info]paragraffiti


It was different from the candy I had to throw away. But it's still yummy!

Naaaaaaathaaaaaaan! I did the trick you taught me! It's easy to find candy when it comes right to me!

[No, the candy bars did not affect physical age. But since he thinks he's eight years old, one of his abilities kicked in and altered his appearance to his eight-year-old self. And after I found these icons, I had to get more use out of them.]

[info]hapanqueen in [info]paragraffiti

It really has been an interesting day even by the standard of this place, for me at any rate.

Filtered to Sarah Petrelli )

Filtered to Scorpius )

Filtered to Faith )

Filtered to Mara )

Filtered to Mantis )

[info]walks_again in [info]paragraffiti

[Filtered to Sarah Petrelli]

How are you holding up?

[info]mirtagev in [info]paragraffiti

a'den, aruetyc, dinii hut'uun utyc, shabuir osik'la kyorla!!!!!!!!!!

Whoever messed up that candy's gonna get a bullet in the brain. I'll even do it for free.

I was eleven, nice relitively innocent even, before someone turned the galaxy into his own personal playpen. Same guy that hapilly chatted to eleven year old me about my Mama, For clarifications sake the one he tortured and killed for kicks, and what'd he say about it....

'sometimes peoples Mama's push them into it'?????? sometimes people have no choice! No CHOICE!

You kriffing KIDDING ME  with this osik you Dar'jetti scum

I will have skira... Its not over. Not by a long way

Welcome back Colonel.

Filtered to Sam

I think I'm gonna be sick.

I was NICE to him,

[info]ex_sinofthef307 in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered to Elaine, God and Angels [Lucifer can reply too if he like]

I have a lot of questions that only your lot can answer. I know I haven’t prayed a great deal actually not at all and I don’t want it to sound like any of you owe me anything. I just want to know where I stand in this good and evil. Am I an abomination? Am I damned?

[info]ex_sinofthef307 in [info]paragraffiti

Is it really over? I’m rather glad I don’t eat chocolate.

When a little crazy… I will clean up the blood in my room...the green stuff is mine….sorry…sorry…

[info]itsaliiiiiive in [info]paragraffiti

I wasn't in Los Angeles two minutes ago! I'm pretty sure I wasn't, anyway.. No, I was definitely in Alaska. Then that means-- experiment gone wrong? No, I don't think I was working on anything that could've caused this kind of
Oh, but I suppose there's always
No, that doesn't make any sense.
The city sure looks
Oh, no.
Oh, no, the date's wrong.
I can't just catch a plane back to Alaska, can I?
Dave Snake? Dave? Sunny?
It would be too much to ask for them to be here, wouldn't it? I'm supposed to be with them.
This could cause all sorts of paradoxes.

[info]her_my_oh_knee in [info]paragraffiti

I think I'll stay away from candy for a while now.

[info]psycho_mantis in [info]paragraffiti

going to collect Dr Emmerich.
umm.. maybe help find place for him.
he's the only one who knows the me of before.
The 'me' that had lost myself.

not that person anymore.

Doctor. stop panicking.

[info]faithinthedark in [info]paragraffiti

[Filtered to Sarah Petrelli]

Girl's night, at the Lux. Elaine has spoken so you have to come.

Besides you seriously need it right now.

[info]robinindahood in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered to Jacen Solo.

Uh awkward hey.

[info]raheta in [info]paragraffiti

I always wanted to see the ball drop in New York on New Year's Eve. Don't know why I didn't. I grew up kind of close to the city, so it doesn't make much sense. How come we never went, Dad? But it doesn't matter so long as I'm here, right?

Sam, still up for having that party? I mean, get-together?

[info]yahwehwannabe in [info]paragraffiti


I need to borrow a couple of tables and privacy for my friends tonight, uncle. I'll pay for everything.


Tonight at the Lux! Don't forget.

[info]theyoungerone in [info]paragraffiti

What do people do for fun around here that doesn't involve alcohol, superpowers, or turning into eight year olds?

[Filtered to Peter Parker]
Hey, dad?

[info]sardonic_moon in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered away from the 12 and under set. (Physical and mental)

I just realized something. I think that we would all be happier, and better off, if we just accept the fact that everything causes death.

[info]heretic_saint in [info]paragraffiti

The last year I welcomed was 1983. Now it's almost 2006. To think that in normal circumstances I would be 34, and not 21.

What exactly is the customary thing to do for this holiday? Do people really just watch a ball drop, or? I'm not actually too knowledgeable about that sort of thing.

January 2010



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