October 30th, 2008

[info]slayerbee in [info]paragraffiti

Where's Dawn?

[info]defenderrose in [info]paragraffiti

[Filtered to the Tenth Doctor]

Oh Doctor!

[info]irish_rose in [info]paragraffiti

Perhaps this is a silly question, but...what is trick-or-treat?

[info]faithinthedark in [info]paragraffiti

[Filtered to Peter Petrelli]

First up, thanks. For everything.

Secondly, I was wondering if I could be let out, to start patrolling again. I've been feeling better and just starting to go stir crazy a bit here.

[info]mslane in [info]paragraffiti

He... he told me my name is Lois. The man dressed in green told me that last night, when he walked me... home. Or, at least, he said this was my home. Is it? The name Lois... it somehow doesn't seem right. So who am I, really?

[ooc: Blank!Lois is blank. This is backdated to Wednesday morning, after Lois's mind has been wiped, and Ollie has found her and escorted her back to her apartment... cause somehow, magically, he knows where she lives. lol Nicole, if you want, we can still play out the Lois/Ollie scene. I'm just posting this for posterity.]

[info]ex_girlsuper149 in [info]paragraffiti

Well I can definitely say I wasn't expecting this when I left home. I guess I won't be getting to work this morning. Lana? Lois? ....Clark?

[ooc: Note, Kara has the identity of Linda Lang, and I'm pretending she wears a brown wig as her, just to have some difference.]

[info]babysolo in [info]paragraffiti

If the current holiday is Halloween, why do some of the local shops have Christmas decorations out already? Doesn't it get annoying, seeing things brought out that aren't happening for months still?

{Filtered to Scorpius}
What are you doing for Halloween? If you don't have plans, want to hang out? I don't think there's much going on, here.

[info]sardonic_moon in [info]paragraffiti

Looks like Halloween is tomorrow. Tomorrow night children will go door to door and ask for candy; adults will throw wild parties; conservative Christians will beguile us with the evils of Halloween; Jack Chick will release yet another tract explaining that Halloween is Satan's birthday; the Satanists will either have wild orgies, or sacrifice something; and someone else will pout because their dog Timmy was ran over on Halloween. And they have never gotten over it.

Sadly, not many people here know about the true story of Halloween. Thankfully, I'm here to tell you.

cut for story )

[info]thexandman in [info]paragraffiti

Who wants to go trick-or-treating tomorrow?!

[info]ex_spideysen651 in [info]paragraffiti

Looks like everyone is in a good mood about tomorrow. I'm a little wary about the crime

I hope you all have a good Halloween! Get lots of candy. And have fun dressing up!

[info]wecanbeheroes in [info]paragraffiti

I was thinking that some of us could go trick-or-treating together? I haven't really gotten to meet too many people my age. It could be fun!

[info]waverlywizard in [info]paragraffiti

I hope no one minds, but I went out and put a pumpkin by the front door and used an animation spell on it so it talks to trick-or-treaters when they go by tomorrow night. It's so cute! And very friendly.

[info]justcramps in [info]paragraffiti

I know tomorrow's Halloween, but tonight is Mischief Night, also known as one of the best nights to party in the world. Anybody know who's throwing one, or do I have to just go out and have my own?

[info]decembervision in [info]paragraffiti

I wanted to say thank you to everyone who participated in the clothing drive. I consider it a big success. I hope everyone enjoyed the party. I would have post this yesterday, but I took the day off to lay back and relax, especially with Thanksgiving and Christmas just around the corner. There's a lot of work to be done.

Have I told you how much I love you lately? Because I do.

[info]hapanqueen in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered to Faith

Are you going to apologisze for your words or do we need to have this conversation face to face.

I mean since you preach not involving yourself in things that don't concern you and then do it anyway. He has done nothing to you. I mean, How dare you??

I thought you were above such petty insults but obviously not,  or is it that you are still sick from the filth you polluted yourself with

I actually hope you are...It would explain your behaviour of late.

[info]ex_demonbloo908 in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered to friends.

We're relocating.

Dean, I got us an apartment. It's got three bedrooms, a kitchen, and a bathroom. And a living room, too, I guess. It's not really much, but considering that there's only the two of us I don't think that it really matters. We just need to furnish it, which I'm currently looking into. Anyway, I thought that it was high time that we got to settling down because, in case you haven't noticed, we've been here a good while.

So pack your stuff. We're checking out.

[Address]. That's for everyone else. So you know how to find us.

[info]yourecold in [info]paragraffiti

Everybody, look! )

[info]raheta in [info]paragraffiti

Whether you like Halloween or not, this should definitely make you smile. I know I did, at least for two minutes and forty-nine seconds out of the day.

Sam, this is especially for you. )

January 2010



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