October 2nd, 2008

[info]scissorwoman in [info]paragraffiti

Come on! Don't look so gloomy! Not like it's the end of the world or anything...

[info]lavandula in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered against baddies

So is the fact the room is spinning non stop, something I should be worried about? Or am I just seriously sleep deprived?

[info]heretic_saint in [info]paragraffiti

I want my daughter back.

[Harry Mason]

You have her. Give her back!

[ooc: Daughter=Other half of soul]

[info]indiana_android in [info]paragraffiti

[Power Rangers]
Tomorrow (Sunday) [ooc: Which is Thursday real time] we meet at Kat's before we split up. We have another Ranger joining us, Kimberly Hart. Kira's feeling a little under the weather, so she won't be with us. RJ, you'll be with Tori this time, and Kim will be joining Charlie and I.

[Jack Landors and Casey Rhodes]
You guys alright? Health-wise, I mean.

[Oliver Queen]
Hey, I'm Mack, Bart's friend. He said he talked to you about helping me with my problem.

[info]rabiesforthewin in [info]paragraffiti

Kinda funny how the sense of smell comes in handy. Knew something was wrong with the tap water the moment I turned it on, and became just a little overwhelmed by all of the nasty shit I was smelling.

Keep hearing this is the Apocalypse going on. Still seems fishy to me, I mean just call me a little insane, but shouldn't we be hearing more about it on the national news? Unless God's just decided to wipe out LA first.

And on another note; any of you folks familiar with the Grandfather and the Grandmother clause?

[info]formerhand in [info]paragraffiti

[Filtered to Sam Winchester]

If you are still alive (and I gather you have angered rather a lot of people and feel I need to check that) I would like to talk to you. My name is Mara Jade Skywalker and I promise no threats on your life, I just wish to understand more.

[info]lavandula in [info]paragraffiti

[Against baddies]

...gryffindors never say die!

[ooc: Accept she IS dying *cries*]

[info]st_monica in [info]paragraffiti

[Filtered to Hyprion]

Private to Peter Petrelli )

I know a lot of you are busy, or sick...but, I need help!

[info]betterthanmost in [info]paragraffiti

[Filtered to Harry Potter]

Harry )

[info]ex_demonbloo908 in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered to WAR.

Did you do it?

Did you -- do you even get on the internet?


[info]fearless_cub in [info]paragraffiti

I thought I was over this..I-I just feel worse. I felt better for a while..now I can hardly move. Could barely morph in time This is getting ridiculous.

[ooc: set after the second or third patrol night with the new ranger team]
Tags: ,

[info]her_my_oh_knee in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered to good magic lot

Is everyone alright? I know a few things, I have a few spells ready in case anyone needs help.

[info]ex_demonbloo908 in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered against baddies.

Have you buried her yet?

[info]yourecold in [info]paragraffiti

I'm going out for a walk. I need to clear my head. Don't look for me. Don't follow me.

[info]werockon in [info]paragraffiti

I feel like I've entered an R rated version of Halloween Town.

Have you ever played that game where you're trapped somewhere, like an island, and you can only have a certain amount of things with you? I played with five. We did this at camp the other week, the results were pretty hilarious when we weren't thinking of survival.

-My songbook
-My piano and/or guitar
-An awesome hat
-Laptop, an amazing one that can pick up wireless from the middle of nowhere, and the battery never dies.

I don't have any of those, but I think I need a new list.

At least Isis is nice.

[info]ex_pug279 in [info]paragraffiti

I haven't felt right at all today. It just hit me this morning. I haven't been drinking the water, though. I'm scared.

[info]misstan in [info]paragraffiti

I still don't know why I'm here, but I guess I'll have to make the best of it. My name is Dana Tan, and I'm from Gotham City. It's- Well, it's something to be here, although I'm not entirely sure what.

[info]heretic_saint in [info]paragraffiti

[filtered to Peter Petrelli]

The Beast roams amongst us.


It's dark in here. Bring me my light.

[info]its_the_hate in [info]paragraffiti

We know something special. Ask us what it is and we might tell you. Antichrist is running around the city, playing with his toys. And we can give a name. We have his name. He tries to hide it but we know the truth. Ask us.

[info]ex_sinofthef307 in [info]paragraffiti

To be or not to be….that is a good question…is it nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune or to take arms against a sea of troubles? And by opposing end them. To die…to sleep. To die yes…oh the comfort of that endless slumber….I think it is time to sleep forever but should I do it by my hand or in combat?

January 2010



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