September 29th, 2008

[info]mslane in [info]paragraffiti

For once, I can actually say that I'm glad I'm allergic to tap water. I don't mess with the stuff. Bottled water all the way.

And on a completely different note...

God, they just keep coming. Will it ever stop? Every time I come across another one, I just... feel so alone... hate this place even more.

[ooc: Strike is hackable by those she knows/might be friends with.]

[info]hoesoverbros_ in [info]paragraffiti

Okay.... I'm kinda guessing I'm not in NY? But please, and I am saying this here with the deepest respect and utmost patience and understanding.... where's my freaking fashion show?! What the hell is going on with this place?! How do we get home?! Please, please, someone help me...

oh by the way...

if I dont get back to my goddam show, I swear I'll destroy all your Manolos, Carrie Bradshaw!

[info]ex_onlygirl487 in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered to those of the good magical variety

I don't know what's going on really, but it doesn't seem like magic to me. Is anyone sick? Al, Lily, James? If anyone starts to feel sick, let me know, we should probably start preparing, just in case one of us catches something.

It would be great to have a healer show up right about now.

[info]walks_again in [info]paragraffiti

[Filtered to Doctor Perry Cox]
So, Jesus, what are your feelings on the Palsy?

[Filtered to Seeley Booth]
Are you alright?

[info]thelonelyangel in [info]paragraffiti

Ohh, so one's gone and tainted the bloody drinking water. How ridiculous.

Well, if anyone's in need of some nice, clean, fresh water, feel free to stop by my TARDIS. I'm more than willing to share.

[info]piercingfears in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered to Alessa


[info]futureunwritten in [info]paragraffiti

So, apparently, the fucking apocalypse has started.

One question... where the hell is that damn nuclear war and all the fucking machines? That shit was shoved down my throat since I was a fucking toddler, and now, I'm just getting poisoned water? Well, I guess I can't complain too much...

[info]bellsm in [info]paragraffiti

This is worse than High School, when the flu went through Forks and everyone was locked in their bathroom for twenty-four hours. I'll never miss drinking water.

Are these people serious, Edward? The Apocalypse? ...can we survive that?

Hannibal King
Hey, I know I haven't really spoken to you much since you saved me from my own two feet, but are you OK? This place is...insane.

[info]ex_pug279 in [info]paragraffiti

Somebody better explain. Right now.

[info]indiana_android in [info]paragraffiti

Who knew I'd ever be glad not to be human?

So is the water making people crazy too? This one guy tried to punch me and I didn't even do anything.

[info]scissorwoman in [info]paragraffiti


[info]time_fiend in [info]paragraffiti

Well if this the end we should get to the shagging? Anyone? I don't you guys but I'm planning on going out with a bang!

[info]mirtagev in [info]paragraffiti


[info]raheta in [info]paragraffiti

I think I miss Silent Hill.

[info]hapanqueen in [info]paragraffiti

{Filtered to Heather}

Jacen's willing to listen as I said he would be, just...could you explain what it is, my part in it, what the blood is for and so on? I do want to help, we just have concerns....

{Filtered to Heather and Jacen}

Jacen, Heather, Heather. Jacen...

She's going to explain the basics at least and then I'm sure if we need to meet we can do so yes?

[info]decembervision in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered to the good people

Have any of you watched Smallville? I keep hearing all these things about me, how I'm evil on the show. Even the newest Clark or whoever he is thinks so. He said he loves me, but I killed him. How could I do something like that?! I mean he's obviously not the best person, but I killed him! Am I supposed to be that horrible? How do I stop it? I don't want to be that person!

[ooc: Emo!Lana is emo. Thanks a lot, Biz.]

[info]deeperthanblack in [info]paragraffiti

I know I am not familiar with many of you, but my name is Jaenelle, and I am an accomplished Healer. I have read that many of you are not feeling well, and if I can be of any assistance, you have but to ask.

[info]godschosen in [info]paragraffiti

They really know how to make an entrance, don't they? You should all calm the fuck down and enjoy the beauty of it.

[info]shotgun_mason in [info]paragraffiti

The water is making everyone sick...
...I've been drinking it and I feel just fine.
Nothing different from the usual.
I wonder why...

[Filtered to Anya]
I heard a rumor...
I know this is selfish but I need the closure.
If. If this even works.
I wish-

I wish I had my daughter Cheryl back, even just for a little while.

What's your price?

[info]morallydamaged in [info]paragraffiti

Due to circumstances beyond our control, Wolfram and Hart will be limiting services until further notice. If you have an emergency, you can contact us at 555-3845. If you think you have a problem bigger than this, you need an ego check.

[Wolfram and Hart Employees]

Regarding the notice sent out early this morning, ignore it. If you are sick, go home. You're useless right now. If you haven't been hit, report to Research and Intelligence now.

This is the Apocalypse and we've got a hell of a lot of material to cover. Anything on the book of Revelations, Horsemen, references, accounts. Cross check with current events.


Did you get it?

[info]just_impulse in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered to the Hyperion

Going to stay at HQ with the Justice League while this whole thing goes down. Might make it permanent after it’s all said and done. I’ll let you know. If you guys need anything you know you can ask.

Clark, you coming or staying?

[info]faithinthedark in [info]paragraffiti

[Filtered to Good Guys]

So the Apocalypse is upon us and I'm thinking patrols. But not in our usual lets-all-head-out-and-see-what-happens way, I'm thinking actually something organised. See, I'm thinking of being organised, I'm pretty sure that might be one of the signs of the Apocalypse. Or possibly that I'm really really freaked.

No one should be patrolling on their own, so we need to watch each other's backs on this.

B, you and me, teaming up for old times sake? You can bring Spike if you want.

Sam, you're handy in a fight and there's few others I'd trust to watch my back if you wanna come with. Dean too if he's interested.

Heather, you're a hell of a shot with that gun, better than me actually. Not usually a fan of guns, but right now wouldn't say no to them.

TK, will never turn down Jedi assistance. Are you and your guys in?

Anyone else? I'd rather we didn't clash too much with anything, wanna keep these hunting parties tight. So, plans, proposals, vague notions, I'll take anything right now people.

[info]heretic_saint in [info]paragraffiti

I found my daddy!

But, I feel kind of funny.

[ooc: italics= thoughts]</i>

[info]cadet_cassie in [info]paragraffiti

Okay so I'm not drinking the water after what happened last time but... there's something wrong. I'm eating again but I feel like I did when I wasn't, like hungry all the time and as great as being skinny is again it feels weird when I don't actually have control over it.

I started eating again because it stops being nice when you're passing out and being told you're gonna die but now...this is so bloody ironic. I finally get back into eating and it doesn't work. I don't want to die anymore.

[info]sonofajackal in [info]paragraffiti

Okay.. now I know something is up. I noticed it when a few of my employees called in sick after drinking tap water. Thankfully, I'm immune to that sort of thing. I also suspect something is wrong with a few food items. Not sure which ones, but something is there. For anyone who is interested: I have a stockpile of gallon bottled water, available to the public.

One of my workers actually snapped at me today when I asked him if he finished his case report. Almost tried to assault me. I had to send him home, along with the stipulation that he get some counseling before coming back. I also haven't been getting much sleep, due to being anxious about all this. Not to mention the weird dreams. Which involve the sound of galloping in the distance. Weird. It isn't normal.

I take back what I said, there isn't anything coming. Oh no, it is already fucking here. It all feels so familiar somehow. I don't know the full details, but you can be damn sure I'm going to find out. I think I got a pretty good idea what's going on now, of what may soon happen. Whoever said it was right. It's coming very soon. It's kind of a huge deal. Need a hint? It starts with a real big capital A.

[info]disappearingact in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered to Peter.

Feel like explaining why people are keeling over in the streets, and why a random sweep of religiosity seems to have taken a hold of this typical bastion of sin?

[info]mortalmaster in [info]paragraffiti

Hell, if it's not one small thing it's the bloody Armageddon. This is not my world and I refuse to perish in it.

I believe most sane people regardless what "sides" they chose in morality would like to avert this phenomena. Who amongst you are already organising? The more information, the better. As a devout Protestant, I am familiar with the Scriptures and Cronqvist has an immense library in Castlevania.

[info]not_occult in [info]paragraffiti

Oh, as usual, dear.

[info]shootsclowns in [info]paragraffiti

[Filtered to the Firehouse Crew]

Anyone else feel like keeling over?

There's something wrong with the water so cease and desist from...anything involving it.

And if anyone escaped gastrointenstinal wrath, Tums and a bottle of water? I'll owe a big favor. Main floor bathroom.

[info]irish_rose in [info]paragraffiti


i want cordy.

[info]iamall in [info]paragraffiti

It's imploding. It's all imploding.

We were supposed to stop it.

It can't happen again. I don't want it to happen again. I'm so sick of fighting.

[info]heretic_saint in [info]paragraffiti

If you're still drinking the tap water, then it's your own damn fault that you're getting sick.

[Hyperion filter]I'm going to go ahead and start doing some research in the library. Here's my advice. Don't rely on Revelations to give you an answer on HOW to stop this. I'm going to look through the Apocrypha first and foremost. See if there isn't something there.[/end filter]

[Peter Petrelli]I feel strange[/filter]

[info]shotgun_mason in [info]paragraffiti


No! Impossible!

It's really you?

[info]ex_cordychas618 in [info]paragraffiti

Anyone who has healing experience in some capacity, whether it be twenty years of medical school or basic first aid, please respond here. I'm thinking it'd be a good idea to know who can be of some sort of help with the sick showing up en mass at the moment.

{filtered to Anakin and Padmé Skywalker}
Kathy is sick. She wants to see me. I know I'm supposed to ask permission or whatever, but to be honest I'm coming to see her whether it's okay or not. She's the closest thing I have to a daughter, so I'm sure you both can understand.

I'm thinking I'll likely be there in the next hour or so. Just have to wrap up a few things here, first. And, while I'm thinking about it, is anyone else sick? Should I bring Peter with me, maybe? I don't want to walk into an entire freaking epidemic.

[info]lostaussie in [info]paragraffiti

[Filtered to Monica Dawson and Peter Petrelli]

I know you both have better things to do, and I have no right to be asking this but.

I do have a favor to ask. A big one.

[info]rageofages in [info]paragraffiti

Integral, I will brook no argument in this, you will remain in the Castle. If you absolutely must go out, not without me.

Our wells our not poisoned and our supplies extensive.

My... companions ... have little insight to offer into the situation.

[info]been_better in [info]paragraffiti

What a great time to show up. I still can’t decide if I’d rather be hanging around here or six feet under. I guess I should be thanking somebody for at least making sure that this place came with a water filtration system.

And Felicia? Thanks for not letting me bleed to death in the middle of the road last night. It’s appreciated.

[info]alittlebizarre in [info]paragraffiti

You're all dying.


[info]indiana_android in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered to all Power Rangers

[ooc: This filter includes Charlie Marquez, cause Mack is nice like that.]

Rangers, check in. I want to be sure all of you are safe and sound. I'm sure all of you have already found out about the water. The Apocalypse is here and we need to get organized. It's not going to be easy, given the number of team leaders here, but it has to be done. We'll patrol together, either in one big group or split in two, depending on how many are sick. I want you all to nominate two people as leaders, based on trust and your confidence in their abilities, not color. No nominating yourself.

Here is a list of all known Rangers in LA. The sick are in italics.
Kira - (3)
Mack (myself) - (6)
RJ - (2)
Tori - (3)

I'm nominating Kira and Tori. I've worked with them before and would trust them with my life.

[ooc: Mack at his truest: taking initiative and being a leader, even if he doesn't realize it.]

[info]iamall in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered to Good Guys.

There's a man that poisoned the water. He was responsible for the oil spill at the beach as well. I saw him, but... It wasn't like most people. I'm not sure how to describe it. It was hard to get a grasp on the individual. The events were more solid.

[info]judgment_arcana in [info]paragraffiti

But, my work isn't finished.

[info]decembervision in [info]paragraffiti

I guess being paranoid has paid off this time. My shelter, which I have now named Isis, has it's own water filtration system. For those of you who need water, you're welcome to come by. As always, if you're in need of food, shelter or clothing, Isis is open to you.


[info]walks_again in [info]paragraffiti

[Filtered to Hyperion Residents]

I need an accurate count of those within the hotel who have fallen ill, as well as any allergies to prescription medications or latex. Dr. Perry Cox will be dropping by within the hour to see if he can make some diagnoses and give us a better idea of how this can be treated(Gabriel, if you're not ill, could you make sure he's able to get in?). Thus far I have the following names:

Charlie Andrews
Xander Harris
May Parker
Monty Petrelli
Nathan Petrelli
Simon Petrelli
Tahiri Veila
Sarah Williams
Toby Williams

Thank you all for your help.

[info]the4thsister in [info]paragraffiti

I can't believe I'm about to say this but I'd kill for some interference from the Elders about now, last time something like this happen I was made into a goddess and I'm not gonna lie it really helped, plus having minions was pretty cool.

Anyway if you'll excuse me I should probably go check out what everyone's plans are, since this seems to where it's all being organised.

[info]arthurmumby in [info]paragraffiti

I feel most peculiar.

[info]dealing_death in [info]paragraffiti

[ Filtered to Seth, Logan and ANY other GOOD guys]

Seth & Logan - Before we head to the beach I am making a trip to the pharmacy and the lab to stock up on medical supplies. Is there anything you would insist on having on hand for the Apocalypse?

The church has a back up supply of water, though it is limited, so use it sparingly. There is a case of bottled water in the refrigerator as well.

To anyone in need of a safe place to stay or somewhere to get a little help with the affects of the water, our doors are open. There are eight spare rooms and enough medical know how under our roof to be of assistance to anyone in need.

[info]rev_66 in [info]paragraffiti


HE was contacted, lord. There is HER, too now. What are we going to do with an extra Anti-Christ?

January 2010



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