September 16th, 2008

[info]ex_lizardgir517 in [info]paragraffiti

This is going to sound strange, or maybe not..

But what year is it?

Oh and also, this is a long shot but is there someone by the name of Connor Temple here?  the anomaly..I was hoping..why am I even asking? He went missing..and..yeah, long shot.

[info]lucien_lacroix in [info]paragraffiti

I have one important question to me. Why am I suddenly in California?! The haven of sun and faux human bodies of Los Angeles, not exactly where I would take a vacation as I would currently prefer to be in Toronto. I demand someone tell me what in the hell is going on?

[info]mechanicality in [info]paragraffiti

Is it more or are instant noodles are just...terrible.

So how are all you people doing?

[info]nopoweroverme in [info]paragraffiti

Willow Rosenberg is amazing and wonderful and one of my favorite people in the whole world!


I cried. I cried so much it was embarrassing.

[info]mirajane in [info]paragraffiti

I need to get out of this place, I can't take this.

[info]wicked_son in [info]paragraffiti

Look! It’s Potter and Weasley as children!

[info]mrprongs in [info]paragraffiti

I think I've given up on this internet thing too soon. Muggle computers and internets can be very helpful on occasion when you're wondering what sort of sodding evil god brought you back from the dead only to put you next door to the greasy git.

[info]crossyourpath in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered from Mary Jane, Spidey and May

I'm happy for her...for them...but I really think I need to be drunk right now.

So I pose two questions.

1. Who wants tequila?
2. Does this make me the worlds biggest bitch?

[info]raheta in [info]paragraffiti

filtered to sam.

Oh my god, I love you, Sam. I really, really do.

[info]ex_middlechi142 in [info]paragraffiti

louis weasley! this isnt funny so stop your games and return me home right away.

[info]justcallmeal in [info]paragraffiti

filtered against anyone from his reality

I'm really starting to wonder if my family, both by blood and extended, have all gone completely barmy. If they have, which is entirely possible given how most of them have been acting lately, I blame this place. Not the people in it, but this place itself. It's making them all well and truly mad.

That being said, and while I realize there are very dangerous creatures that roam these streets, there are also now two extremely dangerous people from my home that are on the loose. They're even more mad than my family full of nutters, and will not hesitate to torture then kill most everyone here.

So please, be careful. Their names are Bellatrix Lestrange and Barty Crouch, Jr. and they were a part of a group where I'm from who took great fun in bringing harm to anyone who doesn't share in their extremist views.

And I would likely give my wand for a bottle of firewhiskey right now.

[info]doesntwearshoes in [info]paragraffiti

What is this Health Department I keep hearing about and why is it so worried about shoes?

{filtered to Tenel Ka}
I have a question. I know it's really none of my business, but that's never stopped me in the past so I'm just going to ask.

Why aren't you and Jacen married already?

And, while we're discussing Solo men and their inability to commit to anything more than an X-Wing and bad battle plans, what do I need to do to convince Anakin to take me out on that date he promised me?

At this rate I'm going to be older than Master Ikrit before I get to go on one.

[info]potter_harry_j in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered to his family and friends

(this includes Draco, Severus, Merope in addition to the usual people. As usual, does not include Peter, Narcissa, Bellatrix, and Barty.)

Now that Crouch is here, as well as Fenrir, the Death Eaters are swelling their ranks. Don't draw attention to yourselves, either in person or in the communications. If anyone is going to go after Bellatrix and Crouch for their actions, it will be in numbers, and with a plan.

Although I know it will offend them when I say this, remember that there are children in this complex, and we don't need them in danger. After all, some of you certainly gave me enough lectures about that when I was that age and fighting in the war.

The Weir (yes, I've named it, and in a way so it might be confusing to our enemies) has new residents, namely Severus Snape, Draco Malfoy, and Merope Gaunt. I expect that they will be treated with respect as is everyone else.

[info]kneelbeforezod in [info]paragraffiti

Interesting. I have seen a sign in the heavens. A snake and a skull. I wish to meet those who have made such a thing. I have a suspicion it may have to do with Mr. Riddle. A pity he has left, we were just about to have a discussion. But it is my understanding that his disciples are still present. Perhaps an alliance is in order.

[info]warrior_xena in [info]paragraffiti

Such a peculiar device, this is. Very unusual. I do not recognize this place. It is all so.. different. My army is not here, nor is Darphus. Did the gods do this? Or.. Alti? They better not have. If it was the work of some petty sorcerer, I swear on the head of Ares.. it will not end well for him.
Tags: ,

[info]neverforgiven in [info]paragraffiti

Yes, I am aware there is a Dark Mark in the sky. I will take care of it.

[filtered to Bellatrix]

You have my attention Aunty dear. Now what do you want?

[info]fleasaremurder in [info]paragraffiti

for the HP lot, no Death Eaters

Why are you lot not flying yet? We've got more than enough for a decent game of Quidditch.

And don't start ragging on about the bloody Death Eaters. There's been plenty of matches they haven't bollocksed up. I'm sure not planning on letting them ruin my life anymore than they already have.

[info]knivesandreo in [info]paragraffiti

Ugh, I really can't remember the last time I was this hungover.

Hey, Cox, why do I have a bill of sale for the bar we were at and a significant amount of money missing from my bank account?

don't work and rp, you end up posting to the wrong community, ha

[info]trismegistus1 in [info]paragraffiti

Hey, anyone want to go to the arcade with me?

[info]no_savior in [info]paragraffiti

[Filtered to the older Claire and Tahiri]

Claire, I'd appreciate it if you can teach Tahiri how to manage the front desk tomorrow, about 10? I'd like her to get some more experience. Show her the security cameras, the alerts, and the general idea of it.

Tahiri, I hope that's alright with you.

[just to Claire]

Anakin Solo has something planned, apparently, he just needs her in the lobby at that time. I know there's not that much involved to realy need to train someone, but help out, okay?

[info]yourecold in [info]paragraffiti

Happy birthday to me.

[info]ex_demonbloo908 in [info]paragraffiti


Interesting night last night.

[info]notthatanakin in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered to Peter Petrelli

Can you come up with some reason why Tahiri needs to be in the lobby at 10 tomorrow? Nothing to do with me at all obviously!

[info]zord_savvy in [info]paragraffiti

I may have a job again!

It's nice to be needed. Now if I can just figure out how to use the phone..This is quite strange. Has..anyone spoken with a Neil McHale before? I'd like to know what to expect before I go in. I'm trying to reach him and oh these phones are just so out dated.

[info]lavandula in [info]paragraffiti

[Filtered Against Death Eaters]

I only have one thing to say right now, and I honestly never thought I'd use this muggle word at all, because you muggles are so unimaginative when it comes to this but...


[ooc: In reference to transforming tonight of course. If you want to really bug her and get a big reaction (I might be looking at you Ron) now is a good time to do it]

[info]heretic_saint in [info]paragraffiti

I feel kind of strange for asking this, but, is there anyone else who likes to sit on a rooftop, or outside at night. In an uncrowded location, and just stare at the moon, or at least try to?

I probably sound insane, but I've always felt drawn to it somehow. Like, I could just stare at it all night, and be content.

Rather insane, huh?

[Filtered to Heather]

You still have my player?

[info]honestlyronald in [info]paragraffiti

Has everyone here gone completely off their bird?!

Really. If you spend your entire life hating someone, whether they're evil or not, d'you really think that you'd want to hop on a bloody broom and start playing Quidditch with them? No. D'you really think that you'd want to hear your little sister talk about how "oh, well, Ron he's not so bad" and act as though there's absolutely nothing wrong with the bloke who was supposedly working with him and went off and pretty much was supposed to up and off Dumbledore? What about all the tormenting he did? All the years of insulting our family and making us look like the scum of the bloody earth?

I am NOT playing Quidditch. Not if he's going to be there. And d'you know what else? If he's living with us, I'm leaving.

[info]mirajane in [info]paragraffiti

I need a job. Anyone know if there are any openings anywhere for a barmaid/keeper or a model... Oh, scratch that last part, anyone know a good photographer?

[info]slayerbee in [info]paragraffiti

So many baddies, so little time.

I think I'm gonna have a bumper sticker made with that on it. But first...I need a car.

[info]ex_demonbloo908 in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered to Jack.


[info]patientlykira in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered against badies

I just ate a whole pint of Phish Food. Is that bad?

[ooc: As always with Kira, Charlie Marquez is included in the badies.Especially since Charlie would say something to the effect of "Not pregnant, huh?"]

[info]rageofages in [info]paragraffiti

Ah, the pleasures of modern society and technology. I intend to familiarize myself with every available convenience and ensure the Castle incorporates the knowledge.

Mm and again, I extend my apologies to the young woman from the other night who refused to give her name. I do so hope there is no ... lasting damage?

[info]neverforgiven in [info]paragraffiti

[Filtered to Scorpius]

I've realised that with all of the serious side of being brought here, discovering I have a son and rediscovering my homicidally insane Aunt, I failed to ask some of the important questions in getting to know you. Which I would very much like to do.

So here goes.

Quidditch. Do you play? Or support a team?

[info]cowardlydevoted in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered to Lily Evans-Potter

Bellatrix "Nutter Than a Fruitcake" Lestrange seems to be under the impression that I'm pliable to her will and give a damn that He will be displeased with me.

[info]callmefred in [info]paragraffiti

If there was something...hidden about you. Something lost, and you had the chance to regain it not knowing what that something was, for good or ill.

Would you do it?

January 2010



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