September 14th, 2008

[info]brewingdeceit in [info]paragraffiti

Ridiculous piece of Muggle claptrap.

Perhaps someone can explain to me how I found myself at that cursed shack outside the school in Scotland one moment, and in this... apparent excuse for a proper city, the next? Also if anyone could further explain why I'm very much alive rather than dead as I distinctly remembering becoming before arriving here, that would also be beneficial.

In other words, for those dunderheads incapable of understanding phrases outside of the basic vocabulary of a small child:

How did I come to be here, and how is it I'm once again alive?

[info]nopoweroverme in [info]paragraffiti

filtered to friends, minus those who are Potterverse

OH MY GOD. IT'S SEVERUS SNAPE. And Lily Potter and Regulus Black and mini!Potters and Peter THE EVIL RAT Pettigrew and OH MY GOD.

It's like the higher ups decided to have a Harry Potter party!

I feel a little faint.

[info]sallys in [info]paragraffiti

So, whats a girl gotta do to get a decent job around here?

If said job involves photography (that is not of people) I'm your girl. Otherwise, I'm prepared to settle for McDonalds or something, just don't expect me to eat the food.

[info]thricedefied in [info]paragraffiti

[after this exchange on the way to this thread]

You all should be bloody well ashamed of yourselves! The next person to say something terrible to or about Peter will see the business end of my wand, do you understand?

I'm going for a walk.

[edited in after Sirius' is revealed to James and Lily, though Lily isn't saying that part unless others join in the thread, so all the responses to any comments come after that]

[filtered to those living/soon-to-be living in the Potterverse building]
Someone needs to tell me what happened to Sirius Black after James and I died and they need to do so now. Every part anyone knows.

[info]sevenhearts in [info]paragraffiti

filtered to sora.

Tags: ,

[info]pyramidcylon in [info]paragraffiti

I miss playing Pyramid.

[info]ex_demonbloo908 in [info]paragraffiti

[ooc: day after this. Sam really hates you, Anya.]

I'm really confused today.

[info]final_sacrament in [info]paragraffiti


People have been really generous in getting me an apartment and even a camera, so I keep telling myself I need to take whatever job I can get. I can't afford to play around at being an impoverished freelancer like I did back home.

But I am never, ever taking school pictures again. Was I that awful when I was a kid? I couldn't have been. They kept... shrieking, and punching each other, and a couple of them swore at me when the teacher was too busy to notice.

And I sat in gum.

[info]piercingfears in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered to good psychics

Do any of you ever desire to see only as others see?

[info]_djdanger in [info]paragraffiti

I feel..sick or something. Not ill sick..just..numb. somethings wrong with me. I haven't been able to sleep in almost two days now. every time I try I have these nightmares.. ..Nick now I wanna go dancing. We should do that. Maybe it'll make this weird feeling go away..

[info]took_a_map in [info]paragraffiti

Sitting here and trying to come up with an activity that would keep me stimulated and far away from the clutches of boredom, I have decided to put down in ink (permanent) an official list of people (who currently live here) who should keep their filthy, disgusting hands away from my baby sister.

Come Within a Five Mile Radius and Suffer the Extreme, Embarrassing Consequences.

The list is as follows:

Any member of *NSYNC

This list is subject to change and grow at any given moment.

[info]raheta in [info]paragraffiti


[info]blackblooded in [info]paragraffiti

Its just me isn't it, Im the only one here with any loyalty!


[info]robinindahood in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered to Faith

That offer for drinks still open?

[info]honestlyronald in [info]paragraffiti

Er, has anyone seen Ginny...?

Strike that. She' Again.

[info]indiana_android in [info]paragraffiti

Dawn, I have a cupcake with your name on it.

No really, it has your name on it. I wrote it in icing.

Want it? You know you do...

[ooc: He is so flirting with her xD ]

[info]yourecold in [info]paragraffiti

filtered to Jonas friends.

Let's dance.

[info]thebigbad in [info]paragraffiti

I wish I had ten billion dollars.

[info]fleasaremurder in [info]paragraffiti

Fiddle dee dee, said Scarlett. Fiddle dee dee indeed.

So, where ARE you all, my adoring fans?

[info]heartoftheteam in [info]paragraffiti

Did I get drunk again? Funny, I don't remember drinking that bottle of vodka on Hodgins' table..

Right... I don't know where on earth I am. In another person's house....

Oh bleeping bleep.

[info]fallenpriest in [info]paragraffiti

I believe it is time for a revolution my children. A new age for vampire kind is coming, it is time for us to band together against our foes.

[info]ex_onlygirl487 in [info]paragraffiti

Well, I can say I never expected to be here again, of all places. They didn't even let me finish my coverage of the Magpies vs. Bats game! Apparently patience isn't a virtue these 'powers' have. That is going to annoy me. Bloody hell, it's been what? A few hours for you? I've been gone for the better part of fourteen or fifteen years.

...and I think only the kids are home...oh Merlin, that can't be good.

Ron? I see that search party post, call it off, I'm fine.

Harry? James? Albus? Lily, love? You're all still here?

January 2010



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