August 15th, 2008

[info]yahwehwannabe in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered to Wizards, Witches & Magic users;

Could you give this city a helping hand? With that I mean, restore the light of the streets?

[ooc; Insert plot here]

[info]mamapetrelli in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered to Peter & Nathan Petrelli.

Am I I know I haven't always I wish I could be You don't hate me, do I'm sorry.

[info]ex_demonbloo908 in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered to Dean.

It's happening.

I can't let it happen. She's already gotten hurt and ---

You don't know what I'm talking about. Of course you don't know what I'm talking about.


Okay. You know that curse I have with the women? And them dying? Or going missing...or, okay, you weren't here for that. But I have this sinking feeling that I'm about to walk into a similar situation and I really don't want to.

You've gotta help me, man.

[info]patientlykira in [info]paragraffiti

And to think I was actually feeling good before. Would somebody kill that thing already?

[Sam and Dean Winchester]
I think I'm starting to understand the damn thing. It just wants to make you feel more and more guilty about whatever the hell it is you feel guilty about until you just want to fucking kill yourself. I know I feel more guilty now than before I talked to it.

[Jack Landors]
I think I need you right now.

[info]notthatanakin in [info]paragraffiti

{Private to Jacen and Jaina Solo.}

You guys do realize when Mara got dropped in here from right?. The war hasnt even started properly for her yet, but I think...I think she's already sick.

What do we do?

[info]thatstight in [info]paragraffiti

I don't understand.

I need to find John Connor.

[info]robinindahood in [info]paragraffiti

So I guess taking a step back from everything isn't so bad sometimes. Even though I still feel like I should be out there helping... Nothing like that to put things in perspective. I'm even starting to feel better about things I was confused about before. Until I start thinking about them. So I'm trying to keep busy Less confused in general, wounds are starting to actually heal. I'm even thinking of a trip to the beach soon.

Keeping with the latest trend of fifty questions on the board heres mine for everyone. Whats your favorite passtime, it really could be anything. I like light ball for example. D level game, but fun way to work out and relax at the same time. Or video games, those are fun too.

[info]sevenhearts in [info]paragraffiti

So, I don't know very many people here, and I think the most important part of saving the day is knowing who your friends are and what they're all about so you can help each other in the best way you can. And if there's anywhere that needs saving, it's this L.A. place! That said, tell me something interesting about yourselves, everyone!

[info]chuchie in [info]paragraffiti

Does anyone have an extra room or a place that I can stay? Preferably something that won't cost me $100 a night like this hotel room I'm staying in right now. But, I mean, I'll pay rent if you want. I just can't afford this much longer. And for me, that's saying something!

[info]raheta in [info]paragraffiti

47. And I want them out now.

[info]sardonic_moon in [info]paragraffiti

So this is where 'Hell' is located? Hmm, funny, it looks an awful lot like Los Angeles to me.

I suppose I should tell you my name. Establish a little get to know basis? Very well then.

My name is Vincent.

[info]_djdanger in [info]paragraffiti

So I had this...dream. I think it was a dream. Unless, Nick did we go for waffles this morning? I could smell waffles, but I couldn't find the waffles. Weird part was, there was only one hallway leading to one room where the waffles were, but I couldn't find them. All I had to do was follow the scent and take two steps to the left. Instead I just stared at Nick and Kevin blankly and asked them where the waffles were, but neither would tell me! Psy, do you have waffles? shaped like x-men? I think I feel better now I'm sorry about last night... Nick? I'll try a little better. It's mah birthday!

[info]rabiesforthewin in [info]paragraffiti

Can't say I'm too happy bein' here in Los Angeles. Never heard anything about Los Angeles bein' all full of them fairy tale imaginary friends. Now, I'm not saying anything, but most of you people here don't smell human at all.

I reckon I'm going to have to find a way out of this place. See, I've got something important to do. But, while I'm searching, I reckon I gotta take care of myself. Find myself a coin dealer, and a place to stay.

Then maybe I'll go fishing. You folks like fishing?

[info]patientlykira in [info]paragraffiti

Vacations? They rock. So much.

[info]yourecold in [info]paragraffiti

If Joe Jonas comes up to you and asks you if you can provide him with any fire creating instrument, tell him no and hide it all. I'm serious. He wants to do something on stage with fire and I'm not kidding when I tell you all that he'll set fire to half of L.A.

For future reference if he approaches you in the street.

[info]mugglelover in [info]paragraffiti

this is not little hangleton. this is not home. i do not know where i am. i do not know how this machine is working. it is so loud here. why are there no plants/ where are all the trees/ how do i get the question mark to work/ i can see it, it cannot work it. what kind of demon muggle contraption is this/

i want to know i need will someone help i demand as the heir of salazar slytherin that someone tell me what is going on1


[info]piercingfears in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered from Wolfram & Hart

I noticed there are many people asking questions. I have some of my own.

Is anyone knowledgeable about the tarot? My cousin's deck somehow came here with me and I would like to learn to read them.

Also, is there a man here with a large scar on his face? I keep seeing him, but I don't know who he is.

[info]heretic_saint in [info]paragraffiti

[Filtered from Heather.]

I'll kill him.   

[info]hislight in [info]paragraffiti

This isn't like any computer network I've ever encountered... does this have to do with the lack of traffic lights and television? I'm nto sure what's going on here.

At least school was canceled. Too hazardous on the road conditions.

[info]number_four in [info]paragraffiti

I have noticed we have two beings that are causing quite an uproar. I’m rather curious I must say. Who is this Magneto and Pyramid Head that I have heard so much about? These chaps both seem a spot of trouble.

January 2010



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