August 12th, 2008

[info]ex_chimichan376 in [info]paragraffiti

I for one welcome our new magnetic geriatric overlord.


[info]troika_andrew in [info]paragraffiti

MAGNETO'S HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!

Does being Jedi count as being a homosuperior???

[info]knivesandreo in [info]paragraffiti

Fantastic, now how will I ever know if Tre was the father or Monique was the lying slut he claimed.

Filtered to her Friends
Anyone know anything about this Magneto guy?

[info]ex_canikeeph833 in [info]paragraffiti

Huh, for such a long winded speech the end was kind of anti climatic don't you think? Colour me disappointed.

[info]heretic_saint in [info]paragraffiti

Good show.

Good show!

Absolutely amazing.

Judging by what I've been seeing, I guess the only thing you people do for fun is watch T.V.

Apparently someone did this. I don't really care why.

[info]_djdanger in [info]paragraffiti

whatever just happened, I didn't do it! This time I mean it, unlike the other night when I re-arranged Nick's sock drawer when he wasn't looking and blamed it on Kevin! I mean it was Kevin!..okay, now ..where am I? Aside from the obvious that I'm not where I was before.

[info]suicide_messiah in [info]paragraffiti

I'm going to go catch a movie. Anyone want to come with me?

[info]nopoweroverme in [info]paragraffiti

This is absolutely ridiculous.

I'm going to the video rental place before it gets swarmed. Cartoons are the priority, but anyone want anything?

[info]reluctantreaper in [info]paragraffiti

Did some crazy old guy with a penis hat just talk about genocide and turn all the TVs off?

I ask because I don't do drugs, but wouldn't put it past the waiters in this city to have slipped something in my drink.

[info]mamapetrelli in [info]paragraffiti

Nathan, I apologize profusely. At least you were smart enough to not threaten people with extermination when attempting to reveal our existence.

[info]raheta in [info]paragraffiti

Wow, I'm glad I don't rely on television to keep me sane. ... Yeah, that's sarcasm.

And because I have to. Sam? You wanna be Cricket's godfather?

[info]slayerbee in [info]paragraffiti

Is it wrong for me to be laughing?

[info]harlequinlady in [info]paragraffiti

Poor babies, are you gonna be lost without your television? Haha! This is too much!

[info]patientlykira in [info]paragraffiti

Apparently TV is out? And some guy named Magneto did it? Would somebody fill me in? I missed it.

[info]morallydamaged in [info]paragraffiti

I did not sign on for this three ring circus.

...wonder if I can outdo my last resignation.

[info]jesushcoxmd in [info]paragraffiti

Oh gosh. The city government that does absolutely nothing because it has little to no power in this city was just overthrown. Fear the mighty powers of useless bureaucracy. The ineffectiveness of this new regime will be told in stories by bums gathered around trash barrels for years.

Dear Mother of God, save us. It's only a matter of time before we get strangled by red tape or taxed to death!

[info]walks_again in [info]paragraffiti

[Filtered to Peter Petrelli]

[During the latter half of this post]

How long has it been since you were party to pulling a fast one on your brother?

[info]lavandula in [info]paragraffiti

When will muggles understand that a crystal ball works nothing like it does in some of those awful television shows, where the vision plays out in it like a movie?

Why are they all so obsessed to know about their futures anyways? Knowing what will most likely happen to me - I'd rather enjoy my life while I still can, not obsess over the darkness to come and be a complete emo the rest of you know...

[info]mortalmaster in [info]paragraffiti

Hm. If he wanted to be truly effective with his media threat, he should have targeted the Internet.

This place is descending into the absurd.

[info]nightherald in [info]paragraffiti

As evil goes, tell us this isn't the best the planet has to offer, Taking away the holos.

We could have been much more creative than that.

[info]faithinthedark in [info]paragraffiti

Now I'm pissed off.

This guy thinks he's so badass, taking away tv? Please, you should see me before coffee in the morning. He's just pathetic and annoying. Anyone got any complaints if I stake him? I know he's not technically a vampire, but I reckon it would kill him all the same. And it would make me feel better.

[info]saintlysimon in [info]paragraffiti

It seems there's a bloke named Magneto
The city's new man on the street-o
Ruling us all
With the world in his thrall
Which is surely making everyone bawl.

Or something like that, anyway - I really can't be bothered listening to every hubris-inflated old badger that pops along and fiddles with the tellies - they're better off off in the first place.

As for his message - well, everyone knows how wonderfully well testing the genetic superiority of portions of the population and then isolating and sentencing to death all the "lesser" ones has worked out in the past, after all. 

Tut, tut, it looks like a call to arms. 

[info]yahwehwannabe in [info]paragraffiti

All that talk about genocide is proving my uncle's Lucifer's his point. People would never stop from trying or wanting to kill each others.

Mm, I don't like to agree with him in this.

[info]pyramidcylon in [info]paragraffiti

What the hell is going on?

Is this some kind of frakking cylon trick?

Where am I? And where is Galactica?

January 2010



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