July 8th, 2008

[info]nopoweroverme in [info]paragraffiti

Has anyone possibly seen a very pretty blonde woman named Amalthea? She likes the parks the most.

She's a unicorn in human form. I don't know if that helps.

[info]nightherald in [info]paragraffiti

This world confuses us.

Brought here with no power that we can sense simply...taken.

Technology primitive but it will suffice...

But it is interesting all the same, inhabited by vicious creatures and its people with hate and love and lust and anger in equal measures.

And there are Jedi here too...we can tell.

We think we will like it here.

[info]ex_prettypoi831 in [info]paragraffiti

I've changed my mind. This place is not fun.

[info]saintlysimon in [info]paragraffiti

The only thing worse than losing a friend is losing a friend to something you can't get revenge on.

[info]ex_demonbloo908 in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered to Wolfram & Hart.

I need something. A spell. Maybe a room somewhere. Something powerful enough to contain a certain witch that we all share a common interest in.

[info]yahwehwannabe in [info]paragraffiti

[Filtered to Lucifer]

Something's up with my...

Well, I think it is time I'm sincere with my hosts. Are you still interested in that dinner?

[Filtered to Damien]

How are you, Damien? Mm, I've something to show you.

[info]faithinthedark in [info]paragraffiti

[Filtered to the Hyperion folk]

Hey guys, so I see Buffy's back, which is great.

So, yeah, I mean, thank you for the offer of the room and all (I mean, really, thank you) but you guys got the real Slayer with you now, so you don't need me crowding up the joint as well. I was thinking I'd hit some of the seedy.... wait, the seedier parts of town, see what Intell I can beat outta people about Darla. I'll let you know the second I find out anything.

You guys need me, just holler, I'll be there.

[info]_cullen in [info]paragraffiti

It seems like a long shot since people seem to have a tendancy to disappear without warning here, most likely to go back where they came from maybe that is for the best, but no one has happened to see a brunette girl named Bella?

[info]ex_chimichan376 in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered to all Evily Types Only

Howdy there local arch-nemesis, super-villains and random thugs who probably feel a bit inferior in this town,

Is there a tech-wizard in the house? I got something techy that needs some wizardry. Lemme know and I'll bring the noise if you got the funk.


[info]legalblonde in [info]paragraffiti

Now that I have my perfect face back

I seemed to have lost my intern and only friend in this weird demon-verison of Los Angeles. Would anybody like to go shopping? Anyone?

[info]witchseeker in [info]paragraffiti

Oh bollocks. Does anyone else have someone pretending to be them? Because right now, I could really choke a bitch.

[info]intheclock in [info]paragraffiti

Tyndale. Canseco. Wintergreen.

If that means anything to anyone then we need to speak.

Filtered to Superman, Wonder Woman, and Green Arrow )

[info]honestlyronald in [info]paragraffiti

Bloody hell! I splinched myself again!

[info]alwayslookingin in [info]paragraffiti

Pleased to meet you. Hope you guess my name.

[info]born_perfect in [info]paragraffiti

So... I see there's quite a few hunters around. I'm only looking for one though. Goes by the name of Whistler, anyone seen her?

[info]drsuresh in [info]paragraffiti

This is Mohinder Suresh.

Does anyone know anything about...randomly appearing in Los Angeles? And, if so, why? From what I can tell about this city, I don't think that should even be too odd of a question. Unfortunately.

Thank you in advance.

Actually, while I'm at it, does anyone know anything about the whereabouts of a girl named Molly Walker?

January 2010



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