June 19th, 2008

[info]thebigbad in [info]paragraffiti

I don't like Peter. Have I mentioned that yet? He's the most retarded person I've ever laid eyes on. And if you haven't noticed, I'm still expressing my extreme jealousy toward him through insults and witty remarks every time we cross paths. It was supposed to be me, you know. The big...whatever. The next Angel. The less sulky, more attractive, and all around fun loving hero that everyone looked up to and found themselves feeling very fond of. But then this Peter Petrelli just happens to swoop in, out of nowhere, and decides to take the reigns on the position that I've been living up for over a hundred years. Even when I was evil, I always had that spot. Back when I worked with Angel, Dru, and Darla, that is. I was the backup. Angel was the leading man. The day he went and got himself his soul, I suddenly turned into the leader. Dru looked to me for the answers. I was the one in charge. You'd think that it would work the same here! Especially with me dying and giving it all up! Everything! My life and my chance to be with Buffy! It's not right. Not fair, not right, and it disgusts me.

But fine. Whatever. Let the superfreak take all the glory. That was fine my be. You know why? Because Buffy was there. She was there, which meant that I had every chance to get what I wanted. And you know, it's a big deal for me, saying that I actually love someone. Usually it's just a drink and a shag and then I'm good and through with you! But with her? I'd never even think twice about taking another girl to the sack if she was obligated to me. Well. Okay. I'd have to think about it, but I wouldn't bloody well do it because I'm sure that no one could ever beat Buffy in bed anyway. Fact of the matter is, I was okay with it so long as Buffy was around. But now she's gone. Just like that. Poof. Out of my life. Again.

I love her, you know. And even though she said that she loved me, I don't think that it was true. Sure, she'll say it. But what about what's in her heart? Did she really mean it or was she just saying it because I was about to die?

Right. Well. I'm done with it. This internet thing. Tired of spewing out my fucking feelings to a bunch of people that I don't give a damn about. I'm finding a way out of this bloody city if it kills me.

[info]whowillsaveme in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered to Nathan Petrelli

Know anyone that has the capability to falsify documents? I've done it before, but I'm shit out of luck as far as having the resources to do it.

[info]fool_me_once in [info]paragraffiti

I'm a Power Ranger, red ninja, and blue zeo. Theres more of us in the city. 3 more as far as I'm aware.Why did I just write that on a PUBLIC forum. I injured myself and since then I'm not on active duty but I still do what I can to help. I passed on my powers to a kid named Justin. shit. What's wrong with me? Ever since then I guess I've been feeling powerless and unnecessary. I can still morph, it just takes a lot of energy and drains me. Hurts even. The hardest thing in the world is not to have enough power to fight with when you know your friends are in danger. I can't stop saying telling the truth.I think it, and then I just have to say it. What's wrong with me? -please tell me this is some kind of weird dream and I actually didn't tell the world who I was.

Adam any clue whats going on here?

[info]thebigbad in [info]paragraffiti

[info]potter_harry_j in [info]paragraffiti

Albus is gone....I feel like someone Stunned me.

Ron? Why the hell haven't I found you yet? Are you avoiding me? I couldn't blame you if you were, mate, but just tell me already.

I'm not afraid of Voldemort, not here, not ever. But I am afraid that if I try and kill him here, it will ruin my own world's timeline beyond repair. I'd have my parents back...but at what cost? And what kind of coward am I for letting him hurt people here, just to save my own world?

Merlin, I thought I'd filtered this...

[info]elder_nott in [info]paragraffiti

Magicked note to Narcissa

Come meet me for dinner at Chinois on Main. 9 p.m.

[info]tinyblondeone in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered to Peter Evans.

I need to get my memories back, no matter what pain it causes me. I can't take one more day of not knowing who I am.

[info]ex_demonbloo908 in [info]paragraffiti

[info]kitty_wolf in [info]paragraffiti

A curious question from the new girl in town, but anyone know of a nicely forested area around town that's pretty quiet?

[info]_cullen in [info]paragraffiti

Remind me to never again indulge Bella with my human food skills. I feel rather.... odd.

[info]thebigbad in [info]paragraffiti

Images under cut. )

[info]thexandman in [info]paragraffiti

[info]ex_cordychas618 in [info]paragraffiti

{Filtered to all Hyperion residents and associates}

Okay. We're about 99.9% sure that this truth serum stuff is in the city's water supply. Now, we're still working to see if there's an antidote, and at this point we know very little besides the fact that it is some sort of serum that makes a person tell the truth. However, that doesn't mean we're completely helpless.

First and foremost, we're going to need water folks. Now bottled water is great and all, but you can't exactly bathe in the stuff. Or, well, I guess you could but it'd be a major pain that I'd like to do without. So we need ideas. Either ways to re-purify the regular water, or... well... like I said, ideas. We may have someone who can help, but that's not a guarantee. So really, anything else that might work would be greatly appreciated at this point, because I for one am sick and tired of every person in Los Angeles telling the absolute truth.

Also - and I know this is tough at the moment - but if everyone could please keep this information to themselves, that'd be great. We don't want to offer solutions until we actually have one. And again, I know it's tough not to just blab out facts the second you learn them, but every single one of us is strong enough to resist that most basic of urges.

Seriously. Nobody wants to cause the city to break out in a panic. I've seen it before. It isn't pretty.

{Private to Peter Evans}
We need to figure out how to tell the other residents in L.A. that it's in the water without causing a citywide panic. Part of me wants to wait until we know more about the serum, if there's an antidote, etc. And part of me wants to go ahead and tell them so they'll stop drinking the stuff and re-infecting themselves. What do you think?

[info]adarkerfuture in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered to Hyperion Residents

I'm coming back, if I can.

[info]st_monica in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered to Gabriel Gray

So this is going to be kind of awkward, seeing as we don't know one another, but I kind of have a problem and I've been told by more than one person you're the guy to go to.

This might sound really trivial, with the whole truth serum in the water thing going on, but if I explain maybe not?

Thing is my ipod is broken. I guess I smashed it somehow when I got here. And I need my ipod. My cousin called me a muscle mimic, meaning anything I see, I can do. Whether it be Jackie Chan moves, or cutting a tomato into a flower.

Anyways, the long and short of it is. My ipod had all the skills I'd ever need to know on it, and well...looking at this place I might need to know them a lot sooner than I though.

So do you think you can fix it? Its a video ipod, and those don't exist in 2005. So if you can't...

Oh, and I'm Monica. I'm also staying at the Hyperion, I'm just...waiting until this truth stuff dies down before properly introducing myself.

January 2010



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