June 11th, 2008

[info]st_monica in [info]paragraffiti

How did I end up here? What is going on?! Where am I?! One second I was with my cousin, and then - I was here.

Is this some sort of joke? A trick? Dr. Suresh? Bob? This isn't some test is it? If it is it is NOT a good one! Am I dreaming?

Niki? Micah? Are you here?! Are you two alright?! Oh God, please tell me you're okay! Please, please, please tell me you're okay!!

Niki you can't be dead! You got out some other way. God, God, please don't let her be dead! It's all my fault if she is! I should have waited for the police! I shouldn't have tried to be the hero Micah saw in me!

[info]ex_spideysen651 in [info]paragraffiti

Hyperion residents.

My...daughter is here. It's okay if she stays with us, right?

[info]thebigbad in [info]paragraffiti

[info]arthurmumby in [info]paragraffiti

He won't let me go! I'm not even useful to him. I'm just a fourteen year old boy. A boring one, with some very exciting space travel stories. ..Help?

[info]no_savior in [info]paragraffiti


I'm out. Call if there's an emergency.

Keep her away from me for a while, would you?

[info]robinindahood in [info]paragraffiti

I don't feel so good since I tried to wake up this morning and that didn't go so well. Been laying up in bed most of the day now, everything hurts moving is pretty much a non option tried it, didn't go over so well. I think I'm sick and how this happened well..your guess is as good as mine. Kill me now. I've never been sick in my life as far as I can remember. Ontop of all that I'm starting to remember how I got here, and why I blocked it out insomnia's fun like that. I can't remember everything just lots of fire and the S.W.A.T. fliers, and ordering Sky back to Earth. It's all in bits and pieces but I don't...think I made it. I remember being pulled from the fliers and then everythings a blur from there. I think now is a good time to going back to fully living in the happy land of not coping.

[info]iwantmore in [info]paragraffiti

Okay. Who in the world is this Ashley Tisdale girl and why does she think she looks like me? Because she does not, at all!

Her nose, is nothing like mine!

And she could not sing if her life depended on it! Could she be any more nasal?!

[info]lostaussie in [info]paragraffiti

Hyperion Residents

Is anyone else in the mood for Oreos and peanut butter, because I sure am. It would be much more fun to eat them with someone else, then on my own.

And no I did not start doing this after that Lindsey Lohan movie. Peanut butter simply tastes good on - almost, everything.


Thank you so much for looking after Aaron for me! I think he is quite taken with you!

[info]_mayday in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered to the Hyperion Hotel residents

I figure I should introduce myself before people start asking who the random girl walking around here is.

Hey, I'm May Parker, and I'm fairly new to this city, and hotel, though I hear this is the best place to be. I'm still trying to wrap my mind around the idea that I'm now living with people who are fictional characters in my world. No one is ever going to believe me if I ever get back home. Which is probably for the best, anyway.

I'm sure I'll eventually meet most of you. Until then, if anyone here can hold their own in a game of one-on-one basketball, I challenge you.

[info]ellectricity in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered from Lex Luthor.

I just don't know how I ended up here...

January 2010



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