May 14th, 2008

[info]psycho_mantis in [info]paragraffiti

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[info]thexandman in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered to Hyperion Residents.

Hunter is looking into tracking Willow down for me. If there's a way to take her down long enough for us to get rid of all that dark magic in her, then I suggest we start working on finding it now. I know that like seventy-five percent of you don't even know Willow and maybe some of you don't really care about her the way that I do, but she's a good person and having her around will benefit us all in the long run. I'm tired of just standing around and doing nothing all the time. Sulking in my room in front of a blank TV set, wishing that I was a lot more capable of helping you all out with the heroics than I actually am. I'm tired of it. I might not have super powers and I might not be some stupid hero, but I refuse to sit down and wait it out any longer. I'm sorry. She's my best friend. I'm done with it. If anyone wants to get off of their asses and help me do something abou Willow, then feel free. If not? I suggest that you stay out of my way. Don't try and stop me from going after her. It's my choice. Not yours.

[info]firstofthenew in [info]paragraffiti

Okay. Since nobody else en't gonna do it, I reckon I'll explain Mantis.

Mantis en't like other people. He hears everything: what you say, what you think, what you feel, what you think and don't realise you think, what you're trying not to think, and what you're gonna think in.. ten minutes or something. That's why he wears the mask, cause it helps block some of that out. It don't help much, though, so he has a hard time concentrating enough to talk or communicate. So he talks funny. I reckon he talks in pictures, cause that's what I get from him a lot. When he can talk at all, it's mostly images. Symbols. That sort of thing.

He's got a computer in his room (which you don't wanna go near if he don't invite you in, by the way---he'll toss you out a window, no foolin!), but he don't type. He kind of does his own thing and uses his powers (I think he calls them psychokinesis. I looked it up, and it sounds right.) to hit all the keys, and so it comes out funny on the computer, too. It en't like he wants to be different, you know. He just en't got the coordination to do it by hand.

Now quit bothering him about it. He en't having a good week, and if you don't stop asking, he might squish you. I've seen him do it to a vampire! It en't pretty! And it en't like he's gotta be right there to do it, either, as me and the vampire was a couple blocks away when he did it.

Man, grown-ups are dumb.

[info]witchseeker in [info]paragraffiti

I've noticed that things are sort of.. uncontrolled around here a bit. I've decided to offer my services. I'm not just some teenage boy calling out to everyone for a little bit of recognition. I'm a seeker, and my job is to seek out people who use their magick for bad. If anyone is looking for someone specifically trained in this domain, I am more than willing to help. I won't charge anything and you can trust me when I say that I'm not just going to say I will help and then do nothing about it. I take my job extremely seriously.

January 2010



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