May 11th, 2008

[info]youknowthat in [info]paragraffiti

Does anyone care to inform me where I've ended up? I'm not quite sure myself, but I can certainly say that this was not where I expected to be.

[info]justnotcricket in [info]paragraffiti

[locked to Susan]

Susan? Do you think you might like to come by for tea this afternoon? I'd like to catch up.

[info]tinyblondeone in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered to Residents of the Hyperion

Peter didn't check back in last night.

[info]earnestly_ern in [info]paragraffiti

Despite what people might say, there really are some nice people in this city. I met a girl today who was nice enough to help me learn how to use your muggle currency. I'd be completely without food or lodging if it weren't for her. I'm really grateful.

And even though people keep telling me that there doesn't seem to be a way out of here, I'm going to keep looking for answers. If anyone would like to help me out a little, I'd really appreciate it.

[info]some_kinda_hero in [info]paragraffiti


[info]ex_waterbend910 in [info]paragraffiti

{Filtered to Hyperion Residents}

No one is to go looking for Peter alone. I repeat, no one is to go looking for him alone. Cordy and I will be back at the hotel within the hour. Anyone who wants to help can talk to us then, in the lobby. For now, everyone is to stay where you are. We'll find him, but not by running off and getting ourselves killed in trouble.

For now, if you want to do something useful, I need people who can to look online and make phone calls. We're looking for tranquilizers that, from what we can tell, are pretty potent. We'll know more about them by the time we get back to the Hyperion. Until then, everyone please stay inside. We can't afford to lose anyone else right now.

Also, until I get back, Veronica is in charge. If you figure something out, fill her in.

[info]satanicheart in [info]paragraffiti

Well, well, well~

Now this new location was certainly an unexpected surprise. I think I got the gist by the helpful passersby who were more than willing to offer me a hand. If I'm missing out anything, point it out:

✖ This is "Los Angeles, United States, May of 2005."
✖ There is no known way out.
✖ There is no "why" or "how" we're here, we just are. Shouldn't we be honored, hmm?~
✖ Those creatures with long teeth and unaesthetic facial features are vampires.
✖ They are fine if we call them vampires. Mmmmm~~ How refreshing.
✖ Nobody knows what "Lost Technology" is.

[info]nunfetish in [info]paragraffiti

Translated Text from Meth-to-English;

You were really kind to me to explain me what was happening, Nyssa. I owe you one. I think I finally got used this ancient piece of technology and, huh... I've learned a few words in "English" already! It's a strange new language. I should ask Esther about it when I return to István.

I have to return there soon. If anyone knows a way, I beg you to help me.

And... eh, does anyone know where can I shop for Aqua Vitae or UV Gel so I'll be able to move during daylight? Thank you!

January 2010



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