April 28th, 2008

[info]oracleinpink in [info]paragraffiti

My roots were showing and, apparently, here you have to dye your hair by hand. I think I got more on and in the sink than I actually did in my hair, and I'm pretty sure the hotel's cleaning staff is about ready to kill me. It's not my fault I don't have any cash to tip with! Paper money's kind of ridiculous.

I should probably try and get out of this room while they're still working on the sink. This much evil eye can not be good for the soul.

Don't suppose anyone's seen a good looking seventeen year old named Terry? Can't blame a girl for trying.

Man, this blows.

[info]exdevil in [info]paragraffiti

So. Who might be in charge here?

[info]tinyblondeone in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered to Scout

So...we've been tasked with bringing Buffy back. We know who has her. Spike is strong, I fought him myself and he nearly killed me. Of course I'm not exactly used to fighting... I'm not sure what it's going to take to get her back, but we need to work on something.

Maybe we can ask Clark and Kara and maybe a couple others if they feel up to the task. I'll go along myself, if need be. Even though stepping back in there would give me more nightmares than I've been having already.

We've got a lot of resources here, and I think it's time we used them and gave everyone a little hope back.

[info]tinyblondeone in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered to Hyperion Residents and those affiliated with Angel Investigations

I don't think I need to explain to any of you of the dire situation that we are in here. Kata has tasked us with getting Buffy back, and we don't want to let her down. We need our people here, and we need them safe.

Clark & Kara, I know that you two have great powers. I've read the comics, but I can't sit through an episode of Smallville because Lana is a whiny cow. Do you think that you can help with this?

Peter Petrelli the one with the sociopath girlfriend, the younger one, I think that you might be able to help with this, if you can. I don't know what the electric freak Elle can do against a vampire but we might be facing more than that.

Anyone else? Feel free to offer up suggestions. No one is to do anything until we formulate a well planned out scenario. We will be meeting in the lobby to discuss this.

Let me be clear here, NO ONE IS TO GO OUT ON THEIR OWN! We need to stick together here, if we have to lock down the hotel completely to protect people, we will.

Let's get this done.

[info]10thdoctor in [info]paragraffiti

[Filtered to those with something against Harold Saxon/the Master]

Uh... OK. I know Ianto Jones is Torchwood's responsibility and all that, and yeah... I was going to let you lot take the lead on this one. But the Master (Saxon) is my responsibility, and as such.. I feel like if he hurts Ianto, that's sort of my fault in a way. So, what I mean is... since no one seems to actually be working on a plan here, I'm either going to get Ianto back with you or on my own.

Rose, Susan, Romana? I'm going to take it for granted that you're in. Donna? Fancy an extremely dangerous mission? Gwen? Come on, Gwen Cooper, I know you're in, right?

Right. Owen? Jack? I know we have our differences, but we're better as a somewhat united front.

Meet at the Venice Beach Suites and Hotel, room 301, anytime from 7pm. If you're not there, I'll assume you're not interested.

[info]ex_meantform627 in [info]paragraffiti

Claire Bennet )

[info]yahwehwannabe in [info]paragraffiti

He's here! He's really here!

It's a nice day, isn't it? Maybe your chipmunks want to meet my new friends in the closest park, Giselle. Mona and Doyle are a couple of hedgehogs I just purchased.

[Hyperion Hotel Residents & Lucifer]

My friend, Mr. Lux, is here. And we're going to work together, setting his... business. He's teaching me the ropes so I would help him back home. This is very important to me. So, um, don't worry if I return late to my room. I'll be alright. You know how to reach me, right?

[info]no_savior in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered to Hyperion Residents and Angel Investitations

New Security Measures - READ THIS )

[info]ex_onlygirl487 in [info]paragraffiti

You know what I like? I like Quidditch. I like food, and family. I'm a big fan of the Great Halls ceiling. I'm a fan of hexes, and the Harpies. I also like the colours red, brown and green. I like the smell of my mothers cooking, and the Burrow. Shell Cottage is good too. Know what else I like? My boyfriend/future husband who is apparenty around here somewhere and yet I, personally, haven't heard from him at all (did he reply to you Ron?), and I can't take the suspense anymore. Harry, you may be from a different time than me but if I don't hear something from you soon, you are so dead.

[info]flightfromdeath in [info]paragraffiti

Harry Potter.

It’s so nice to know that you’re here and well. I hope you enjoy the city while you still have the chance. You and I, we’ll see one another soon I suppose. Bring your friends along if you’d like. The more the merrier. We’ll see how many of them I can kill before I get my hands on you. It will be an unforgettable time. I’m sure of that, just as I’m sure of the fact that you won’t be able to stay away.

And here's a small warning: You might want to keep those brats of yours close. Who knows what they could get into. Los Angeles is a dangerous place.

[Private to Damien]

I gave you something and now I want something in return. I know that, being who you are, you won’t find this all that difficult.

As you might have read, Potter is now among us. Although I personally have done nothing to him, he’ll find it necessary to try to get rid of me. If and when he shows his face, I might be in need of your assistance, especially if he doesn’t come alone.

January 2010



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