March 31st, 2008

[info]siredthescourge in [info]paragraffiti

Oh my. This is certainly an interesting turn of events.

Angelus, why didn't you tell me our dear boy was in town? I simply can't wait to meet him. Oh, and it was lovely to see sweet little Kathy again. Do let her know I'm thinking about her, won't you?

[info]bastila in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered to Baddies

I am surprised that none of you have managed to completely destroy the "heroes" yet. They seem to pose such a little threat.

Do you not have anything better planned than the darkness and the constant rain? Something that will really strike fear into their hearts, and show them once and for all they are no match to the Dark Side?

Or must I unleash my power on them?

[info]stillconnor in [info]paragraffiti

Not exactly sure who here does and does not know who I am so I guess I'll go ahead and introduce myself.

Hi. I'm Connor Reilly and I'll be staying at the Hyperion Hotel while I  visit an old friend (Angel) and I guess meet some new ones?

[info]its_the_hate in [info]paragraffiti

I think I left a decapitated head on a park bench… If you happen to come across it, don’t touch it. It could be carrying some sort of disease, and God knows, I wouldn’t want some poor, unsuspecting person inflicting themselves with anything disgusting. Now that I think about it, maybe I should go back and get rid of it, throw it in a dumpster or something.

Yes, I think I’ll be considerate and do that in a few moments.

But while I’m still sitting here, does anyone happen to know why I was shoved into a Los Angeles that is currently going through a year that has already come and gone? Last time I checked, it was 2007 and I was in New York. And also dead.

But don’t for one second get me wrong. I really am relieved to be alive, even if I am now two years in the past. I can easily get over that.

[info]thegoodguy in [info]paragraffiti

Hello friends,

My name is Henry Gale. I'm new to LA and I see that this board is ideal for meeting people. I have to say all this darkness and rain is very... different. Does anybody know what's going on? I have to say, I'm looking forward to meeting each and every one of you.


January 2010



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