January 27th, 2008

[info]thescout in [info]paragraffiti

Ok, yo, I think the microwave is busted or some shit.  I been trying to heat up this goddamn burrito for about the last ten years and it ain't going.

[info]thescout in [info]paragraffiti

into the valley of death rode the six hundred

This is sweet as fuck

music video of that Iron Maiden song "The Trooper" and it's about the Charge of the Light Brigade

[info]therealvillain in [info]paragraffiti

Arthur, how would you like to come to my mansion sometime? You can meet my wife. Ohh, and.. there's plenty of candy, cookies, drinks, pencils, and anything else you might like.

[info]braidedbaka in [info]paragraffiti

So, like...what do y'all past folk people do for entertainment around here? I'm getting bored. Isn't this city supposed to have an eternal sparkle of glamor with something to do 'round every corner? 'Cause all I've come across is dudes in dire need of plastic surgery thinking it's a good idea to try and attack a Gundam Pilot guy like me. Which isn't.

And speaking of that...what is up with them turning to ash? I mean, killing isn't a new concept to me, but the whole exploding into dust at the end of the whole ordeal is a little strange. Like something out of a classic an Anne Rice novel.

which is retarded, 'cause vampires ain't real

[info]trappedinatower in [info]paragraffiti

{OOC: For those who don't know, Annie can't write very well (if at all, in any real sense of the word) and she doesn't communicate as others typically would. Her pictures are usually warnings of things to come, although they aren't necessarily set in stone. Typically drawn with crayon on paper, they resemble a small child's artwork, which is just another indication that although she is fifteen years old, her autism keeps her forever trapped in the mindset of the innocence of childhood.}

[info]ratbarf in [info]paragraffiti

One way to make a potato gun more fun is to use such as a baked potato

because that seriously annoys your target

especially when afterwards you put bacon bits on him

[info]sandrock in [info]paragraffiti

I think my heart is trying to leave my chest. Allah, I hurt.

It feels strange, having time to pray properly again. Before, I was lucky to get in the three most essential prayers, and most religious observances were quite impossible (besides zakat and sawm, of course, because it isn't difficult to be charitable or go hungry). I never liked practicing while in one of the colonies, anyway; it isn't the same as being on earth where you can really face Mecca. To be honest, though, I haven't been a very good Muslim in a long time. It's hard to, when you're fighting a war that hasn't been sanctioned by your faith.

I have to believe that I won't be condemned for this. I'm doing what's right. Why else would I have been cursed to be able to feel others' pain, if it isn't to help those people?

January 2010



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