January 17th, 2008

[info]dreammaker in [info]paragraffiti

Wow! There's a whole lot of English here! Rin-sama says that it's the same way all over this country, but I've only ever been in Tokyo, so I wouldn't know. And I haven't really been alive that long, either. Gosh, has it been as long as two years?? I'll bet it has! Wow! A whole two years!

(I'm actually supposed to be stocking the new items, but Rin-sama had this computer out, so I wanted to try it!)

It seems like there are a whole bunch of people on this network, and most of them seem to be pretty used to unusual stuff happening, so that's good!

Wow, typing's hard with no fingers. I'll have to practice more so I'll get faster.

[info]missrosetyler in [info]paragraffiti

I was wondering if perhaps anyone out there knew of any good places to go dancing? Or a really good pub?

[info]psycho_mantis in [info]paragraffiti

it's holding me, morphing me
and forcing me to strive
to be endlessly cold within
and dreaming i'm alive

and i want you now
i want you now
i'll feel my heart implode
and i'm breaking out
escaping now
feeling my faith erode

like music
stop humming !

head hurts

[info]arthurmumby in [info]paragraffiti

I have the notebook finished for you, Mister Luthor if you wish for me to bring it around at some point.
I would have called you over the telly foam, but the last time I used it some old dame shrieked in my ear. To be brutally frank with you, it gave me quite the fright and I never want to go near one again.

Does anybody know what happens when you get hit by one of those moving tin squares on the roads? I almost got hit by one this morning. I want to know.

[info]psycho_mantis in [info]paragraffiti

one down - t w o to g o

Cordelia; hearts beat like th un der
one mindcracked (likeminelikemine) & one wi s e
so ancient
old old older thanhumans

. FireLord troubled ?

January 2010



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