January 9th, 2008

[info]starscreamingly in [info]paragraffiti

This isn't Earth's moon.

Los Angeles?

I wonder if I'm dying.

[info]theliaison in [info]paragraffiti

To anyone that seems to be displaced in time: if you would like some assistance, please do let me know. I may be able to help you work with your current situation, and perhaps even be able to help you function in this place in a more permanent fashion.

All you have to do is ask.

[info]firstofthenew in [info]paragraffiti

Wow! That's the biggest droid I ever seen! I en't even sure it's a droid. Dad. We should go check it out.

I been sleeping a lot better, so. Thanks, Mantis, Ben. It was real nice of you to help. Am I really going to grow up to be that person? And is that stuff really going to happen to me? It was bad enough in the dreams.

Ugghhh, it's so cold here. Bring the 120 degree weather baaaaack.

[info]thecriminal in [info]paragraffiti

So, uh. I'm really fictional? Apparently I was in the Breakfast Club. I'm Bender..
Was I any good? Because if I wasn't, I'd like to go kill my actor self. Do I have an actor self? What does he look like now. Can I kill him?
I'm so fuckin' confused.

[info]bastila in [info]paragraffiti

Apparently I am...video game character?

I don't know if I'm flattered or insulted.

[info]ex_kingdomas994 in [info]paragraffiti

This isn't quite what I expected L.A to be like, I was just in a bar and a strange man asked me to go outside with him. Obviously I refused, I'm really not that sort of girl but isn't it normal to offer to buy someone a drink before you ask that sort of question?

Anyway my name's Sarah Williams. If any casting people or agents see this I'm an actress, you should have heard of my mother - Linda Williams? Anyway I'm looking for work at the moment if anyone could help me out.

January 2010



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