January 5th, 2008

[info]your_beloved in [info]paragraffiti

Charlie-san, really.

I truly do appreciate the assistance for Yayoi-kun, though. I wonder what I'm expected to give in repayment.

[info]ex_thepyro59 in [info]paragraffiti

Hey, where's a girl go to get some mj? I didn't see it at the grocery, yeah?

[info]ex_airbendin357 in [info]paragraffiti

Hey! Zuko. You need to teach me Firebending. I mean, I did okay against that last thing at the zoo with just the other three elements, but if it hadn't been some kind of fire-creature.. um. Well. It's just good that it wasn't.

I really hate this place. It's so polluted. I don't think I'll ever get used to it.

I'm not even bothering to hide Appa anymore, really. People stop in the zoo and feed him all the time. No one's seen me yet, but it's kind of funny that everyone just sort of takes Appa for granted. I guess Flying Bisons aren't that weird here.

[info]ex_waterbend910 in [info]paragraffiti

Considering how advanced this world is when compared to my own, I think some part of me naturally believed that human behavior would be far more advanced as well.

I wish that were the case but clearly, it isn't.

[info]touchofdestiny in [info]paragraffiti

hello? anyone?

the girl told me to use this strange thing to talk to others

[info]sithlord in [info]paragraffiti

Something...doesn't feel right.

[info]continuum in [info]paragraffiti

Lions and tigers and bears, oh my! Or should I say one who can turn into all those with a push of a great green button - only into some variant of an equivalent off-worlder. But, if I were to make a reference using the technical terms for those, I'm afraid the general population here wouldn't understand the gist of what I'm saying. It's so sad that I have to dumb myself down to get my point across to these pathetic peons...even towards those who can't read properly, such as those who are blind or have difficulty seeing when it is not completely dark out. Tsk tsk. Flawed and flawed some more. A pity not all creations come out so perfect like myself. The Borg have nothing on me, campers.

Yes, throw a fit and run wild. Up in arms about the fanged and furred getting along or not at all, and how the former makes one's skin craw to the point it's hardly standable. Ooo, goosebumps! Oh, boo-hoo! Don't cry me a river over such nonsense - save your tears, for they could save soemone's life, y'know. Just don't let yourself be hunted like the fanged, furred, and not-right. Men with guns who see what others don't could possibly take you down in a heartbeat. The siblings and those around them pack quite a punch. Almost as much of a punch as those who rule other worlds or hail from them, but beware the glow of the green rocks! I hear they can be very harmful when used right. Clever, clever bad man. Oh so clever.

Pity to those who should've gone and yet are still here. A burned you are to time, but a comfort to a lonely girl in need of a family member who isn't as cold or distant as those already here. Almost like it came straight from a novel - it sure is cheesy enough. Lucky for you two to have such a tale, though luckier for those who were born lucky. Like the one with pink horns and silver wings and the one spawned from two of the non-living. Some have lived many times before - at least part of them, but it's unfortunate the talent of before is not immediate for those of the now. Said the actress to the bishop. Too bad this ain't a TV show...wait, no. It would have poor ratings, even if things went ablaze, little miss the. Miss, miss, miss...missing, passing, jumping, LAND! Too bad you three are grounded, or so it seems. Going to scurry off? No one would notice. I would, but I wouldn't care. The Q care nothing for your kind, lords, nor your little pets.

Oh look at the moon! So full, so bright, so full of life despite the fact that she didn't join it. Unfortunate? Perhaps. Fortune favors those who didn't crash, along with those who did. What a parody. Even more of a parody for he who's heart is not locked in a box. Thump thump, thump thump-a. Don't forget the hat or the dirt - those are always important. Almost as important as the one who haunts your mind - no, not him and not you. The other. Wrong gender and different time, little one. As the one with no abilities what it's like to be the normal one among talent; calm down with your salts and herbs.

...you are all so dull. How I long for Jean-Luc's ship. He was far more entertaining.

January 2010



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